Creating Designation & Objection Clips on Transcripts


* This functionality is available for Advanced and Standard users only.

Manually Create Clips Import Clips From a File Remove Clips


    1. Click on the first line you'd like to set as your designation starting point, a green arrow will appear.
    2. Click on the last line you'd like to set as the end point, and a red arrow will appear.
    3. Choose your Designation or Issue from the dropdown.
    4. Add any Notes for the designation, such as indication of a partial line designation.
    5. Click "Submit".

After your designation is created, you'll see colored dots to the left of your designation.

If you entered any notes in the notes field, the dots will be turned into exclamation points. Hover over them to see the notes.

Creating Objections

If you would like to create an Objection clip take the following steps:

  1. First, when creating your Transcript Designation (See 3. Transcript) under MORE    Settings    Transcripts    Designations    Create, make sure you checked "Will be used for objection type” (See graphic below).
    • This will ensure objections appear as dots/exclamation points on the right of your transcript instead of the left alongside your designations.
    • Additionally, this will allow you to further select an Objection Reason (e.g. Calls for Speculation) after selecting your objection reason (e.g. Plaintiff Objections to Defense Initial Designations).
  2. Click on the first line you'd like to set as your objection starting point, a green arrow will appear.
  3. Click on the last line you'd like to set as the end point, and a red arrow will appear.
  4. Choose your Objection from the drop-down.
  5. Choose your Objection Reason from the drop-down immediate below your Objection selected in #4.
  6. Add any Notes for the objection.
  7. Click "Submit".





To export your designations, follow this link.

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