Litigation Transcripts
Import and Sync
- Working with Transcripts in Litigation
- Adding Users in Litigation
- Accepted Transcript File Types
- Litigation Settings and Database Customization
- Litigation FAQ's & Help Topics
- Importing Transcripts (Deponents and Proceedings)
Video Depositions
- How to Create Transcript Sub-Issues
- Setting Up Custom Fields for Documents in Litigation
- Coding Documents in Litigation
- Setting Up Custom Grid Views in Litigation
- Tagging Search Results with Bulk Actions
- Creating Designation & Objection Clips on Transcripts
Import and Sync
Deponents Main Page
- Run keyword searches across deposition population. Upon running any keyword search in Deponents or Proceedings, you can download a Search Hit Report across all respective transcripts. See second graphic above.
- Please note, if you would like a search report for both proceedings AND transcripts, you will need to run your search in each section.
- Import transcript files. For more information on importing exhibits, click here.
- Transfer Deponent (or Proceeding) transcript to a secondary database.
- Download a Summary Report spreadsheet of all designations/clips.
- Filter alphabetically by transcript.
- Edit transcript (Deponent or Proceeding) name.
View color-coded designations and issues associated with a deposition.
Download original transcript file.
View video associated with a particular transcript.
View all documents (exhibits) related to a particular transcript.
- Click Quick Links to view all depositions associated with a designation or issue.
- Upon clicking a particular designation or issue in the Quick Links, you can also download a Clip Summary Report which is a PDF report of the various deponents and the designated testimony. This selection option will appear at the top left next to "Transfer Deponent" (#3).
- Upon clicking a particular designation or issue in the Quick Links, you can also download a Clip Summary Report which is a PDF report of the various deponents and the designated testimony. This selection option will appear at the top left next to "Transfer Deponent" (#3).
- Transcript Settings - Click here to view and edit Deposition Transcript and Video Sync Information.
Deponent Detail Page
Download original transcript file.
- Create page/line Designations or Issue Designations
- Designations made will appear as color-coded circles on the left side, or exclamation points if there are notes. Objections will appear on the right. For more information, click here.
- Access More options, where you can Download or Delete a transcript file or Edit information. For more information, click here.
- Search for keywords within the deposition.
- If there is a video, you may view here. For more information, click here.
- Click on a time stamp to jump to that spot of the video deposition.
- View current designations via the "Browse" drop-down menu. You can toggle amongst each designation by clicking on the blue hyperlinked text.
- You can create and apply fields to your transcript. For more information, click here.
- Designation clips can be bulk imported. For more information, click here.
- If you have two sets of designations clips which you need to merge into one comprehensive designation set, you can do so via "Merge".
- Various designation export functions are available. For more information, click here.
- Relate exhibits to your transcript via a Folder, view related documents from a list, or create/view hyperlinks within the deposition. For more information, click here.
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Working with Transcripts in Litigation
* This functionality is available for Advanced users only. If you're unable to add a user, contact an Advanced user on your team.
On the top of any page (in Litigation), navigate to MORE > Users.
Click the Add New tab.
- Type in the email address of the person(s) you want to add
- Choose their Access Level from the dropdown menu
- Click "Add with Invite".
Return to Litigation Workflow
Adding Users in Litigation
Litigation accepts TXT, PTF, PTX, PDF, LEF, CMS, or ZIP formats for your transcript files.
