Merging Production Export Volumes to a Single Deliverable


While you have the option to share an export via a link for a receiving party to access your production, there may be instances in which you would like to download and share via an alternative method (e.g. Sharefile link, internal FTP, etc..).  If that is the case, many users prefer a comprehensive deliverable of all export volumes to send to the receiving party.

Outlined below are the steps for downloading multiple export volumes and combining same into one final deliverable.

1 | Access your Export

To access and download Exported document sets in any Nextpoint Discovery database:

  1. Navigate to the DATA tab
  2. Exports
  3. Click on the title/name of the exported volume you would like to download.  You will be brought to the Export Details page.

Note: If you are working in a Litigation database, your Exports are accessible via MORE > Data > Exports.


Why are there multiple export volumes?

Export volumes are divvied up based on the number of pages in the volume, with a maximum of 2500 pages per volume(so if one document has more than 2500, only that document will be in the export).


2 | Download the Export Volumes

Once you have accessed the applicable Export Details page, download the exported volume(s) by either clicking on the name of each zipped volume OR click "Download All Files" to initiate a download of all ZIP files from that particular export.

A Note on "Download All"

Download All Files is a great (and recommended) option for when you have a larger export split into multiple volumes like the export illustrated below.  When selected, all zip files from this export will be downloaded to your computer. 

Please enable "pop-ups" in your browser settings and leave this window open until ​ALL downloads have ​started.​  

When processing is complete, please verify all volumes downloaded successfully.



3 | Merge the Export Volumes

Once all volumes have been downloaded, the next step is to merge the various volumes into a comprehensive deliverable.  Nextpoint Export Volume ZIP files that are part of the same export are built in a manner so they may be optionally merged together into a single deliverable directory after being unzipped.

The most efficient manner to unzip and merge your Nextpoint Export Volume Zips is as follows:

7-zip for PC 

  1. Put the downloaded zip files into a single folder location (e.g. "Client ABC Productions" in your client/case folder of your local C:// drive)
  2. Select ALL zip files
  3. While selected, right click on any of the zip files and choose "Extract Here".  This option should be available in either 7zip or Winzip menus
  4. When all the files have been unzipped, the full contents of the production will have been combined in the single production folder you created in Step 1

Note: There is a similar application for Macs, by the name of Winzipbut in our experience, each zip will need to be unzipped individually in Steps 2 and 3.


Windows 10 Built-in Functionality

If an additional application like 7-zip is not an option available to you, Windows does have a built-in functionality (albeit a bit more involved) which can make the merging of export volumes easier.

  1. Put the downloaded zip files into a single folder (e.g. "ABC Prod001" in your client/case folder of your local C:// drive)
  2. Right click on each of the zip files individually and click on "Extract All" for each one
  3. A dialog box will come up with a suggested folder name and path
  4. Adjust the folder name to your liking (perhaps the folder you created in Step 1), but please note that you will use the SAME name each time you unzip a file
    • Repeat Steps 2-4 until all files are unzipped
  5. When all the files have been unzipped, the full contents of the production will have been combined in the folder name you chose in Step 4 immediately above


4 | Quality Control Check the Final Deliverable

Nextpoint recommends running a quick quality control (QC) check of your final deliverable after all export volumes have been unzipped and merged.  These QC steps include, but are not limited to:

  1. DATA: Check all requested load file types are included.  Open CSV to check remainder of folders (easier to open in excel)
  2. IMAGES: If you included tiff/jpg images, check Bates range count in the load file matches the number of image files in your IMAGES folder.  For example, if the range in your load file is ABC0001 - ABC0100,  I would expect to find 100 images in the IMAGES folder.

    If you included PDF images, check number of rows in your load file(less the header row) matches the number of PDF images in your IMAGES folder.
  3. TEXT: If included, check number of rows in your load file (less the header row) matches the number of text files in your TEXT folder.
  4. NATIVES:  If included, check number of rows in your load file with a NativeFile/NativeLink value populated matches the number of natives in your NATIVE folder.


5 | Compress Final Deliverable and Send

Once the above steps are complete, simply zip your top-level production folder (e.g. "ABC Prod001") and you're ready to send via your preferred method.



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