How to Create Export Templates


Export templates are used to define the treatment of natives, text, images and load files included in your export.

Create export templates in Discovery by clicking SETTINGS > Export/Exchange > "Create New".  These same export template settings can be found in Litigation via More > Settings > Export/Exchange.

Create an export template for each format variation required in your export process. Templates may be reused on subsequent exports in a case to ensure uniformity and consistency.

Step 1: Basic information

Name your export template and add description.


Step 2: What to include

Choose if you would like to include text, images, image load files, and original files in native format.

For images, you can select tiff/jpg, png or PDF formats.

For image load files, you can select None or from DII, LFP, LOG and OPT formats.

When including original files in native format:

  • Make Smart Exceptions – Original native files will be exported for documents with native placeholders unless redactions have been made.
  • No Exceptions – an export that will include ALL native files, including files that may contain redactions.


Step 3: Naming of exported files

Drag-n-drop into desired priority for file naming. Upon export, each document will be evaluated to determine the availability of the various naming data fields.

For example:

If the top data field in your naming priority is “Bates Numbers”, followed by “Nextpoint ID” → any document that has a Bates number assigned prior to production will be named referencing that Bates value. Documents with no Bates number will be named with the next available data field in order of priority. Since everything has a Nextpoint ID, it will named accordingly.

If native files are included in the export, an option will be available to override these options and give the native files their “original” names in the export.


Step 4: Load file

Choose to include/exclude a load file.

If a load file is desired for an export template, a load file template will need to be associated with it. Create a new load file template or select a pre-existing one from the pull-down menu. 

Save your export template and reuse it whenever needed.Export_Template_4.png


Note re: Load File Delimiters:

Nextpoint provides the most common delimiters, but if you need to utilize more customized delimiters, simply check "Custom" while in Step 4, and you will be prompted to make your selections.



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