A description of each is outlined below:
Extension | Description | |
TXT | Text Files are “raw” transcripts—text-only files and are considered universal. | |
PTF | Portable Transcript Files are created with RealLegal E-Transcript software. Unlike EXE files, PTF files are not blocked by firewalls or virus protection software. They are also smaller than EXE files, so a preferred file format for many. | |
PTX | E-Transcript files have their proprietary .ptx file type. PTX files are small and easy to email and contain the transcript in full-sized and condensed forms as well as the word index. | |
Portable Document Format is a file format which can be viewed on any type of computer. Note: We make a best-effort attempt at processing PDF deposition transcripts, but not all PDFs will be correctly converted. If possible, we suggest you use one of the other supported deposition transcripts file types. Otherwise, the accuracy of the resulting deposition transcripts should be verified after import. |
LEF | LiveNote evidence format enables you to receive transcripts with the related evidence seamlessly integrated and ready for import into Nextpoint (e.g. Deposition exhibits already scanned and hyperlinked in the text). | |
CMS | A synchronized transcript in the native TrialDirector .cms format. Can be paired with video files for synchronized viewing of the transcript and associated video clips. | |
ZIP | Multiple transcript files of the types outlined above can be compressed in a .zip file and imported at the same time. Nextpoint will unpack and process all files contained within. |
Transcript FAQ
What format is needed to be able to link the video to the text?
For video and transcripts to play together, they need to have a sync file which is the CMS file.
What format is needed to be able to import the transcripts into Litigation and have the exhibits link automatically?
You need to import a LEF file for exhibits to be automatically hyperlinked in the transcript.
Return to Importing Transcripts: Deponents and Proceedings here.
Accepted Transcript File Types
*This functionality is available for Advanced users only.
Whether you are exchanging rolling productions from Discovery to Litigation, have started to carefully curate the most important documents in building your case story, are preparing for upcoming depositions, or getting organized for an arbitration or trial, Nextpoint Litigation enables you to customize your database according to your specific needs.
To customize your database, hover over More in the main Litigation navigation and click on SETTINGS.
This will take you in the main SETTINGS interface where you will find five key categories to customize:
- General: Houses the Trash setting, which is a specified number of days in which trashed documents can be restored back to the database with all previously existing coding.
- Documents: Create and/or modify all settings related to organizing and managing your documents, including but not limited to, folders, document issues, exhibit stamp formatting, key term highlights, and more.
- Transcripts: Create and/or modify all settings related to both your deponent and proceeding transcripts, including designations, objection reasons and transcript issues which can be applied in a page/line format. Additionally, you can can create Transcript Fields made for more powerful transcript management and searching.
- Import: Houses all settings related to importing. It is important to ensure your Import Settings are in place before you import as deduplication, deNIST and attachment index all apply during the import process.
- Exchange: Create and/or modify all settings related to endorsement templates (Bates stamp patterns), using Nextpoint Exchange, and templates for exporting image, text, natives, and load files or indexes.
Take a closer look at each Litigation Settings Category in the below drop-down:
Note: All (blue) headers for each Setting "type" are hyperlinked to further details covering the creation and application of same.
Documents moved to the Trash are recoverable until the specified time-to-deletion has expired. The default time-to-deletion is 90 days. You may change this setting at your discretion by clicking Edit and modifying the set time frame.
Note: Deleting items in the Trash will permanently remove those items from your Nextpoint database immediately.
Use to organize groups of like documents. (e.g. “Witness A Exhibits”). Folders can be applied to documents individually or with a Bulk Action.
Document Issues
Use to categorize research, communication or work product. (e.g. “Damages”). Document Issues can be applied to documents individually or with a Bulk Action.
Includes all default metadata fields and can also be used to add more details to documents. (e.g. “Attorney Notes”). All fields in this section can be applied in bulk or to an individual document and are also searchable if a value has been populated.
Hot Fields
Use to denote important fields and ensure they are immediately accessible when coding. You can "Add New" to designate one of your Fields above as a "Hot Field", and once added, you can Reorder the order in which the Hot Fields will appear in your coding panel.
Redaction Reasons
Use to categorize redactions. Reason(s) are placed on each redaction box when applied (e.g. “Client Privilege”).
Grid View Column Templates
Create reusable templates that determine the layout of document lists, including which information is displayed and how columns are arranged. Choose from these custom Grid View Column Templates when viewing search or filtered results.
