Common Import Warnings and Solutions


Error Messages:



"Incomplete PST file import/extraction."

Same error as "Unable to extract unprocessable files from PST."

What does this mean?

Nextpoint is able to process most PST files. If you have received a PST Error in your Batch Report, there is corruption within the PST and at least one files has not been extracted correctly. The PST file most likely needs to be repaired and uploaded again.

What can be done to correct it?

To repair a PST you can follow this short tutorial from Microsoft: How to repair your Outlook PST.  Please make sure to make a backup copy of the original PST file before attempting repair.

If the unextracted files within the PST have occurred in locations that are of no consequence to your review, (e.g. Calendar, Tasks, etc.) you may choose to ignore the errors and proceed. We urge you to please review the errors carefully before continuing.

If you need additional assistance, please contact Nextpoint support at

Warning: If you need Nextpoint to help repair PST errors and reprocess all the files in the PST, do not start your review until we re-import the new batch.



"Email format was downgraded to plain text."

What does this mean?

These emails contain anomalies that prevented Nextpoint from processing their HTML code normally. When this happens, Nextpoint processes the plain text version of the email instead.

Frequently, this leads to successful processing of the basic text content of these emails, but without embedded images or styling.

What can be done to correct it?

If the styling or embedded images are not important to your review, it may be OK to ignore this error. However, you should first spot-check these emails to verify that their text is intact.

If the content of these emails does not look acceptable to you, please contact our Client Success team at to inquire about reprocessing them.



"Extracted page count didn't match expectation."

What does this mean?

Occasionally, this is not a serious issue. For example, an Excel spreadsheet may have different page counts on different computer print settings.

In more common scenarios, the document may be corrupt, password protected or too large or complex to be processed. The document was still imported into Nextpoint, but may not contain any content.

What can be done to correct it?

Download and attempt to open the native outside of Nextpoint.

  • If the document opens and contains content: Try to "print to PDF" the documents pages and "Add pages" to your import so that you can review the pages in Nextpoint. 
  • If the document does not contain any content: Try to re-import the original source file and add those pages to the document later on.
  • If the file is corrupt: Corrupt files typically report a size of 0KB or will trigger an error message when you try to open them. Sometimes files are corrupted during a transfer from one disk to another. Ask your source to re-send the file or provide a better copy.
  • If the file is password protected: Unlock the file on your computer and upload a copy without password protection. Ask the custodian or your client's IT administrator for the password.

Note: If an image of the file isn't necessary, an image-exception-placeholder can also be substituted for the exhibit.


"Files was too large to process."

What does this mean?

The file size or resolution is unusually large, and it isn't practical for review software to image it.

What can be done to correct it?

Frequently, our clients decide to use a placeholder for these documents and review them in their native format by downloading them to a local computer.


"Skipped document with invalid page range."

Same error as "Skipped loadfile line for missing file."

What does this mean?

The image range start/end (or Bates start/end) did not make sense sequentially (eg: DAN00076 - DAN00043, or DAN00076 - JIM00084). It is most likely a loadfile error.

What can be done to correct it?

Correct the image range of the specified document(s) and create a new loadfile containing the impacted rows.



"Truncated data in (field name)."

What does this mean?

A field's value exceeded the character limit for that particular field and thus the text was not fully populated. This warning is applicable to any text field (recipients, cc, bcc, shortcut, custom text fields etc).  Further information on the character limits for various field types is located here >>.

What can be done to correct it?

If you are importing native files and determine it is important to populate more than the character limit for any particular field, please contact your Account Director or our Services team at for options to expand the character limit.

If you are importing produced data with a load file, and anticipate certain fields to contain a lot of text, you can avoid this by setting those fields as the “Paragraph” field type, which is less susceptible to truncation.


"Unable to create document."

What does this mean?

There was most likely a system or network error during processing.

What can be done to correct it?

Import the file again. If you get the same message, try importing the file using a loadfile that includes any desired coding information.



"Unable to create page."

What does this mean?

There was most likely a system or network error during processing. As a result, the document was imaged, but does not appear to include all its original pages.

What can be done to correct it?

Examine the loadfile for this import and locate the document with missing pages. Import these pages into Nextpoint, where they can be added to the previously imaged document and positioned accordingly.



"Your import reached an unexpected error."

If you receive a notice of error, and the screen displays "Your import reached and unexpected error", this message is indicative of an issue with the data being imported.  It can be a number of things that cause this to happen, each unique to the data set.

If you receive this error with corresponding "no anomalies message", please contact for further data assessment.



"Encoding error in load file, please convert to UTF-8."

If you receive this warning, Nextpoint was unable to parse your load file for processing due to the encoding.

To resolve, please save your load file with UTF-8 Encoding.  Open your load file in a Text Editor (Sublime text shown below) > File > Save with Encoding > UTF-8.  Preferred is UTF-8 without BOM, but UTF-8 with BOM should also resolve the issue.

Note: The steps to update encoding may vary depending on the text editor you are using.  If not intuitive in your text editor of choice, locate instructions by searching in any browser for "how to update encoding in [insert text editor name]".


Once saved, upload to File Room in the same location where your original load file is located.  If name the same, the correctly encoded load file will overwrite your initial load file.



"Filtered duplicate file."

If you receive the "Filtered duplicate file" warning, you've attempted to import duplicate files in the same import batch. Regardless of your deduplication settings, you are not able to import the same file multiple times in the same batch. The file will be imported once and any relevant metadata that is different (like file path) will be merged on import. If you need to import the same file multiple times, you will need to import it in separate batches.

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