Common Overlay Errors and Solutions


Overlay Results Reporting

After any Overlay processing is complete, you will be notified of the processing results in two different locations. 

The first, is the status within the main Overlay batch list, located via DATA > Overlays (MORE > Data > Overlays in a Litigation database). Here, the statuses will read as green Complete, yellow Complete With Errors, or red Error

Anything marked with a Complete With Errors or Error status should be reviewed for further action.


The second location where you can gather additional details on the processing error is within the Overlay batch details page.  This can be accessed by clicking on the name of the batch  > the Overlay Errors tab.

Here, you will find a description of what caused the error.  Outlined below is a list of the various types of errors and how to address in your Nextpoint Discovery or Litigation database.



Table of Contents

Complete with Error Messages

A Yellow Complete with Error Overlay status indicates that part, but not all, of your overlay processed as expected.  The errors will need to be reviewed and addressed as necessary.

"Skipped Duplicate Document in load file."

What does this mean?

Your overlay file included the same document key more than once. 

What is a document key? A document key provides Nextpoint with instructions for locating documents in your database which will be updated with information during the overlay.  This will always be a Bates start number or Nextpoint Document ID.

Therefore, if your overlay file contains varying information for the same document (key), Nextpoint cannot determine which information should be prioritized.  We will overlay the first instance of the document key we encounter, but the second instance will be skipped and the overlay processing will continue on.

What can be done to correct it?

Review the Overlay batch details page, and specifically the Overlay errors tab contained within. 

For any document key reported as a duplicate, verify the desired data was overlaid.  If so, no further action is required.  If not, we recommend you prepare a paired down overlay file of only the document key which does not have the correct information and run an additional overlay.


"Load file row did not match any documents in the database."

What does this mean?

Your overlay file included a document key which does not exist in your database.

What is a document key? A document key provides Nextpoint with instructions for locating documents in your database which will be updated with information during the overlay.  This will always be a Bates start number or Nextpoint Document ID.

Therefore, if the document key cannot be located during processing, it is not possible to overlay information.

What can be done to correct it?

Review the Overlay batch details page, and specifically the Overlay errors tab contained within. 

For any document key reporting as not found, verify the information (spelling, number, etc...).  If there was a typo error throughout the entire overlay file, we recommend you modify your overlay file and rerun.  If the document key does not exist in the database, it is worth evaluating further where that information should have gone and ultimately preparing a modified overlay file which will be rerun in a separate overlay batch.

Please Note: If your Overlay batch details page reports "Load file row did not match any documents in the database. Key field: .  [EMPTY ROW]", it is likely your overlay file contained what appears to be blank rows, but in fact, there are empty cells which are read by our processors and thus reported as a non-match.  If you encounter the aforementioned warning, we recommend you review the full processing report as illustrated below.  If the only error is the empty rows, you can ignore the warning and move forward with your review.



Error Messages

A red Error Overlay status indicates that your overlay did not process.  The root cause of the error will need to be addressed and your overlay run again.

"An Unknown error occurred. Please check the load file formatting."

What does this mean?

Likely a network timeout issue, but the root cause is unidentifiable. 

What can be done to correct it?

Please retry your Overlay. If doing so does not resolve the error, please contact for further data assessment.


"Encoding error in load file. Please convert to UTF-8."

What does this mean?

If you receive this warning, Nextpoint was unable to parse your overlay file for processing due to the encoding.

What can be done to correct it?

To resolve, please save your overlay file with UTF-8 Encoding.  Open your load file in a Text Editor (Sublime text shown below) > File > Save with Encoding > UTF-8.  Preferred is UTF-8 without BOM, but UTF-8 with BOM should also resolve the issue.

Note: The steps to update encoding may vary depending on the text editor you are using.  If not intuitive in your text editor of choice, locate instructions by searching in any browser for "how to update encoding in [insert text editor name]".


Once saved, upload to File Room in the same location where your original overlay file is located.  If name the same, the correctly encoded overlay file will overwrite your initial overlay file.


"Unable to parse the load file. Please check the formatting."

What does this mean?

If you receive this warning, Nextpoint was unable to parse your overlay file.  It could be due to the encoding as described in the aforementioned error, but it can also be indicative of an issue with the data being imported.  It can be a number of things that cause this to happen, each unique to the data set.

What can be done to correct it?

To resolve, please first try to save your overlay file with UTF-8 Encoding and rerun your overlay.  Open your load file in a Text Editor (Sublime text shown below) > File > Save with Encoding > UTF-8.  Preferred is UTF-8 without BOM, but UTF-8 with BOM should also resolve the issue.

Note: The steps to update encoding may vary depending on the text editor you are using.  If not intuitive in your text editor of choice, locate instructions by searching in any browser for "how to update encoding in [insert text editor name]".


Once saved, upload to File Room in the same location where your original overlay file is located.  If name the same, the correctly encoded overlay file will overwrite your initial overlay file.

If the above does not resolve the error, please contact for further data assessment.

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