How to Trash, Permanently Delete, or Restore Documents


Trashing Documents

From Review Tab

Select documents from the gridview individually or in bulk and hit "trash" at the bottom menu.


From Batch Status Page

1. Click data > imports > name of batch you want deleted.


2. You will want to click into the documents unique to this batch so you do not incidentally delete documents that are duplicates from another batch.


3. You can then bulk select all documents and then hit "trash" at the bottom menu. Notice how the search is built for the documents unique to this batch.


3. The gridview for this batch should now be blank.Blank_Trashed_Batch_Page.png

4. If you would like to remove the batch entirely, go back to batch status page and click the blue hyperlink.Click_into_batch_to_remove_entirely.png

5. From there, scroll down to the bottom right and hit "trashed documents".Click_batch_trashed_docs.png

6. Hit the dropdown > select all matching documents > delete. Please note: this will only pull trashed documents from this specific batch and will not display the rest of your trash.Select_All_docs_in_trash.png

7. Once the documents are entirely deleted from the batch, you can go back to data > imports > batch and "delete this empty batch".delete_this_empty_batch.png


Restore or Permanently Delete Documents from Trash



NOTE: The documents are NOT RECOVERABLE after they are deleted from the trash

From here, you can choose to restore or delete documents. You have until the red purge time to restore documents before they are permanently deleted.Restore_OR_Delete.png

Trash Settings

Edit purge time: settings > general > "edit" under trash.Set_Trash_Time.png

You can alter the time until documents are purged from your trash here:Choose_Purge.png

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