Productions & Export
- How to Download & Unzip Multiple Volumes
- Preparing a Native Production
- Merging Production Export Volumes to a Single Deliverable
- Production Specifications
- How to Set up an Export and Export FAQ's
- Native Placeholders in Production
*This functionality is available for Advanced users only.
What is Nextpoint Exchange?
Exchange is an exclusive, highly-secure process that lets users create a new database instance or copy of a collection of evidence with internet speed and zero cost. To exchange, you simply select the chosen set of evidence to clone, set the destination, configure your load file and metadata specifications, and initiate the outgoing exchange.
There are no limitations on how or when Advanced users can utilize Nextpoint Exchange, but a couple of examples include:
- Share a production set from your Nextpoint database with an opposing or third-party (e.g. an expert).
- Copy your produced data sets from a Discovery database to a Litigation database in order to further build your case story with only relevant/key documents and any transcripts.
- In a Mass Action, you may want to maintain the integrity of Exhibits, Literature, and Transcripts in Master databases and exchange necessary exhibits/transcripts to unique databases for specific trials.
*See more on transferring transcripts here.
The below steps outline the process from initiating your exchange to final approval.
If the number of documents you wish to exchange exceeds 5,000 - we recommend doing multiple exchanges with a smaller number of documents.
Select documents you would like to exchange and click "Exchange" in the top navigation bar of your grid view. This will bring up the exchange modal window on your screen which walks you through the process.
The first step after initiating your exchange is to select if you would like to review the loadfile prior to finalizing the exchange. This is a great added measure of quality control (QC) if you are exchanging to an external resource (e.g. expert, opposing counsel, etc..
Either create a new database
- On your current account (for an internal document copy)
- A 3rd Party account (for document production to an external party)
If you are sending to a new 3rd-Party Account
Note on third-party access: Any exchange to a third party who is not currently a Nextpoint client will remain available to the receiving party for 30 days. After 30 days, the receiving party will have the option to export the data from Nextpoint and delete the database, OR enter into a subscription agreement with Nextpoint to continue hosting the data.
Upon selecting, you will be prompted to enter the following information:
- Account Name: Typically the receiving party or firm's name (e.g. John Smith Law Firm)
- Account Subdomain: A URL subdomain for the receiving party or firm's Nextpoint account which will be created. Use hyphens (-) or underscores (_) if you would like to include spaces (e.g. john-smith-law). Once the exchange is complete, the resulting URL for that party's Nextpoint account would be
- 3rd Party Admin Email: Identify an Admin within the receiving party or firm. Once the Exchange is approved by you, receiving parties will have access to ONLY the data you selected to exchange and will have had the opportunity to verify the incoming data you are transmitting.
If you are sending to a 3rd-Party Account to which you have previously exchanged data, we recommend you request the database PIN from the receiving party. This will allow you to exchange data to the database previously generated in your 3rd Party Exchange instead of generating a secondary database. See the instructions below (after the screenshot) as to the location of the PIN.
Or choose an existing database (enter the PIN for the account in Settings on the destination case)
- In Litigation, your exchange PIN is found in the destination database under MORE > SETTINGS > Export/Exchange (see below).
- In Discovery, you can navigate directly to SETTINGS > Export/Exchange.
- Set Admin and PIN in the destination if not already set. Copy the PIN from your destination and paste it in the Exchange PIN section of Step 2 of your Exchange configuration.
Name the Exchange, e.g. March 2019 Production
Select your options for what to include in the transfer:
- The selection of "Transfer previously copied documents" will re-exchange documents even if they already exist in the destination database.
- Transfer natives will ensure all imaged documents resulting in the destination database have their original native associated.
- Unselecting the "Bates numbers" option will not remove the stamps and the Bates stamped documents will result in the destination database. Doing so will only strip the Bates assignments from the documents.
- Important note on transferring folders: You can transfer folder information when transferring from Discovery --> Litigation, but currently, folders do not exchange from Discovery --> Discovery. If needed, and reasonable, it is suggested you consider each folder as an individual exchange when exchanging from Discovery --> Discovery.
- Select any custom coding fields to include
Click "Submit".
You will get email notifications each step in the transfer process, and you can monitor your transfer by going to DATA > Outgoing Exchanges.
If exchanging to an external party, you may want to consider reviewing your exchanged loadfile prior to completing the Exchange. To do so, navigate to DATA > Outgoing Exchanges > Click on the name of your recently initiated exchange.
Make sure that all the documents you wish to produce, and only those documents, are included in the exchange, by clicking on the Next Step drop-down > "Download Loadfile" > and click "Go" to download and review.
Below your Transfer Actions, you can also verify the total number of documents in your exchange, if any duplicates were found from previous transfers, the associated size, and lastly, an activity log.