Exhibit Stamp Template
Create reusable exhibit stamp templates which correlate to Folder names/prefixes and determine how a document will be stamped.
Key Terms
When Key Terms mode is enabled in the Document Viewer, any words or phrases you set up as Key Terms under SETTINGS will be automatically highlighted for reviewers' reference.
Note: Key Term highlights will not appear on imaged documents exported from Nextpoint. To accomplish this, use the Highlight function in the Image Markup tool.
Use to categorize a group of testimony clips. (e.g. “Plaintiff Initial Designations”). Check the “Will be used for objection type” option to denote designations which will be used to apply objections clips. Once created, you can apply to both Deponent and Proceeding transcripts as page/line designations.
Objection Types
Use to categorize objections to designated clips. (e.g. “Hearsay” or “Relevance”).
Note: If you want to create Objection clips on your transcript(s) and subsequently apply an Objection Type, you must check the “Will be used for objection type” when creating your Designation as described above.
Transcript Issues
Use to categorize a group of clips/testimony for work product or tagging (e.g.“Environmental”). Once created, you can apply to both Deponent and Proceeding transcripts as page/line designations.
Transcript Fields
Use to organize transcripts by a set of default fields (Volume, Date, Witness Type, Case, Deposing Attorney, and Defending Attorney), or create your own for more robust organization and searching possibilities. All Transcript fields are searchable.
Click here for more information on working with Transcripts.
It is important to ensure your Import Settings are in place before you import as deduplication, deNIST and attachment index all apply during the import process.
The custodian is the individual with administrative control of a document or electronic file (e.g. The custodian of an email is the owner of the mailbox which contains the message). Custodians can be set up prior to or during import and are assigned to a data set during the import phase.
Occurs on import. When enabled, Nextpoint processes only one copy of duplicate files. Duplicate occurrences are preserved within the document record.
Occurs on import. File types identified as unlikely to contain relevant information are removed.
Attachment Index on Email Images
Occurs on import. An attachment index will be present in the header of imaged emails when enabled. If you are importing a data set which has been produced to you and images are provided, Nextpoint will not override the images with the Attachment Index.
Endorsement Templates
Endorsement templates allow you to specify bates format, custom endorsements, and native placeholders for document images.
Exchange PIN Settings
Obtain a secure PIN and designate an Admin user for data transfers. PIN is used by parties transferring data to your Nextpoint case.
Export Templates
Create reusable templates to format data for exports. Oftentimes used in conjunction with a corresponding load file template.
Load File Templates
Create reusable templates specifying fields included in exports.
Litigation Settings and Database Customization
- How do I add a user?
- How do I import data to my case?
- How do I create a folder or issue?
- How do I add coding to documents?
- How do I upload depositions?
- How do I designate testimony in a deposition?
- How do I search for documents using multiple criteria?
- How do I change the order of the docs listed? Can I re-sort them?
- How can I save my search?
- How do I tag the results of a search?
- How do I print documents?
- How do I export a list of all document metadata/coding/identifiers?
- How do I export a list of designations with their objections and notes?
- FAQ's about processing
Help Topics
- Theater; Document Treatments & Presentation
- Preparing Witness Binders
- Organize Your Demonstratives & Work-Product with Share
- Exporting: Deposition Designations, Coding Data
- Stamping Trial Exhibits
- Search, Advanced Search Techniques and Filters
- Working with and Searching Depositions and Transcripts
- Trash Settings
- Video Tutorials: Litigation Organization and Litigation Optimization
Return to Litigation Workflow
Litigation FAQ's & Help Topics
Nextpoint's Deponents and Proceedings sections allow lawyers to group transcripts together, by category, so that groups of transcripts are always organized, searchable and easy to navigate.
Import a Single Transcript, or Batch Load Multiple Transcripts
1 | Initiate the Import Process
At the top of the main Litigation navigation, click on the DEPONENTS (or PROCEEDINGS if that's what you need).
Click the blue Import Files button.
