Accepted Transcript File Types


Litigation accepts TXT, PTF, PTX, PDF, LEF, CMS, or ZIP formats for your transcript files.

A description of each is outlined below:

Extension   Description
TXT   Text Files are “raw” transcripts—text-only files and are considered universal.
PTF   Portable Transcript Files are created with RealLegal E-Transcript software. Unlike EXE files, PTF files are not blocked by firewalls or virus protection software. They are also smaller than EXE files, so a preferred file format for many.
PTX   E-Transcript files have their proprietary .ptx file type.  PTX files are small and easy to email and contain the transcript in full-sized and condensed forms as well as the word index.
PDF   Portable Document Format is a file format which can be viewed on any type of computer. 
Note: We make a best-effort attempt at processing PDF deposition transcripts, but not all PDFs will be correctly converted. If possible, we suggest you use one of the other supported deposition transcripts file types. Otherwise, the accuracy of the resulting deposition transcripts should be verified after import.
LEF   LiveNote evidence format enables you to receive transcripts with the related evidence seamlessly integrated and ready for import into Nextpoint (e.g. Deposition exhibits already scanned and hyperlinked in the text). 
CMS   A synchronized transcript in the native TrialDirector .cms format.  Can be paired with video files for synchronized viewing of the transcript and associated video clips.
ZIP   Multiple transcript files of the types outlined above can be compressed in a .zip file and imported at the same time.  Nextpoint will unpack and process all files contained within.


Transcript FAQ

What format is needed to be able to link the video to the text?

For video and transcripts to play together, they need to have a sync file which is the CMS file.

What format is needed to be able to import the transcripts into Litigation and have the exhibits link automatically?

You need to import a LEF file for exhibits to be automatically hyperlinked in the transcript.


Return to Importing Transcripts: Deponents and Proceedings here


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