If the contents of the loadfile and the transfer information meet with your approval, select "Initiate Work Order" from Next Step and click "Go".
After Initiating the Work Order in step 6 above, the "Next Step" will transition to the drop-down containing options to move on to the final approval step or to decline the finalization of your transfer.
If ready to finalize, click on the drop-down and click "Final Approval" and "Go".
You will be taken to the final point of authorization for your particular Exchange transmission. Proceeding from this point will completely authorize the production/data-transfer.
The documents will be copied to the new instance, per your specifications, and the recipients will receive an email notification with instructions to access the database.
How to use Nextpoint Exchange
Large productions are exported into separate, smaller zip files. When you unzip a zip file, many extraction tools create a new folder named the same as the zip folder. This is problematic for importing a productions. You want one production folder with DATA/IMAGES/NATIVES/TEXT folders all located inside of it.
The contents of each zip volume would then show up as subfolders within each of the main folders (ie IMAGES/IMAGES0001, IMAGES/IMAGES0002, etc.). It is important to leave those subfolders unaltered as the load file will be looking for the above file path and any changes will prevent the system from properly locating it. Here is how you can do it:
1. Make sure you have pop-up blocker turned off - each folder will open in a new tab for download.
2. Select "Download All".
3. The load file and each volume will open in a new tab to initiate the download.
4. Once you have completed the download of every volume, you will want to combine these folders into one "main" production folder. Both Windows and Mac have a variety of unzipping programs that you can use to get your downloads organized into one folder.
5. Navigate to your Downloads folder on your local computer.
6. Click the first volume, hold shift, and click the last volume to highlight every folder.
7. Right click - navigate to WinRAR and from that menu select "Extract Here".
8. After the files are extracted, you will see the combined "ABCPROD" folder.
5. Once the files are finished downloading, open Peazip and locate them.
6. Click the first file, hold "shift" and scroll to the bottom of your list to click the last file. This will select all folders.
7. Then, right click and select "Extract all here" which will start consolidating those folders.
8. If the below warning shows up next to the progress bar, you can select "yes" as you are not changing the files and you will want to replace them to ensure they're going to the correct location.
There are other programs that will accomplish this but the Mac default Archive Utility does not have this capability. You'll want to find one that is able to combine all of the folders into one place.
In the resulting folder, you'll see one DATA/IMAGES/TEXT/NATIVES folder and within those, each volume's contents will be separated. The data folder is where the load file is contained, and the contents of the Images, Text, and Natives folders will accurately reflect the paths that exist in the load file.
How to Download & Unzip Multiple Volumes
Planning for a Native Production
In the event you need to produce all documents natively to a receiving party, there are several questions to be thinking about as you get started to ensure you are properly planning for your native production:
- How will load files, emails, redacted, and privileged documents be handled?
- Which files will be produced natively? Audio/video files, Spreadsheets, Email and Office files? All natives unless excluded (e.g. redactions, emails with privileged attachments)?
- Will full email families be produced?
- If producing all natives, will you provide images too? This can help with maintaining consistent Bates ranges/page counts across platforms + ability to provide image in depositions, etc…
- Do you have a clawback agreement in place? Negotiating a clawback agreement in an ESI agreement or order can help protect you in the event there is an inadvertent release of privileged ESI due to a native relationship.
Setting Up for a Native Production
Once you have a good understanding of your production specifications, and are ready to start setting up for your native production, begin under the SETTINGS Export/Exchange tab in the top-navigation.
Here, you will set up several reusable templates for your Endorsement/Bates stamps, Export formatting, and Load Files.
The steps to set up these various templates are outlined below:
First, set up your Endorsement template, which allows you to specify your Bates format.
During set up, you will also specify the file extensions which you would like to receive a native placeholder during the endorsement process.
Outline the following specifications in your Endorsement Template:
- Name your template: An internal point of reference to indicate which template you are selecting when you later submit your Endorsement/Bates stamping request. Ex: ABC Production
- Set your Prefix: The Bates prefix which will be assigned to your documents. Include any underscores, spaces, etc.. Ex: ABC_
- Set your Next Number: The numbering pattern which will be assigned to your production documents in sequential order. Include any leading zeros; recommended 7+ digits. Ex: 0000001.
- The combined result of the above prefix and 'next number' would result in the Bates pattern of ABC_0000001.
- Numbering exceptions: The file extensions which should receive a native placeholder during endorsing. For a native production, numbering may be left blank so that every page of every document is endorsed. However, if your production specifications call for certain file types, such as excels, to receive a native placeholder, please make sure to insert those file extensions here.
- TIP: Entering an asterisk after a file extension will encompass all variations of that extension (e.g. xl* = xl, xls, xlsm, etc...)
