During a Data Mining project, you may need to run reports to share with the court, your team, and/or Opposing Counsel. You will likely also need to export culled data for review in your Nextpoint database. Here is how you can export from the Data Mining tool:
Exporting Reports
- Navigate to the "Export" tab in your Data Mining instance.
- You have the option to toggle between "S3 Exports" and "Reports." Select the "Reports" option.
- Click on the "Generate Report" button.
- Name the report you intend to export.
- Select the "Report Type" you would like to produce. Currently, the report options are "Import Summary Report," "Search Hit Report," and "Error Breakdown Report."
- Click the "Next" button.
- If you selected the "Search Hit Report," you will be taken to a list of the slices created for your data set. You can select one slice to populate the search hit report.
- Then click the “Generate” button.
- If you selected the "Import Summary Report" or the "Error Summary Report," you will be taken to a list of previous import batches. You can select one or more import batches to generate either of these reports.
- Then click the "Generate" button.
- Once the report finishes processing, it will appear in the Report List (it will remain greyed out while processing). You can access the report by clicking on the hyperlinked name of the report.
- From there you can download the report as a PDF.
Report Options:
- Search Term Hit Report – A report that contains all project searches to which the files in the data set are responsive. Users have the ability to isolate searches to only report back on the specific searches they want included by slicing data to include those searches. See the Sample Search Term Hit Report below.
Import Summary Report - A report of basic information on a list of selected import batches including data on size, total documents per batch, dates that the import batches were run and processing time. The report also includes size and file counts for the overall data set and the combined selected import batches. See the Sample Import Summary Report below.
- Error Summary Report - A list of selected batches with a summary of processing errors by type, a list of archives that failed to import, and summary of each import batch including size, document count, the number of archive errors in that import batch and the processing date and time. The report also includes size and file counts for the overall data set and the combined selected import batches. See the Sample Error Breakdown Report below.
Exporting Data
- Navigate to the "Export" tab.
- Select the “S3 Exports” Tab at the top of the page. On this page you also have access to information about all of your previous exports.
- To generate a new export, click on the “New Export” button.
- A window will appear asking you to name your export.
- You can then select the “Slices” radio button. You also have the ability to export a previous import by selecting the “Imports” radio button in the rare case that you may need to export a full set of files you imported.
- Select the slice(s) you want to export.
- Click the “Next" button.
- You will see the name you’ve chosen and the slice(s) you’ve selected to import. There you can assign the destination location of the export from a list of Nextpoint database file rooms already entered into the Data Mining platform. You can also add a new S3 location (e.g. an additional database’s file room) by selecting the “Add New Location” option and entering the AWS S3 Keys.
- Click the “Next” button.
- Select the folder to which you want to export the data set. Currently, you must create the folder/subfolder in your database’s file room prior to exporting to it (as you cannot create a folder during the export process).
- Click the "Export" button and your export will begin to run.
- The “Status” column will indicate when your import is complete. Once complete, you can click on the hamburger (3 dot) menu next to the import to view details about it (size, file count, timing, exporting user, and export location as well as the slice(s) included in the export). You may also edit the name of the export from this window. You may also download an error report about the export or delete it from your list of exports. Deleting the export from this list will NOT delete it from the location it was exported to. Once this "Status" shows as "Complete" you should have access to your data in the file room or s3 location chosen for the export.
Next up: Data Mining - Glossary
Or view one of the other support resources in the Data Mining series:
Data Mining - Project Dashboard
Data Mining – Uploading and Importing Data
Data Mining - Searches and Search Groups
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