Preparing Witness Binders


Identify and Prepare Your Witness Binders

Whether you are heading into a deposition, arbitration or trial, it is important you understand your case and are familiar with the documents you believe your witness can potentially be shown during his or her testimony. The below steps will assist you, your team, and your witness in preparing for an examination.


Identify Your Material Print Your Documents Print Your Designations
  1. Create Document and Transcript Issues for your witness. 

    To designate documents to a particular Witness, you will utilize the Document Issue.  If you want to extract clips of deposition testimony as related to a specific witness, it is suggested you set up a corresponding Transcript Issue in order to make page|line designations.  This will allow you to later search across all content related to that specific witness.

    WitnessBinders1-1.png    WitnessBinders1.png
  2. Search for exhibits to be used for the witness.
  3. Use sorting features to order documents; by date, by exhibit numbers, and so on.  Then apply the issue to your documents.  Add the documents to the issue one at a time for a custom order.

    Add issue to individual document


    Add issue en masse via Bulk Action

  4. Create document treatments, and save them to your issue/folder.


  5. Designate deposition testimony to your issue/folder. 
    • You can use the notes section of each designation to individually identify each clip. (See Clip CE01 below.)



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