- Additional Endorsements: Any language you would like endorsed immediately below the Bates number on any Bates stamped document.
- IMPORTANT: We recommend against inserting CONFIDENTIAL language here. Instead utilize the built in Confidential coding (helps with filtering and searching later).
Once your Endorsement template has been saved, you will then set up your Export template in accordance with your ESI Protocol/production specifications.
Export Templates provide Nextpoint with formatting instructions for how Images, Text, Natives, and load files should be treated during export. For example, do you need PDF images vs. single-page tiff/jpgs? Include or exclude search text files?
Outline the following specifications in your Export Template:
Step 1 - Name Your Template and provide a description (optional)
This is an internal point of reference which will later indicate the export template you are selecting when you initiate any export.
Step 2 - File type selection for Text, Images, Natives
These specifications will be outlined in your ESI protocol or production requests. It is recommended you reference any applicable production specifications agreed upon between parties prior to making selections.
- Text files: If included, will provide receiving party with the search text of each individual document.
- Images: If included, will provide images for all documents in your production export. Options for single page tiff/jpg, png, or PDF available.
- If tiff/jpg is selected, it is recommended to include an Image Load File as it will define document boundaries for the receiving party. In other words, which single page tiffs/jpgs should be pulled and merged into unique documents.
- Include Images, if possible (in conjunction with natives which you will select next). Doing so will help keep Bates ranges consistent and available for use in depositions, as exhibits, etc…
- Original Files in Native Format: If including all natives in your native production, make sure to check No Exceptions. This selection will include all original files in your export, including ones containing redacted content.
IMPORTANT: If your production has any redacted content, you will want to take careful consideration of how you export your production in the next steps. Ultimately, you will want to separate all redacted content AND their families into a secondary folder and use a different export template which doesn’t include natives.
Step 3 - Naming Priority
The data field at the top of the list will indicate how your files will be named upon export. The default naming priority is Bates, but you can drag and drop the data fields if you would like to change the file naming schema.
Example, Bates Numbers is placed at the top of the list with Control Number following. If a document has a Bates assigned at the time of export, it will be named according to its Bates. If a document does not have Bates assigned, the naming format will default to the next naming priority, Control Number.
Step 4 - Load File Template
A load file, in the most simple description, serves as an index to your production deliverable. It is a map of instructions for how the Text, Images and Natives outlined in Step 2 of your Export template can be combined into unique documents, and also outlines key metadata for each of those unique documents.
If your production specifications require a metadata load file to be produced, click Include select the load file format select existing load file template OR click Create New.
TIP: Nextpoint's Production Template encompasses the most common metadata specifications we see. If you select such, and need to make slight modifications for your production, you can do so in the next section, Load File Templates.
If you choose to Create a new Load File Template, you will be brought to a secondary screen to Name your template select/organize the fields to be included in your load file and Save your new load file template.
Once you have verified the above specifications, make sure to SAVE your Export Template.
As noted in Step 4 above in the Export Template set up, you can select specific fields and/or document information to include in your Load File.
Load File Templates are only created as part of the Export Template process. Once created, the same load file template may be referenced by multiple export templates or used to export an index related to a set of search results.
If you need to modify any Load File Template, navigate to SETTINGS Export/Exchange Load File Template Edit.
Preparing Your Production Folders
Once your production templates are set up, you are ready to begin building your production folders.
As you begin to prepare your native production, make sure to consider:
- Privileged Attachments: Consider privileged attachments to otherwise responsive/not privileged emails. If you were to produce the native email, the privileged attachments would be embedded in that native email and thus, the receiving party will have access to those files. These responsive/not privileged emails will need to be produced separately as images only to avoid unintentional disclosure of the privileged attachments.
- Redacted Docs: Consider redacted documents and their family members. In your Export Template, Step 2, when 'No Exceptions' is selected, natives for redacted docs will be exported. If you were to produce the native of a redacted document, all contents covered by the redaction would be disclosed. Therefore, production-ready redacted emails and/or loose documents will need to be produced separately as images only to avoid unintentional disclosure of the redacted content.
- Container Files: If you produce .zip, .pst, .mbox, or other container file natively, the receiving party will have access to all contents of the container, even those withheld from your production (e.g. non-responsive or privileged documents). Therefore, these files should be removed from your native production to avoid unintentional disclosure of the full contents of the container file.
When executing on a native production, you will often want to create at least two folders:
- The first for all production-ready documents.
- The second folder for the subset of production-ready documents which are redacted (+ their associated email family members), and also responsive/not priv emails with privileged attachments.
Go to SETTINGS Folders and click Create New. You can also create your folders via the REVIEW tab or via the Bulk Action modal after you have narrowed your document universe for production.