2 | Select your Transcript File
If the transcript file resides on your local drive, select Add File From Computer to select your deposition (or .zip file if uploading multiple depositions). You can also connect your Dropbox to a transcript file if it is stored there.
If the transcript file has previously been uploaded to your File Room, select Add File From File Room. For more information on File Room, click here.
Accepted Transcript File Types
Litigation accepts TXT, PTF, PTX, PDF, LEF, CMS, or ZIP formats for your transcript files.
Want more info on each transcript file type? Click here >>
3 | Set the Transcript Name
After you select your transcript file, you can set the deponent/proceeding name via one of the following three options:
- Have the system determine the deponent automatically,
- Add as a volume to an existing deponent, or
- Provide a new name.
4 | Finalize your Import
Click Import Deposition Transcripts (or Import Proceeding Transcripts, as applicable).
Processing Note
Nextpoint auto-detects and sets the standard metadata fields for your deposition & proceeding transcripts upon upload. Occasionally, electronic transcripts have issues and the fields aren’t correctly identified during upload, but you can always manually edit this information by following the instructions below.
Edit Your Transcripts
After your transcripts have finished processing, Advanced users can edit the transcript date, volume number and start page, and also import any associated videos and sync files. For more information on working with video depositions/proceedings, click here >>
Once inside the transcript itself, click on Transcript Settings in the upper right side of the page.
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Importing Transcripts (Deponents and Proceedings)
Video Depositions
Beginning on September 19, 2022, Nextpoint users are able to export video clips that they have designated in a transcript. Users can export individual clips, a set of individual clips as separate video files, or a compilation of a series of video clips.
The clips can be useful in many situations such as an opening statement presentation, a replacement for live testimony, or impeachment evidence for a witness and can be completed with little additional effort, right from the app!
To export video clips, first a video transcript must be imported and synced. Additionally, clips can be exported per designation or transcript issue, so at least one must be present prior to exporting clips.
Steps to export a video clip:
- Navigate to the “Browse Clips” section on the right-side panel when viewing a transcript.
- Select the Designation type or Transcript Issue you would like to export from the drop-down menu.
- To export an individual designation/transcript issue clip, click on the
icon next to the page/line indicator for the clip you would like to export. Your clip will assemble then export to the location defaulted for downloads on your computer. You can also access your individually downloaded videos under "More" > "My Downloads."
- To export multiple designation/transcript issue clips, check the box(es) next to the clip(s) you want to include and click on the “Export” link below the clip panel. Click the “Export Clips” radio button and then choose between exporting one “Clip Compilation” (with a brief fade out and in between clips) or a set of “Individual” video clips. Clips will appear under “More” > “Data” > “Exports” in your database. You also have the option to export as CSV.
- The total runtime of a series of clips will appear above the clip panel next to the word “Runtime.” Selecting all clips (by checking the box above the clip panel) will return the total time for all clips included in this designation or transcript issue.
We don't recommend using this feature to export entire depositions but rather to export short clips designated as important to your case. One specific limitation of this feature is that clip exports cannot span multiple imported videos. So if a clip begins on imported video 1 (shown as #6 on the screenshot above) and continues into video 2, the clip export will error out. A possible work-around for this issue is to break the clip up into 2 parts (one from the beginning of the clip to the end of video 1 and another from the beginning of video 2 to the end of the clip.
If a clip is not included in the synced video (common for introductory material at the beginning or notes at the end of a transcript and very rarely designated), then the play button and individual export button will not be available for that clip. If it is included in a multi-clip video export, that designation will not appear as a video (as none exists).
Video Transcript Clip Export
Nextpoint allows for the import and management of transcripts and their associated video (if any). Outlined below are instructions outlining how you can import transcripts, associated videos, and exhibits, and work with same
Follow this link to learn how to upload your depositions in detail. To summarize the instructions, click on the TRANSCRIPTS tab, then click the "Import Transcripts" button.
