Exporting Transcript Search Hit & Clip Reports


Nextpoint is excited to announce two new transcript reports available to Nextpoint Litigation users!   

The first is a highlighted search hit report when searching across deponents or proceedings.  The second is a CSV (index) report of selected clips, notes, and field data when working within an individual transcript.  

*These reports are available to both Standard and Advanced user levels.

Transcript Search Hit Report

The Transcript Search Hit Report enables users to run keyword searches across deponent or proceeding transcripts and export the highlighted search hits in a PDF transcript format.

When a search term hits on a transcript page, the resulting report will highlight the term on the transcript page (underlined and in red) and include all other transcript text from that particular page.


Use-case Examples

  • Partner Pam is cross examining an expert witness live in court this week.  She’d like to review his previous transcripts to identify questions similar to ones she needs to ask and gather his responses for possible impeachment.
  • "I want to see everything X expert has said about the company ABC in her trial and deposition testimony that we have.”

How to create a Transcript Search Hit Report

  1. Navigate to the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tabs in Nextpoint Litigation.
  2. Run the keyword searches which you would like to export in a report. Searches can be run across all or some deponent or proceeding transcripts.  To specify within a particular deponent, add AND deponent:"deponentname" to your search.
  3. Select the "Download Search Hit Report" option which appears below the search bar once a search is populated.
  4. Your Transcript Search Hit Report will be available for download via My Downloads.
    1. Advanced Users: Navigate to MORE > Data > My Downloads
    2. Standard Users: Click on the My Downloads tab
  5. Click the three-dot drop-down to the right of the report name and then click Download.

Video Tutorial


Transcript Clip CSV Report

The Transcript Clip CSV Report allows users to select a transcript issue, designation, or multiples of same, and export in a CSV (index) format. 

This format can be helpful if you need to review all witness testimony related to a particular topic, provide specific testimony for a witness in preparation for an upcoming examination, and more.


Information included in the report

  • Deponent Name
  • Start Page and Line
  • End Page and Line
  • Date
  • Transcript fields
  • Issue or Designation Type
  • Notes
  • Clip Text

 How to create a Clip CSV Report

  1. Navigate to the transcript in which you would like to run the report and click on Reports to drop down the selection panel.
  2. Select the Clip CSV Report from the Report Type drop-down.
  3. Select the Designations or Issues which you would like to include in your report.
  4. Under Report Options, select if you would like to Include Notes and then click Export.
  5. Your report should download almost immediately to the location you specify.

Video Tutorial

More information on working with transcripts (Deponents and Proceedings) >> click here

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