See more here on the different opportunities to create folders.
- Enter your Folder Name and validate the auto-populated abbreviation/prefix is what you prefer.
- Assign a color to distinguish your folder visually in the database. Perhaps, all production folders are green, etc..
- Select which Folder Category (or categories) your folder should be associated with.
- Click Create to finalize the creation of your folder.
Next, on the REVIEW tab use the FILTERS Work Product Section to find documents marked as:
- Relevancy Status: Responsive
- Privilege Status: Not Privileged
- Bates Status: Bates Not Assigned
Once you have filtered your documents, add them to your production folder by clicking Select All Bulk Actions.
The Bulk Action modal will pop-up.
- Select Add under the Folder action checkbox select your main Production Folder from the drop-down. If you haven't created your production folder yet, you can click Create New Folder here.
- Make your selection as to which related documents should be added to the folder.
- We recommend selecting Email Family. This will ensure documents returned in your filter AND their related family members (Emails + Attachments) will be added to your production folder.
- Make your selection as to the order in which documents should be added to the folder - Family (with no date consideration) or Date & Family (chronological).
- Lastly, click Update to initiate the Bulk Action to add the documents in your Grid View list to your Production Folder.
Once your Production folder is populated, separate any documents which will not be produced natively. See considerations at the top of this section.
To do so, while in the REVIEW tab, you will run a series of FILTERS, and add the returned documents into your secondary folder created earlier.
Redacted Documents: Filter for your main Production folder + Redacted. Select all returning documents click Bulk Actions.
Add to your Non-Native Production folder, making sure to include Email Family related documents.
Emails with Privileged Attachments: Filter for your main Production folder + Privileged. Select all returning documents click Bulk Actions.
Add to your Non-Native Production folder, making sure to include Email Family related documents.
Container Files: Lastly, you may consider searching for folder:"your production folder name" AND file_extension:(pst mbox zip). This will return the most common container files within your production folder to ensure those files and their full contents are not unintentionally produced later.
Remove these container files from your production-ready folder by selecting all click Bulk Actions REMOVE from your Production folder, selecting 'None' for the related document inclusion.
Next, resolve any unintentional coding inconsistencies. These are created when an email family member (parent or attachment) is coded as Responsive-Not Privileged, but a corresponding family member is coded differently.
Review Coding Inconsistencies
Nextpoint makes it easy to check for inconsistencies in your folders. Navigate to the REVIEW tab and locate your newly populated production ready folders. Then, hover over the Coded-Relevancy or Coded-Relevancy progress bar(s) next to your Production folders. Any inconsistent coding (e.g. Non-Responsive, Requires Follow-up, Privileged, or Not Reviewed) will be calculated and hyperlinked for further review.
Click into the inconsistent coding categories and review to either clean up the coding or confirm the inconsistent family coding should stay in tact.
Resolve Coding Inconsistencies
In the below illustration, we are reviewing the 5 Privileged documents in an otherwise responsive/not privileged production-ready folder.
Go through each document family (email + attachments) and clear up any inconsistencies or remove them from this round of production. Are redactions are needed? Do you, in fact, want to exclude this document from production?
Once you have reviewed inconsistencies, make sure to go back to the REVIEW tab and hover over the Coded-Relevancy and Coded-Privilege progress bars. Any verified inconsistently coded documents should be removed from your production folder.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to perform this workflow for both Relevancy and Privilege coding in BOTH of your production folders.
Before endorsing, make sure there is no overlap between your Native and Non-Native production folders. In other words, remove your Non-Native production documents from the main Native Production folder. These will be endorsed and exported separately in the next steps.
Search for your Non-Native production folder (below, folder:"ABC Prod002 (Non-Native)").
Remove these non-native production documents from your main native production folder by Selecting All click Bulk Actions.
In the Bulk Action pop-up, REMOVE from your main Production folder, selecting Email Family for the related document inclusion to ensure families are removed together.
Once the Bulk Action update is complete, there should be no overlap between your two production folders.
Endorsing Your Production
After your production folder preparation is finalized, you're ready to apply Bates numbers to your document images (if including images alongside your production natives).
First, endorse main production folder. In REVIEW tab click three dot menu next to folder Number & Endorse.
NOTE: If do not wish to apply Bates stamps to each page, but you want a Bates number assigned to each page as a control number, you can select 'Number Only'.
In the pop-up, you will be warned if there are any files with zero pages, archive files (pst, mbox), and/or privileged documents in your production folder before you initiate the endorsement.
Verify any warnings, then select your Endorsement Template which you set up earlier, the start number (don't worry about leading zeros, they are there!), and when you are ready, click Endorse.
You will receive an email when the endorsements are complete.
