How to Create and Use Database Templates


Have you ever setup the ideal database format for a particular case team or area of practice and wanted to be able to easily repurpose in a different database? 

If you would like to copy that ideal format, or maybe standardize the database format within your firm, Nextpoint has developed an easy workflow below for setting up templates and copying them to new or existing databases.  

Talk to the Experts

Our Client Success team members have years of experience as paralegals, case managers, and trial consultants, to name a few. Contact us at to further discuss your firm-specific needs in developing a template library.

Setup Your Database Template

  1. Navigate to your Account Dashboard, create a Database Template Project, and title appropriately.



  2. Create a new database, name appropriately (e.g. Family Law Template), and associate with the Database Template Project.


  3. Navigate to the newly created Database and Import a .zip file of test data via Drag & Drop.
  4. Navigate to the SETTINGS tab and customize the Responsive Issues, Privilege Codes, Confidentiality Codes, and (custom) Fields which you would like to incorporate in your database template.
    • Tip:  If you need to set up a Field formatted as a List, it is recommended you set up a Locked List as opposed to a “List” type to ensure once the fields reach the destination database that they stay in tact.

    • Note: Folder tags on documents will only be copied over via exchange from Discovery databases to Litigation databases, and not Discovery to Discovery. However, documents can be exchanged interchangeably between both platforms.
  5. Once all custom coding is set up, navigate to DATA >> Imports >> Click on the total number of documents in your batch.  
    • Tip: You can also add these documents to a folder if you prefer to not navigate back to Imports every time you want to replicate the coding in the future.
  6. Once in your grid view of documents, click into your first document and apply as much of your custom coding as possible and then click Update & Next.


  7. Move forward through as many documents as necessary to apply every coding value to a document.  Documents without coding applied can be trashed from the database

Duplicate Your Template

Once your database template has been set up as outlined in the above steps, you can utilize as many times as needed to create/modify databases with the same set-up.  To do so, follow the three quick steps below:

  1. Search for asterisk * to pull up all documents in database.  Then, Select All > click Exchange


  2. Configure your Exchange
    1. Step 1: Select Destination
      1. You can create a new database directly from this point.  Simply give it a name and designate if it should be a Discovery or Litigation database.
      2. If transferring to an existing database, you will need to navigate to that destination to obtain the Exchange PIN under SETTINGS > Export/Exchange > Exchange PIN Settings
    2. Step 2: Load File Review
      1. Since you are completing an internal exchange, selecting "No, I do not want to review the loadfile." is sufficient.  For external exchanges, we recommend reviewing the loadfile.
    3. Step 3: Configure Transfer
      1. Include Privilege Status/Codes, if applicable
      2. Include Responsive Status/Codes, if applicable
      3. Select Additional Metadata which is part of your transfer
      4. Submit Exchange
  3. Once processing is done in the destination database, trash the transferred documents from their respective incoming batch.  Your coding fields should remain in tact.
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