Using S3Fox to Transfer Files to Nextpoint


Please note: Nextpoint has released File Room, a secure, easy drag and drop feature that will upload large sets of data. This change will make it easier for non-technical users to upload data to their Nextpoint database and remove the need for S3Fox for uploading. To learn more about your File Room, click here.



1. Using Firefox, browse to and select "Download".

2. You will be taken to an add-on screen, click "Add to Firefox" to add the extension.

3. When the "Install Add-On" box appears, choose "Install Now".

4. Firefox will install the S3Fox add-on and alert you that Firefox needs to be restarted.

5. Restart Firefox.

Setting Up S3Fox  

1. Open Firefox.

2. In the main Firefox menu, choose "Tools" then "S3 Organizer".

3. Click "Manage Accounts" in the upper left hand corner.

4. Fill in the "S3 Account Preferences" form. All of these credentials can be found by going to SETTINGS > Import tab in Nextpoint. They will be displayed in the File Room section.

  • Account Name: Name this account any way you like
  • Access Key: Use the access key found on your Import settings page in the Nextpoint application
  • Secret Key: Use the secret key found on your Import settings page in the Nextpoint application


5. Click "Add".

6. Click "Close".

7. Enter the File Room path found on your Imports settings page in the Nextpoint application into the box that contains only "/" on the top right of the screen.

8. Press enter and the remote file list on the right hand side of the screen will refresh showing the files in your File Room.

9. You are now connected to your File and can begin transferring files.

10. When uploading files, click the right arrow on the interface and select "Upload/Set custom headers".

  • In the Custom Headers field enter:  x-amz-server-side-encryption:AES256
  • Click "OK" to begin the upload.

Importing Your Documents into Nextpoint from S3Fox

Once these files have been transferred in S3Fox, they can be imported into Nextpoint by following the instructions below.

1. Select Import Files. (This will be in slightly different locations in Prep and Review):

Prep: DOCUMENTS > "Import Files"

Review: DATA > Import > "Import Files"

2. Click "Add File From File Room". For more information on using your File Room, click here.

3. Select the folder you would like to import, and click "Add selected file(s) to list". All of the files within the selected folder will be imported.

4. After the files appear on the right side, click "Finalize Selection"

5. When back to the main import screen, select "Import Files".


6. You will receive an email notification with the results. You may view the batch details by clicking Import/Export at the top of the landing page.

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