Only once you receive the endorsement complete email, follow the same above steps to endorse your second, non-native production folder. The endorsement template will pick up where the last stamping job left off.
Wait until you receive the second endorsement completion email until you begin exporting.
I need to assign one Bates number per document.
If you need to apply one Bates number per document, please contact your Nextpoint Client Success Director to gain assistance from the Engagement team.
Export and Share Your Production Folders
Lastly, export and share your production folders.
First, export your main production folder. In REVIEW tab click three dot menu next to folder Export.
In the pop-up enter an Export Name select your Native Production Export template set up earlier click Export.
Your export will begin and you will receive an email when the export is complete.
Next, export your second, non-native production folder. Here, you do NOT want to use your Native Production Export Template used in your first export. Instead, you will want to export only images.
Which Export Template do I use?
The Nextpoint Production Export Template is set up to produce tiff/jpg images, with text files, and only natives with a placeholder that DON'T have redactions. You might want to use this Export Template for your Non-Native production, or the PDF Export template.
Either way, we recommend verifying the settings of the template you use before initiating your export. Do this via SETTINGS Export/Exchange Export Template click Edit next to the Export Template you intend to use and verify or update the settings.
Once you have verified the Export template you want to use for your Non-Native Production, in REVIEW tab click three dot menu next to Non-Native Production folder Export.
In the pop-up enter an Export Name select the Export Template you just verified (Reminder: NOT the Native Production Export Template) click Export.
Your export will begin and you will receive an email when the export is complete.
Quality Control Review
After your exports are complete, we recommend first downloading and run a quality control check on each export. Especially the Non-Native production to verify redacted content, native inclusion, etc...
Access your exports via the DATA tab click Exports click on the title/name of the exported volume(s) you would like to review. You will be brought to the Export Details page.
Once you have accessed the applicable Export Details page, download the exported volume(s) by either clicking on the name of each zipped volume OR click "Download All Files" to initiate a download of all ZIP files from that particular export.
These QC steps include, but are not limited to:
- DATA: Check all requested load file types are included. Open CSV to check data included.
- IMAGES: Check images which are expected to have redactions. If you included tiff/jpg images, check Bates range count in the load file matches the number of image files in your IMAGES folder. For example, if the range in your load file is ABC0001 - ABC0100, you expect to find 100 images in the IMAGES folder. If you included PDF images, check number of rows in your load file matches the number of PDF images in your IMAGES folder.
- TEXT: If included, check number of rows in your load file (less the header row) matches the number of text files in your TEXT folder.
- NATIVES: Check all natives are present for main, native production. Check that no, or limited natives are included for the Non-Native production.
Once comfortable with your exports, you can share a download link to the receiving party/parties from your Nextpoint database, or download all volumes and share in your preferred manner.
To Share, from the DATA tab, click Exports click the three-dot menu button to the right of the export and select Share Link.
On the next screen, complete the recipient details and add any notes you’d like to send to the recipient(s).
When you’re done entering recipient details, click the Share button. A confirmation link will pop up to ensure you’re sending the right export to the right recipient(s). Click Share this Export.
The recipient of your export will receive an email indicating that you’ve shared a file with them. They will also see the title of the export, a secure access notification, the download link, and when their access to the export will expire.
Need Help?
If you need further assistance in navigating your Native Production preparation, please contact our support team at
Preparing a Native Production
While you have the option to share an export via a link for a receiving party to access your production, there may be instances in which you would like to download and share via an alternative method (e.g. Sharefile link, internal FTP, etc..). If that is the case, many users prefer a comprehensive deliverable of all export volumes to send to the receiving party.
Outlined below are the steps for downloading multiple export volumes and combining same into one final deliverable.
1 | Access your Export
To access and download Exported document sets in any Nextpoint Discovery database:
- Navigate to the DATA tab
- Exports
- Click on the title/name of the exported volume you would like to download. You will be brought to the Export Details page.
Note: If you are working in a Litigation database, your Exports are accessible via MORE > Data > Exports.
Why are there multiple export volumes?
Export volumes are divvied up based on the number of pages in the volume, with a maximum of 2500 pages per volume(so if one document has more than 2500, only that document will be in the export).
2 | Download the Export Volumes
Once you have accessed the applicable Export Details page, download the exported volume(s) by either clicking on the name of each zipped volume OR click "Download All Files" to initiate a download of all ZIP files from that particular export.
A Note on "Download All"
Download All Files is a great (and recommended) option for when you have a larger export split into multiple volumes like the export illustrated below. When selected, all zip files from this export will be downloaded to your computer.
Please enable "pop-ups" in your browser settings and leave this window open until ALL downloads have started.
When processing is complete, please verify all volumes downloaded successfully.
