- How to Create Transcript Sub-Issues
- Setting Up Custom Fields for Documents in Litigation
- Coding Documents in Litigation
- Setting Up Custom Grid Views in Litigation
- Tagging Search Results with Bulk Actions
- Creating Designation & Objection Clips on Transcripts
- Setting Up and Working with Transcript Coding Fields in Litigation
- Exporting Documents and Transcript Designations in Litigation
- Organizing Your Demonstratives in Nextpoint Share
How to Create Transcript Sub-Issues
1. From a litigation database, navigate to More/Settings/Transcripts.
2. Scroll down to Transcript Issues and select Create New. Here you will have the option to designate the issue as a sub-issue by checking the box:
Once you have created a sub-issue, you'll have the option to assign it to a clip within a transcript. This is similar to the way designation and objection clips are created.
- Click on the first line you'd like to set as your designation starting point, a green arrow will appear.
- Click on the last line you'd like to set as the end point, and a red arrow will appear.
- Choose your Issue or Sub-issue from the dropdown.
- Click "Submit".
Now you will see the newly created clip under Browse Clips on the right-hand side:
How to Create Transcript Sub-Issues
* This functionality is available for Advanced and Standard users only.
Nextpoint Litigation has many standard metadata fields, such as Author & Document Date, present when your database is first created. You may want to create more fields to allow you to import the metadata from a legacy database, or just to help you get a better handle on your documents. You can create as many as you need, here's how:
At the top of the home page click MORE > Settings.
Click to view the Documents tab, and under the Fields section click "Create New".
Choose a Title for your coding field, and select the Input Type - there is a brief description of each kind. To learn more about Input Types, click here.
When you are all set, click "Create".
If you choose to make the field a List, Locked List, or Picklist, you will be able to enter values. Enter a value, then click "Add". To remove a value, click . When you have entered all values, click "Done/Close".
Did I just create a Hot Field?
Oftentimes more (custom) coding fields are created with intent and you may plan to utilize that field more extensively than others. If that is the case, you have the opportunity to promote your newly created field as a "Hot Field" so it will be more readily available in your coding panel. Click here for more info on Hot Fields.
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Setting Up Custom Fields for Documents in Litigation
* This functionality is available for Advanced and Standard users only.
To Add Information to One Document
When you're viewing the document itself, on the right side of the page is the Designations & Relations and Coding Fields sections.
Click an arrow to drop down the identifier of your choice.
Enter your information and click "Update" at the bottom of the page.
To Add Information to Multiple Documents
Search for the documents you need, click "Select All" or check the boxes next to the documents you wish to edit, then click Bulk Actions.
Enter the information in the appropriate fields and click "Update Documents".
IMPORTANT: Make sure to consider if you are making the Bulk Action update to only the documents selected or if you also want to include their families.
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Coding Documents in Litigation
When executing a search in Litigation for a particular keyword, date range, witness, exhibit number, etc... it can be helpful to create a grid view for an "at a glance" snapshot of your results.
Oftentimes searching across documents vs. transcripts calls for different fields and/or metadata to be previewed (e.g. author in a document vs. deposing attorney in a transcript), so Nextpoint Litigation allows for the creation of both Document Grid Views and Transcript Grid Views.
Creating Custom Grid Views
Outlined below are instructions for setting up grid view templates for Documents and Transcripts (Deponents and Proceedings):
To create a custom Document Grid View in Litigation, navigate to More > SETTINGS > Documents. In the Grid View Column Settings section near the bottom, you can view the current saved templates, as well as Edit or Delete them.
Click Create New to make a new template. Give your template a name, and click on the fields you would like displayed in your grid, and select the Sort Order you would like.
Click and drag with the handles to the left to reorder the fields, and Reset column data if you want to start from scratch. When you are finished, click Save Changes, and your template will be available in Grid View.
Every Litigation database is equipped with both a Default Deponent and Default Proceeding Transcript Grid View to provide you with an initial visualization of your search results. If you add (custom) Transcript Fields you may want to add those to an existing view or create a new view specific to your needs. Outlined below are the steps to set up your custom views.
Video snippet of creating new Transcript Grid Views:
To add a new Transcript Grid View, navigate to MORE > Settings > Transcripts. In the Grid View Column Settings section at the bottom, you can view the current saved templates, as well as Edit or Delete them.
Click Create New to make a new template. Give your template a name, and Save Template.
Click and drag fields from the left over to the right to place and/or reorder the fields, and when you are finished, click Save Template, and your template will be available in your Transcript Grid View.
Utilizing Custom Grid Views
After your Document and Transcript Grid Views have been setup via Settings, they will be available for viewing search results moving forward (unless otherwise deleted).
To toggle amongst your grid view templates within either DOCUMENTS, DEPONENTS, or PROCEEDINGS, first initiate a search in the search bar or Advanced search, then navigate to "Switch Views" in any results table and select the desired template:
Return to Litigation Workflow or Discover more about Litigation Settings and Database Customization here and Creating Transcript Fields here!