If the deposition file resides on your local drive, select "Add File From Computer" to your deposition (or .zip file if uploading multiple depositions). If it has previously been uploaded to your File Room, select "Add File From File Room".
We accept ASCII, PTF, PTX, PDF, LEF, or CMS filetypes.
Navigate to the DEPOSITIONS tab and click on the deposition you uploaded (highlighted in blue).
In the upper right, click on Transcript Settings.
In Video Sync Info, click on Import Syncfile.
Use My Device, Dropbox, or your File Room to locate your sync file (we accept dvt/xml, cms, sbf, vid, or svi sync files) and click Import Syncfile.
To upload your video, click on the DEPONENTS tab and click on your desired deponent transcript. In the upper right, click on Transcript Settings > Edit.
In the Video Info section, click Import Video.
Select My Device, Dropbox, or Add File From File Room (we accept mpg, mpeg, mov, mp4, avi, or wmv files) and click "Import Video".
When your video finishes processing, you will have an option to stitch them together under 'Deposition Presentation Video'. Complete this stitching process, and then moving forward, you will have the ability to watch the video clips alongside the transcript text.
Additionally, you will now see the Theater icon next to your Transcript under the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tabs.
- Designating Testimony, follow this link.
From the Designations box on the right side of the page, browse and Choose a Folder or Issue from the dropdown. From the dropdown options, choose one of the Folders that has an * next to it (* indicates active designations).
Click on the play icon below the video designation you'd like to view and your video will start playing in the window in the upper right corner. Click on the pencil icon to add important information regarding the specific clip. Click the trash icon next to a designation to delete it.
- Watch Full Screen Video Clips in Theater, follow this link.
Nextpoint Litigation allows you to link exhibits to transcripts in two ways. You can relate a document to a deposition or proceeding transcript, and once a document is related, you can create hyperlinks within the transcript.
To relate exhibits to their associated transcript, first import the transcript via the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tabs. You can then import and relate the associated exhibits in one of two ways:
This option is beneficial for importing and relating multiple documents/exhibits:
- Navigate to MORE > Data > File Room and upload the transcript exhibits, Import accordingly.
- After import, create and apply a folder for the particular transcript's exhibits (e.g. "John Smith Exhibits").
- Once the exhibits have been imported and the folder applied, navigate to the related transcript via DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS and click "Relate Folder" under the Related Documents drop-down.
- Select the folder of exhibits you would like to relate to the transcript, and click "Submit"
- The documents/exhibits contained within the selected folder will then show as being related to the transcript in both the transcript viewer and from the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tab.
This option allows for the import and relation of only one document at a time.
- Navigate into the desired transcript via DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS.
- Click blue "Import" under the Related Documents drop-down.
- A new window will prompt you to give enter a Title and Shortcut for the document, as well as any Link names that will become hyperlinks in the transcript. Add File From File Room/Computer or Dropbox to locate the document file, and click "Import Related Document".
- The document/exhibit selected for import will then show as being related to the transcript in both the transcript viewer and from the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tab.
After you have related a document to a transcript, you can add hyperlinks for quick access when viewing the transcript. Click on the button to open the edit window. Enter the Names you would like to create hyperlinks for, then click Make Edits.
The Document Names will now appear as hyperlinks within the transcript.
- Clicking on the hyperlinked title within the Related Documents section will toggle amongst each entry of that specific exhibit in the transcript.
- Clicking on the hyperlink within the transcript will open that exhibit in a new tab of your browser.
- Import a new document to relate to the transcript.
- Click on the document name to jump to each entry of that particular exhibit in the transcript (when hyperlinked).
- Add or Edit hyperlinking to the document
, or delete the relation
- Open the document in a new tab of your browser.
- Insert text which should be hyperlinked within the transcript.
- View a list of all the related documents in a new tab of your browser.