3 | Merge the Export Volumes
Once all volumes have been downloaded, the next step is to merge the various volumes into a comprehensive deliverable. Nextpoint Export Volume ZIP files that are part of the same export are built in a manner so they may be optionally merged together into a single deliverable directory after being unzipped.
The most efficient manner to unzip and merge your Nextpoint Export Volume Zips is as follows:
7-zip for PC
- Put the downloaded zip files into a single folder location (e.g. "Client ABC Productions" in your client/case folder of your local C:// drive)
- Select ALL zip files
- While selected, right click on any of the zip files and choose "Extract Here". This option should be available in either 7zip or Winzip menus
- When all the files have been unzipped, the full contents of the production will have been combined in the single production folder you created in Step 1
Note: There is a similar application for Macs, by the name of Winzip, but in our experience, each zip will need to be unzipped individually in Steps 2 and 3.
Windows 10 Built-in Functionality
If an additional application like 7-zip is not an option available to you, Windows does have a built-in functionality (albeit a bit more involved) which can make the merging of export volumes easier.
4 | Quality Control Check the Final Deliverable
Nextpoint recommends running a quick quality control (QC) check of your final deliverable after all export volumes have been unzipped and merged. These QC steps include, but are not limited to:
- DATA: Check all requested load file types are included. Open CSV to check remainder of folders (easier to open in excel)
- IMAGES: If you included tiff/jpg images, check Bates range count in the load file matches the number of image files in your IMAGES folder. For example, if the range in your load file is ABC0001 - ABC0100, I would expect to find 100 images in the IMAGES folder.
If you included PDF images, check number of rows in your load file(less the header row) matches the number of PDF images in your IMAGES folder. - TEXT: If included, check number of rows in your load file (less the header row) matches the number of text files in your TEXT folder.
- NATIVES: If included, check number of rows in your load file with a NativeFile/NativeLink value populated matches the number of natives in your NATIVE folder.
5 | Compress Final Deliverable and Send
Once the above steps are complete, simply zip your top-level production folder (e.g. "ABC Prod001") and you're ready to send via your preferred method.
Merging Production Export Volumes to a Single Deliverable
When requesting produced data from opposing counsel or responding to requests for data by opposing counsel during discovery, there are important specifications to consider. Following are recommended production specifications for efficient data processing in standard review platforms.
In short, Production Specifications are:
- The digital format of electronic records production
- The data fields to be provided
A. Digital format of electronic records production
Recommended production formats:
1) Imaged and native production:
Bates-stamped images with associated metadata fields and searchable text files. These image files should be provided as TIFF/JPG (b&W/color) with the associated image load file (commonly OPT, LFP, or DII). File types that don't convert cleanly to image format, such as MS Excel spreadsheets (XLS) or audio files (WAV, WMV, MPG), are produced in native. An additional data load file containing all coding, metadata, and Bates numbers should also be included. These files are typically DAT, CSV, or TXT.
2) PDF production:
Individual PDFs named by starting Bates number with a delimited load file containing metadata fields and paths to the PDFs, any included natives, and TXT files. These load (or index) files are typically DAT or CSV file types.
B. Data fields to be provided
The metadata load file referenced in the aforementioned production formats, in the most simple description, serves as an index to a production deliverable. While every set of production specifications can differ in the slightest, the Nextpoint Data Strategy team reviewed hundreds of ESI protocols to ensure we were building a Production Load File Template that would fall in line with both Sedona and EDRM industry standards. The below Load File Template can be found in Step 4 of the Production Export Template in Nextpoint and can be modified to accommodate your specific production specifications in any given database.
System Name | Column Name In Loadfile | Email/Attachment/Loose File |
Bates Range Start | ProdBeg | All |
Bates Range End | ProdEnd | All |
Family Range Start | BegAttach | Email/Attachments |
Family Range End | EndAttach | Email/Attachments |
Custodians | Custodians | All |
Produced Page Count | PgCount | All |
Attach Count | AttachCount | |
Document Type | DocumentType | All |
Email Subject | EmailSubject | |
Email Author | EmailAuthor | |
Recipients | Recipients | |
Cc | CC | |
Bcc | BCC | |
Email Sent | EmailSentDate | |
Email Sent | EmailSentTime | |
Email Received | EmailReceivedDate | |
Email Received | EmailReceivedTime | |
Email Message ID | EmailMessageID | |
Mailbox File | MailboxFile | Email/Attachment |
Mailbox Path | MailboxPath | Email/Attachment |
Document Title | Title | Attachments/Loose Files |
Document Author | DocAuthor | Attachments/Loose Files |
Document Last Author | DocLastAuthor | Attachments/Loose Files |
Created Date Time | CreatedDateTime | Attachments/Loose Files |
Modified Date Time | ModifiedDateTime | Attachments/Loose Files |
File Name | FileName | All |
File Extension | FileExtension | All |
File Path | FilePath | All |
MD5 Hash | MD5Hash | Included Natives |
Confidentiality | Confidentiality | All |
Text Path | TextFile | All |
Native Path | NativeFile | All |
C. Choice of production delivery
The choice of production delivery is guided by considerations of volume, cost, schedule (e.g., rolling productions), and data security.
