Sorting Documents FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions

Outlined below, are some of the frequently asked questions we receive related to grouping and sorting documents. 

Changing the Order of the Documents Listed in your Grid View
In Grid View

When viewing your documents, click the column header you would like to sort by to sort in ascending then descending order. You will need to select the particular Folder or Issue when sorting by either of those criteria.


In Chron View
When viewing your documents, press Change Sort Criteria.


From the dropdown, select the identifier you’d like to sort by.  You can also invert the ordering (descending or ascending) by pressing the yellow arrow.

Sorting by Multiple Criteria (e.g. by Author, then by Date)
We currently only support sorting by one field at a time.
Sorting by Bates Number

If you run a search using the Search window, or Advanced Search, Bates will be a choice by which you can sort your results. Use the following syntax:


The bates_prefix above is the prefix you have been using for your bates numbering.  If you are looking for any document with a Bates number, you can simply search for bates:*

Once you get the results, in Grid View click the yellow arrowScreen_Shot_2017-07-13_at_9.09.37_AM.png next to Bates column header or in Classic View go to Change Sort Criteria and choose Bates

In Grid View


In Chron View change_sort.png

If you run a search using the Filters, Bates sorting will not be available.

Sorting by Folder Path or File Path

If your files were organized in specific source folders and subdirectories before import and you would like to maintain that folder structure after import to Nextpoint, you can upload to the File Room and import accordingly.

After import, you then add the Root Folder and File Path to your Grid View and sort accordingly and/or recreate the same folder structure by creating and applying a corresponding folder in Nextpoint.

Sorting Document by Email Date & Family Order

Foldering a document list: 

  1. First, make sure you've created a folder.
  2. Do a search for document_type:Email (or Filter to Coding Fields > Document Type: Email)
  3. Sort the document list by document date
  4. Select All Documents
  5. Bulk Actions
  6. Apply/Update Folder > Choose your folder
  7. Check Grouped by email family, including related documents *be sure to review the additional options here.
  8. Click Update Documents
  9. Now your folder is applied to the document list in order by Email Date, with Emails and Attachments grouped together.


Exporting Documents:

  1. Do a search for document_type:Email (or Filter to Coding Fields > Document Type: Email)
  2. Sort the document list by document date
  3. Select All Documents
  4. Export > Export As Combined PDF, As Individual PDFs, a Loadfile, or Treatment
  5. Click Include Child Documents *be sure to review the additional options here.
  6. Click Export Documents


My documents are grouped as related documents, and I don't know why
This is likely caused by uploading a zip file as a single document, rather than as a batch of documents. If you intend to upload several docs in a batch, you must zip them up, and upload as a batch. If you upload this as a single document, it will be processed, and a relation will be maintained (much like an email will be related to it's attachments). This may cause problems, e.g. you see a note that "Too many related documents to display." and you will be unable to set your review status as a result.


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