Want to learn more about working with transcripts and videos? Contact your Account Director or our Client Support Team at
Return to Litigation Workflow
Working with Video Transcripts in Litigation
How to Create Transcript Sub-Issues
1. From a litigation database, navigate to More/Settings/Transcripts.
2. Scroll down to Transcript Issues and select Create New. Here you will have the option to designate the issue as a sub-issue by checking the box:
Once you have created a sub-issue, you'll have the option to assign it to a clip within a transcript. This is similar to the way designation and objection clips are created.
- Click on the first line you'd like to set as your designation starting point, a green arrow will appear.
- Click on the last line you'd like to set as the end point, and a red arrow will appear.
- Choose your Issue or Sub-issue from the dropdown.
- Click "Submit".
Now you will see the newly created clip under Browse Clips on the right-hand side:
How to Create Transcript Sub-Issues
* This functionality is available for Advanced and Standard users only.
Nextpoint Litigation has many standard metadata fields, such as Author & Document Date, present when your database is first created. You may want to create more fields to allow you to import the metadata from a legacy database, or just to help you get a better handle on your documents. You can create as many as you need, here's how:
At the top of the home page click MORE > Settings.
Click to view the Documents tab, and under the Fields section click "Create New".
Choose a Title for your coding field, and select the Input Type - there is a brief description of each kind. To learn more about Input Types, click here.
When you are all set, click "Create".
If you choose to make the field a List, Locked List, or Picklist, you will be able to enter values. Enter a value, then click "Add". To remove a value, click . When you have entered all values, click "Done/Close".
Did I just create a Hot Field?
Oftentimes more (custom) coding fields are created with intent and you may plan to utilize that field more extensively than others. If that is the case, you have the opportunity to promote your newly created field as a "Hot Field" so it will be more readily available in your coding panel. Click here for more info on Hot Fields.
Return to Litigation Workflow
Setting Up Custom Fields for Documents in Litigation
* This functionality is available for Advanced and Standard users only.
To Add Information to One Document
When you're viewing the document itself, on the right side of the page is the Designations & Relations and Coding Fields sections.
Click an arrow to drop down the identifier of your choice.
Enter your information and click "Update" at the bottom of the page.
To Add Information to Multiple Documents
Search for the documents you need, click "Select All" or check the boxes next to the documents you wish to edit, then click Bulk Actions.
Enter the information in the appropriate fields and click "Update Documents".
IMPORTANT: Make sure to consider if you are making the Bulk Action update to only the documents selected or if you also want to include their families.
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Coding Documents in Litigation
When executing a search in Litigation for a particular keyword, date range, witness, exhibit number, etc... it can be helpful to create a grid view for an "at a glance" snapshot of your results.
Oftentimes searching across documents vs. transcripts calls for different fields and/or metadata to be previewed (e.g. author in a document vs. deposing attorney in a transcript), so Nextpoint Litigation allows for the creation of both Document Grid Views and Transcript Grid Views.
Creating Custom Grid Views
Outlined below are instructions for setting up grid view templates for Documents and Transcripts (Deponents and Proceedings):
To create a custom Document Grid View in Litigation, navigate to More > SETTINGS > Documents. In the Grid View Column Settings section near the bottom, you can view the current saved templates, as well as Edit or Delete them.
Click Create New to make a new template. Give your template a name, and click on the fields you would like displayed in your grid, and select the Sort Order you would like.
Click and drag with the handles to the left to reorder the fields, and Reset column data if you want to start from scratch. When you are finished, click Save Changes, and your template will be available in Grid View.
Every Litigation database is equipped with both a Default Deponent and Default Proceeding Transcript Grid View to provide you with an initial visualization of your search results. If you add (custom) Transcript Fields you may want to add those to an existing view or create a new view specific to your needs. Outlined below are the steps to set up your custom views.
Video snippet of creating new Transcript Grid Views:
To add a new Transcript Grid View, navigate to MORE > Settings > Transcripts. In the Grid View Column Settings section at the bottom, you can view the current saved templates, as well as Edit or Delete them.