Standard sharing options:
- Nextpoint Export Share
- Thumb Drive/Hard drive
- Third-Party Share site
Not sure where to begin?
Our Data Strategy team of experts is always available to consult on your ESI specifications and custom export templates. If you are interested in learning more about Nextpoint Production Export and Load File Templates, please contact us at to discuss.
Production Specifications
Exchanging and producing reviewed information is simpler and more efficient in Nextpoint as users can save templates of their most-used export settings and apply them to future jobs. This saves set up time and establishes consistency.
How to Set up for Export
Outlined below, are the steps for setting up and running your exports in Nextpoint. The instructions are geared towards a typical Production Export Workflow, but can be modified to suit your needs
- First, create your Endorsement Template which outlines any Bates stamping pattern(s) and also which file types should receive a native placeholder during the endorsement process (e.g. excels).
- Next, you will want to define your Export Template for your production. Export templates define the formatting of your images, text, and natives during export and also indicate which load file (if any) is utilized.
- Tip: You can verify/update Nextpoint's default Production Export Template or create your own custom template.
- If, in step 2 above (Export Template Setup), you choose to include a Load File, you can later make edits to that load file later on via the Load File Templates section of SETTINGS > Export/Exchange.
- Tip: Load files are also a great way to generate an index of a particular set of documents. If you would like to export only an index (without images, text, etc..), simply create a new Export Template, provide a name in step 1, and then skip to step 4 to include only a load file/index. After setup is complete and your export/load file templates saved, you can navigate to the folder or set of documents to export your load file index.
Utilize your Export Settings
After you've set up your endorsement, export, and load file templates for export:
- Prepare your production folder
- Endorse your documents
- Export your production folder
- Share your production export via Email (from Nextpoint)
Below are links to all of the aforementioned Help Center topics for ease of reference:
How to Set up an Export and Export FAQ's
An endorsement template defines how images will be Bates numbered (endorsed) as part of an export, as well as defining where native placeholders should be generated.
What's a native placeholder?
A native placeholder indicates that a single image (a “placeholder”) is included in the production, in lieu of an image-per-document-page. This image will retain a single number (e.g. Bates) representing the document.
This is desirable for content that is easier to review using a native application (e.g. .xls). In this situation, the native file is included in the export in addition to the placeholder (with a single number stamp).
Because native files will reveal content redacted on images, a native placeholder will never be generated for a redacted document. In this situation, a redacted .xls document will have each page individually imaged and numbers assigned.
Native Placeholders in Production
When a set of documents is ready for production (reviewed, relevant, and privileged documents withheld or redacted), it is time to endorse.
Begin Endorsement/Bates Stamping Process
To begin the endorsement/Bates stamping process, navigate to your REVIEW tab in the upper navigation, click the three dot drop-down beside the desired folder name, and then “Number & Endorse."
How many documents should you endorse at once?
When making the following endorsement actions, it is important to note there is a 100,000 document limit per action:
- Number & Endorse
- Number Only
- Remove Numbering & Endorsement
See more below with respect to how you can accomplish endorsements on more than 100,000 documents in one production.
Review Warnings Prior to Endorsement
Nextpoint will warn you if:
- Documents within your folder already contain endorsements. These documents will not be re-endorsed with a secondary Bates number if they already have an endorsement in place.
- Current processing could impact your documents. (e.g. other endorsements are in progress)
- A mailbox is contained in your set. It is recommended you remove this mailbox file from your folder and production - if you were to produce, recipients will receive all contents of the original mailbox container.
- Documents marked privileged are in your set. It is recommended you remove these files from your folder and/or production unless you are intentionally endorsing/Bates stamping privileged documents.
- Zero-page documents are in your set. Endorsing with zero-page documents in the set will result in those documents receiving a native placeholder. If this is not desired, those documents should have image-exception placeholders added before proceeding.
If Nextpoint warns of one of the above conditions, it should be verified (and remedied if necessary) before proceeding.
Select Endorsement Template
- Select an endorsement template to be used
- Verify the number to be endorsed on the first page of the first document in the folder
- Confirm the placement of the endorsements and preview what it will look like
- Click the “Endorse” button
Nextpoint will assign your numbering, generate placeholders, and endorse all documents in the selected folder and notify when endorsements are complete.
