Video Depositions
Beginning on September 19, 2022, Nextpoint users are able to export video clips that they have designated in a transcript. Users can export individual clips, a set of individual clips as separate video files, or a compilation of a series of video clips.
The clips can be useful in many situations such as an opening statement presentation, a replacement for live testimony, or impeachment evidence for a witness and can be completed with little additional effort, right from the app!
To export video clips, first a video transcript must be imported and synced. Additionally, clips can be exported per designation or transcript issue, so at least one must be present prior to exporting clips.
Steps to export a video clip:
- Navigate to the “Browse Clips” section on the right-side panel when viewing a transcript.
- Select the Designation type or Transcript Issue you would like to export from the drop-down menu.
- To export an individual designation/transcript issue clip, click on the
icon next to the page/line indicator for the clip you would like to export. Your clip will assemble then export to the location defaulted for downloads on your computer. You can also access your individually downloaded videos under "More" > "My Downloads."
- To export multiple designation/transcript issue clips, check the box(es) next to the clip(s) you want to include and click on the “Export” link below the clip panel. Click the “Export Clips” radio button and then choose between exporting one “Clip Compilation” (with a brief fade out and in between clips) or a set of “Individual” video clips. Clips will appear under “More” > “Data” > “Exports” in your database. You also have the option to export as CSV.
- The total runtime of a series of clips will appear above the clip panel next to the word “Runtime.” Selecting all clips (by checking the box above the clip panel) will return the total time for all clips included in this designation or transcript issue.
We don't recommend using this feature to export entire depositions but rather to export short clips designated as important to your case. One specific limitation of this feature is that clip exports cannot span multiple imported videos. So if a clip begins on imported video 1 (shown as #6 on the screenshot above) and continues into video 2, the clip export will error out. A possible work-around for this issue is to break the clip up into 2 parts (one from the beginning of the clip to the end of video 1 and another from the beginning of video 2 to the end of the clip.
If a clip is not included in the synced video (common for introductory material at the beginning or notes at the end of a transcript and very rarely designated), then the play button and individual export button will not be available for that clip. If it is included in a multi-clip video export, that designation will not appear as a video (as none exists).
Video Transcript Clip Export
Nextpoint allows for the import and management of transcripts and their associated video (if any). Outlined below are instructions outlining how you can import transcripts, associated videos, and exhibits, and work with same
Follow this link to learn how to upload your depositions in detail. To summarize the instructions, click on the TRANSCRIPTS tab, then click the "Import Transcripts" button.
If the deposition file resides on your local drive, select "Add File From Computer" to your deposition (or .zip file if uploading multiple depositions). If it has previously been uploaded to your File Room, select "Add File From File Room".
We accept ASCII, PTF, PTX, PDF, LEF, or CMS filetypes.
Navigate to the DEPOSITIONS tab and click on the deposition you uploaded (highlighted in blue).
In the upper right, click on Transcript Settings.
In Video Sync Info, click on Import Syncfile.
Use My Device, Dropbox, or your File Room to locate your sync file (we accept dvt/xml, cms, sbf, vid, or svi sync files) and click Import Syncfile.
To upload your video, click on the DEPONENTS tab and click on your desired deponent transcript. In the upper right, click on Transcript Settings > Edit.
In the Video Info section, click Import Video.
Select My Device, Dropbox, or Add File From File Room (we accept mpg, mpeg, mov, mp4, avi, or wmv files) and click "Import Video".
When your video finishes processing, you will have an option to stitch them together under 'Deposition Presentation Video'. Complete this stitching process, and then moving forward, you will have the ability to watch the video clips alongside the transcript text.
Additionally, you will now see the Theater icon next to your Transcript under the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tabs.
- Designating Testimony, follow this link.
From the Designations box on the right side of the page, browse and Choose a Folder or Issue from the dropdown. From the dropdown options, choose one of the Folders that has an * next to it (* indicates active designations).
Click on the play icon below the video designation you'd like to view and your video will start playing in the window in the upper right corner. Click on the pencil icon to add important information regarding the specific clip. Click the trash icon next to a designation to delete it.
- Watch Full Screen Video Clips in Theater, follow this link.
Nextpoint Litigation allows you to link exhibits to transcripts in two ways. You can relate a document to a deposition or proceeding transcript, and once a document is related, you can create hyperlinks within the transcript.
To relate exhibits to their associated transcript, first import the transcript via the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tabs. You can then import and relate the associated exhibits in one of two ways:
This option is beneficial for importing and relating multiple documents/exhibits:
- Navigate to MORE > Data > File Room and upload the transcript exhibits, Import accordingly.
- After import, create and apply a folder for the particular transcript's exhibits (e.g. "John Smith Exhibits").
- Once the exhibits have been imported and the folder applied, navigate to the related transcript via DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS and click "Relate Folder" under the Related Documents drop-down.
- Select the folder of exhibits you would like to relate to the transcript, and click "Submit"
- The documents/exhibits contained within the selected folder will then show as being related to the transcript in both the transcript viewer and from the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tab.
This option allows for the import and relation of only one document at a time.
- Navigate into the desired transcript via DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS.
- Click blue "Import" under the Related Documents drop-down.
- A new window will prompt you to give enter a Title and Shortcut for the document, as well as any Link names that will become hyperlinks in the transcript. Add File From File Room/Computer or Dropbox to locate the document file, and click "Import Related Document".
- The document/exhibit selected for import will then show as being related to the transcript in both the transcript viewer and from the DEPONENTS or PROCEEDINGS tab.
After you have related a document to a transcript, you can add hyperlinks for quick access when viewing the transcript. Click on the button to open the edit window. Enter the Names you would like to create hyperlinks for, then click Make Edits.
The Document Names will now appear as hyperlinks within the transcript.
- Clicking on the hyperlinked title within the Related Documents section will toggle amongst each entry of that specific exhibit in the transcript.
- Clicking on the hyperlink within the transcript will open that exhibit in a new tab of your browser.
- Import a new document to relate to the transcript.
- Click on the document name to jump to each entry of that particular exhibit in the transcript (when hyperlinked).
- Add or Edit hyperlinking to the document
, or delete the relation
- Open the document in a new tab of your browser.
- Insert text which should be hyperlinked within the transcript.
- View a list of all the related documents in a new tab of your browser.
Want to learn more about working with transcripts and videos? Contact your Account Director or our Client Support Team at
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