Setting Up Custom Grid Views in Litigation
Tagging Your Results
- Run a search
- When viewing the search results, check the box next to the document(s) you wish to tag, or click the box the top left of your grid view to select all.
- Then click Bulk Actions.
The Bulk Edit pop-up modal will open, where you can make wholesale changes to your selection:
- Add the documents to a Folder.
- Add an Issue (tag) to the documents.
- Edit the documents' standard document attributes.
- Add/Remove custom coding fields.
- Add/Remove tags.
- Select if you would like to apply your coding updates to any related documents and/or in which order you would like the documents sorted. Sort order is most applicable when working with emails and their associated attachments. See more here on the varying settings you can employ when organizing your data.
Click the "Update Documents" button, and your changes will be saved.
To Recall Your Search
Select your Issue, Folder, Deponent or Tag from the Documents home page, the Filter Section, or do an Advanced Search with the appropriate syntax.
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Tagging Search Results with Bulk Actions
* This functionality is available for Advanced and Standard users only.
- Click on the first line you'd like to set as your designation starting point, a green arrow will appear.
- Click on the last line you'd like to set as the end point, and a red arrow will appear.
- Choose your Designation or Issue from the dropdown.
- Add any Notes for the designation, such as indication of a partial line designation.
- Click "Submit".
After your designation is created, you'll see colored dots to the left of your designation.
If you entered any notes in the notes field, the dots will be turned into exclamation points. Hover over them to see the notes.
Creating Objections
If you would like to create an Objection clip take the following steps:
- First, when creating your Transcript Designation (See 3. Transcript) under MORE Settings Transcripts Designations Create, make sure you checked "Will be used for objection type” (See graphic below).
- This will ensure objections appear as dots/exclamation points on the right of your transcript instead of the left alongside your designations.
- Additionally, this will allow you to further select an Objection Reason (e.g. Calls for Speculation) after selecting your objection reason (e.g. Plaintiff Objections to Defense Initial Designations).
- This will ensure objections appear as dots/exclamation points on the right of your transcript instead of the left alongside your designations.
- Click on the first line you'd like to set as your objection starting point, a green arrow will appear.
- Click on the last line you'd like to set as the end point, and a red arrow will appear.
- Choose your Objection from the drop-down.
- Choose your Objection Reason from the drop-down immediate below your Objection selected in #4.
- Add any Notes for the objection.
- Click "Submit".
If you received designations from an opposing party, or have a table or spreadsheet of designations which you would like to apply to a transcript, you can do so easily with the Bulk Clip Import. The following steps will assist in accomplishing such:
- Make sure the needed transcript Designation or Issue has been created under SETTINGS > Transcripts.
- Create your designations in Excel in the following format, and save as a .csv file.
page-start | line-start | page-end | line-end | notes
Note: If you are bulk importing objection types you can do so by referencing the objection type in a 6th column. - Navigate to the Bulk Clip Import section of the appropriate transcript and choose the Designation or Issue to be applied.
- Browse to locate the .csv file, then click "Import Clips".
Your designations will automatically be populated in the deposition.
- To remove an individual page/line clip, navigate to the Browse section of your transcript. Select the designation type you need to work with from the drop-down. Locate the individual clip(s) which you need to remove, click the trash icon, and the clip will be immediately removed.
- To remove all page/line clips for a particular designation type, navigate to the Browse section of your transcript. Select the designation type you need to work with from the drop-down. Once selected click clear all at the bottom of the list. You will be prompted to confirm you want to delete all clips for that designation. Once confirmed, all clips for the selected designation will be removed.
Please note, once clips have been deleted, they cannot be automatically restored.
To export your designations, follow this link.
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Creating Designation & Objection Clips on Transcripts
* This functionality is available for Advanced users only.
Just as you can create and apply Document Field(s) to your document universe and search on same, you can now apply the same organization methods to your transcripts with Transcript Fields.
Every Nextpoint Litigation database includes a set of default transcript fields which values can be applied for more powerful transcript management and easier searching. If you need additional fields beyond the default set (e.g. Summary, Case or Trial, Category, etc..), you can create as many as you need.
Searching on Transcript Fields
All default and custom transcript fields can be searched on under the DEPONENT and PROCEEDING tabs through the use of the search syntax field_name:"value". For example, to search on the field "Deposing Attorney" for the value "John Smith", the search would be deposing_attorney:"John Smith"
Default Transcript Fields
Below are the default Transcript fields provided in every database. All default fields can be modified or deleted with the exception of Volume and Date.
Where is my historical Category information?
Previously, there was a "Category" field present under the DEPONENTS and PROCEEDINGS tabs (fka DEPOSITONS and TRANSCRIPTS) in which users could categorize different types of transcripts. With recent updates, any existing Category information has been ported to a new transcript field titled "Category".