Click Create New to make a new template. Give your template a name, and Save Template.
Click and drag fields from the left over to the right to place and/or reorder the fields, and when you are finished, click Save Template, and your template will be available in your Transcript Grid View.
Utilizing Custom Grid Views
After your Document and Transcript Grid Views have been setup via Settings, they will be available for viewing search results moving forward (unless otherwise deleted).
To toggle amongst your grid view templates within either DOCUMENTS, DEPONENTS, or PROCEEDINGS, first initiate a search in the search bar or Advanced search, then navigate to "Switch Views" in any results table and select the desired template:
Return to Litigation Workflow or Discover more about Litigation Settings and Database Customization here and Creating Transcript Fields here!
Setting Up Custom Grid Views in Litigation
Tagging Your Results
- Run a search
- When viewing the search results, check the box next to the document(s) you wish to tag, or click the box the top left of your grid view to select all.
- Then click Bulk Actions.
The Bulk Edit pop-up modal will open, where you can make wholesale changes to your selection:
- Add the documents to a Folder.
- Add an Issue (tag) to the documents.
- Edit the documents' standard document attributes.
- Add/Remove custom coding fields.
- Add/Remove tags.
- Select if you would like to apply your coding updates to any related documents and/or in which order you would like the documents sorted. Sort order is most applicable when working with emails and their associated attachments. See more here on the varying settings you can employ when organizing your data.
Click the "Update Documents" button, and your changes will be saved.
To Recall Your Search
Select your Issue, Folder, Deponent or Tag from the Documents home page, the Filter Section, or do an Advanced Search with the appropriate syntax.
Return to Litigation Workflow
Tagging Search Results with Bulk Actions
* This functionality is available for Advanced and Standard users only.
- Click on the first line you'd like to set as your designation starting point, a green arrow will appear.
- Click on the last line you'd like to set as the end point, and a red arrow will appear.
- Choose your Designation or Issue from the dropdown.
- Add any Notes for the designation, such as indication of a partial line designation.
- Click "Submit".
After your designation is created, you'll see colored dots to the left of your designation.
If you entered any notes in the notes field, the dots will be turned into exclamation points. Hover over them to see the notes.
Creating Objections
If you would like to create an Objection clip take the following steps:
- First, when creating your Transcript Designation (See 3. Transcript) under MORE Settings Transcripts Designations Create, make sure you checked "Will be used for objection type” (See graphic below).
- This will ensure objections appear as dots/exclamation points on the right of your transcript instead of the left alongside your designations.
- Additionally, this will allow you to further select an Objection Reason (e.g. Calls for Speculation) after selecting your objection reason (e.g. Plaintiff Objections to Defense Initial Designations).
- This will ensure objections appear as dots/exclamation points on the right of your transcript instead of the left alongside your designations.
- Click on the first line you'd like to set as your objection starting point, a green arrow will appear.
- Click on the last line you'd like to set as the end point, and a red arrow will appear.
- Choose your Objection from the drop-down.
- Choose your Objection Reason from the drop-down immediate below your Objection selected in #4.
- Add any Notes for the objection.
- Click "Submit".
If you received designations from an opposing party, or have a table or spreadsheet of designations which you would like to apply to a transcript, you can do so easily with the Bulk Clip Import. The following steps will assist in accomplishing such:
- Make sure the needed transcript Designation or Issue has been created under SETTINGS > Transcripts.
- Create your designations in Excel in the following format, and save as a .csv file.
page-start | line-start | page-end | line-end | notes
Note: If you are bulk importing objection types you can do so by referencing the objection type in a 6th column. - Navigate to the Bulk Clip Import section of the appropriate transcript and choose the Designation or Issue to be applied.
- Browse to locate the .csv file, then click "Import Clips".
Your designations will automatically be populated in the deposition.
- To remove an individual page/line clip, navigate to the Browse section of your transcript. Select the designation type you need to work with from the drop-down. Locate the individual clip(s) which you need to remove, click the trash icon, and the clip will be immediately removed.