To find all transcripts within a specific category, simply search for Category:categoryname (e.g. Category:General), and all results will be returned.
Viewing Transcript Fields in Search Results
All default and custom transcript fields can be added to your Transcript Grid View Templates for better visibility into your search results.
Adding (Custom) Transcript Fields
To add, delete, or modify Transcript Fields, navigate to the top of the home page, click MORE > Settings.
Click to view the Transcripts tab, and under the Fields section click "Create New". If you need to edit or delete an existing field, simply click "Edit" or "Delete" next to the appropriate field, and proceed accordingly.
Choose a Title for your coding field, and select the Input Type - there is a brief description of each kind. To learn more about Input Types, click here. When you are all set, click "Create Transcript Field".
If you choose to make the field a List, Locked List, or Picklist, you will be able to enter values. Enter a value, then click "Add". To remove a value, click . When you have entered all values, click "Done" and you will be returned to the Transcript Settings.
Once all needed fields have been added, you can return to DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS, navigate into a particular transcript, and put your new fields to work.
Discover more about Litigation Settings and Database Customization here and Creating Transcript Grid Views here!
Setting Up and Working with Transcript Coding Fields in Litigation
As Individual Documents Utilizing an Export Template
Exporting individual documents can be useful in a variety of instances (, depositions exhibits, expert documents, witness packages, etc...).
You can export individual documents at the folder-level under the DOCUMENTS tab. To do so:
- Click the three-dot drop-down to the right of the Folder and/or Issue
- Click Export and provide a name for your export
- Select an Export Template (PDF export template if you would like to receive individual PDFs in your export)
- Finalize by clicking Export again.
As a Combined/Expansive PDF
Exporting a combined PDF (a single PDF assembled from multiple docs) is often best practice when the end-goal is to print out an export to be viewed in-hand, or shared manually.
A combined PDF export can be generated for any Folder of Issue under the DOCUMENTS tab. To do so:
- Click the three-dot drop-down to the right of the Folder and/or Issue
- Select “Assemble as PDF"
- Name your PDF export and make selections for native placeholders, cover pages, and any image markups (Highlights, Redactions, Page Notes)
- Finalize by clicking Export.
Exporting Individual Document Selections
Upon running any search in which the results return in the grid or chron view display of your database, you will have the opportunity to export your documents directly from the grid view.
- Use the top left arrow drop-down to select which documents would like to export (all, some, or none)
- Click the top-level Export menu and select "As Individual PDFs" or “As Combined PDF".
- Once you make your selection for your export format, you will be prompted to provide a name for your export.
- Make selections for additional specifications (image markups, cover pages, etc..)
- Finalize by clicking Export.
Exporting Transcript Designations
When viewing your deposition, in the lower right corner of your screen, will see a drop-down titled Reports from which you can export designations in six different formats :
- Full PDF is the entire deposition with all designations marked accordingly.
- Summary PDF is an abridged pdf of only the passages that received designations.
- Summary Text is an abridged text file of only the passages that received designations.
- A Condensed PDF is the full deposition transcript, displayed with 4 transcript pages per pdf page.
- Line Summary export is a listing of the page and lines for every designation, in every label or issue, for your deponent. This text file can be used in Trial Director as it is a modifiable .ccs file.
- OnCue Summary export is a text file listing of the page and lines for all designations or issues selected in the report drop down. This text file can be used in OnCue.
Simply select the Report Type that you want to generate, the Designations and/or Issues you want to include on your report, then toggle which Report Options you want to include (notes, highlights, margins). Click Export to generate the report:
When viewing your deposition, in the lower right corner of your screen, will see a drop-down titled Browse from which you can select a Designation or Transcript Issue. The presence of a particular designation or issue indicates the transcript has been designated with such.
Press Export CSV and you'll be sent an email notification when your .csv file is ready for you to download.
Go to the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tab and click on your Designation or Issue.
At the top of the page, you may select Clip Summary Report (PDF) to export your impeachment designations.
How do I download my exports?
All exported documents will be available via MORE > Data > Exports. Any exported transcript designation reports will be available via MORE > Data > My Downloads. Read here for more information on accessing and downloading your exports in Nextpoint Litigation.
Exporting Documents and Transcript Designations in Litigation
Version Control, Best Practices, FAQ's on Uploading Files
Never question the location or the status of your latest version. Keep your presentations in the Files section, accurately identified with the date and time.
Allow members of your team, in any location, to view and comment on presentations while they're working through their iterations. Old versions are saved in the event you need to reference them again.
Uploading Files to Nextpoint Share
Upload your presentation by going to MORE > Share.
From the sidebar, select "Share a File".
Give it a name, category, description, any notes you might have, notify any users Browse to your file and press Create.
View all iterations of your presentations by clicking on (X versions). When you have the next version ready to share with the team, press Share New Version. Advanced Users can also Edit the name of the file and Delete them if necessary.
Click here for Import FAQs
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