- To remove all page/line clips for a particular designation type, navigate to the Browse section of your transcript. Select the designation type you need to work with from the drop-down. Once selected click clear all at the bottom of the list. You will be prompted to confirm you want to delete all clips for that designation. Once confirmed, all clips for the selected designation will be removed.
Please note, once clips have been deleted, they cannot be automatically restored.
To export your designations, follow this link.
Return to Litigation Workflow
Creating Designation & Objection Clips on Transcripts
Nextpoint employs Boolean logic with Advanced Search. Enter your data in the appropriate fields and click Advanced Search. Below is a breakdown.
Advanced Search
- Use Boolean operators and proximity search
- Search within text and/or coding
- Search by category, folder, or issue
- Exclude terms, search by beginning of a word, or perform fuzzy search
- Search within specific coding fields
- Click Advanced Search
* Search syntax is generated as you type
Viewing Search Results
From Grid View:
- Preview your results from your gridview via the
icon. You can navigate through your results using the up and down arrows of your keyboard.
- Sort by any column in your grid view to sort in ascending or descending order. You can add/remove fields from your Grid View Template(s) via MORE >> Settings >> Documents >> Grid View Column Templates (edit)
- Do you want to Save a search for your colleague or for later reference? Simply click "Save" to the right of your search bar after running any given search and it will be available (again under Save) moving forward.
Check out our Nextpoint Search Guide
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Searching for Documents in Litigation
Nextpoint is excited to announce two new transcript reports available to Nextpoint Litigation users!
The first is a highlighted search hit report when searching across deponents or proceedings. The second is a CSV (index) report of selected clips, notes, and field data when working within an individual transcript.
*These reports are available to both Standard and Advanced user levels.
Transcript Search Hit Report
The Transcript Search Hit Report enables users to run keyword searches across deponent or proceeding transcripts and export the highlighted search hits in a PDF transcript format.
When a search term hits on a transcript page, the resulting report will highlight the term on the transcript page (underlined and in red) and include all other transcript text from that particular page.
Use-case Examples
- Partner Pam is cross examining an expert witness live in court this week. She’d like to review his previous transcripts to identify questions similar to ones she needs to ask and gather his responses for possible impeachment.
- "I want to see everything X expert has said about the company ABC in her trial and deposition testimony that we have.”
How to create a Transcript Search Hit Report
- Navigate to the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tabs in Nextpoint Litigation.
- Run the keyword searches which you would like to export in a report. Searches can be run across all or some deponent or proceeding transcripts. To specify within a particular deponent, add AND deponent:"deponentname" to your search.
- Select the "Download Search Hit Report" option which appears below the search bar once a search is populated.
- Your Transcript Search Hit Report will be available for download via My Downloads.
- Advanced Users: Navigate to MORE > Data > My Downloads
- Standard Users: Click on the My Downloads tab
- Click the three-dot drop-down to the right of the report name and then click Download.
Video Tutorial
Transcript Clip CSV Report
The Transcript Clip CSV Report allows users to select a transcript issue, designation, or multiples of same, and export in a CSV (index) format.
This format can be helpful if you need to review all witness testimony related to a particular topic, provide specific testimony for a witness in preparation for an upcoming examination, and more.
Information included in the report
- Deponent Name
- Start Page and Line
- End Page and Line
- Date
- Transcript fields
- Issue or Designation Type
- Notes
- Clip Text
How to create a Clip CSV Report
- Navigate to the transcript in which you would like to run the report and click on Reports to drop down the selection panel.
- Select the Clip CSV Report from the Report Type drop-down.
- Select the Designations or Issues which you would like to include in your report.
- Under Report Options, select if you would like to Include Notes and then click Export.
- Your report should download almost immediately to the location you specify.
Video Tutorial
More information on working with transcripts (Deponents and Proceedings) >> click here