Note: Any prefix, leading zeros, etc... you set up in your endorsement template will be applied during the stamping process.
Verify Endorsement Results
Once you initiate the endorsement process, it is important to verify all stamping is complete prior to initiating the export process.
To verify stamping is complete, first check that the "Processing Status" section under DATA > Imports reads "There are currently no active jobs".
Second, it is recommended you Filter in your production folder for Bates Assigned, Stamped and verify the first and last documents in the folder bear a Bates number on each page.
You may also consider including one last verification of Responsive/Not Privileged in your Filter (see below).
Stamping More than 100,000 Documents at Once
As mentioned above, there is a 100,000 document limit for the following actions:
- Number & Endorse
- Number Only
- Remove Numbering & Endorsement
If you find yourself in this situation, we recommend the following steps:
Create a second production folder, then, isolate all documents beyond the 100,000 limit from the original folder by performing this search:
folder:”[production folder name”:[100001 200000] - Then apply your second production folder to the documents returned in the above search.
- Next, remove these same documents you just added to the second folder from the first folder.
- Endorse the first folder: Due to the large volume of documents you are endorsing, this may take some time, so please ensure all endorsements are applied prior to stamping your second production folder.
- Endorse the second folder.
- When the endorsement of both folders is complete (see above screenshot), apply the first production folder to the documents contained within your second production folder, and you are set to export.
How to Endorse (Bates Stamp) Documents
FAQ: How do I resolve endorsement errors?
Create reusable templates for marking up images with Bates numbers, Confidentiality endorsements, or any additional endorsements.
Accessed from SETTINGS > Export/Exchange > Create New, an endorsement template defines how images will be marked as part of an export, as well as defining where native placeholders should be generated.
A native placeholder is a single-page image referencing an original native file. Native placeholders receive a single number in the endorsement process regardless of the page count of the original file.
NOTE: In Litigation, these same settings can be found via More > SETTINGS > Export/Exchange
- Naming: Simply name your template. We recommend a name that will be descriptive of the template's further use.
- Numbering Pattern: Define a prefix (e.g. your Bates prefix) and the next number you would like assigned/stamped when this template is utilized.
Numbering Exceptions: Specify file extensions and/or patterns that should receive native placeholders instead of individual images for each page. By default, every template includes .xl*, .ppt*, .csv*.
For example:
Adding “xl*” (any xls, xlt, xlsx, etc) will create a native placeholder image with a single Bates stamp for any excel file extension, instead of one Bates per page of that document.Note: Documents without associated images automatically receive native placeholders.
- Endorsement Placement: Select where on each page you would like your Bates and Confidentiality endorsements to appear. All left, center, right positions are along the lower edge of your documents. Use the "Preview" link to see what your endorsements will look like.
Additional Endorsements: Use this field to input any custom/additional endorsements you wish to make with the particular template. Add as many as needed. Example of where additional endorsements appear on a document is illustrated below.
It is important to note, we recommend against inputting your confidential language in this section, and instead use the Confidential coding available in your document coding panel and/or via bulk actions (in Discovery). Doing so will allow you to apply confidential coding more individually to your documents and more efficiently search and filter for that confidential coding. The confidentiality reasons can be customized under SETTINGS > Coding > Confidentiality. -
Save your new endorsement template and reuse as needed in your case.
Click here for information on how to apply your endorsement template to documents.
How to Create Endorsement Templates
Occasionally, you may need to assign a Bates number/Endorsement on an individual document, as opposed to a comprehensive folder.
Apply Bates/Endorsements on an Individual Document
- Navigate into the individual document to which you would like to apply the endorsement.
- Click on the
icon at the top of the page to apply individual assignments or endorsements.
Enter the Bates number of the first page, then choose from the following options:
Also Endorse - Select this option if the document also needs to be stamped. If the document has been stamped already, leave unchecked.
Apply to all valid pages - By selecting this option, Nextpoint will take the first number and assign the remaining pages sequentially.
- When finished, click "Save" and the document will begin processing.
Remove Bates/Endorsements on an Individual Document
Verify initial endorsements are complete:
It is important to verify all stamping is complete prior to initiating any endorsement removal OR the export process. Neglecting such will likely result in the document having mixed Bates numbers. -
Remove Endorsements:
To remove the individual document endorsements, navigate to the document which you would like to modify.
Click on theicon and delete the existing Bates number value so there is no value in the box, check Also Endorse, and Apply to all valid pages. This will remove the existing Bates number endorsements from all pages of that particular document.
Verify the removal of endorsements is complete:
Just as during the application of endorsements, it is important to verify all endorsement removal is complete prior to initiating any re-endorsement. Neglecting such will likely result in documents unintentionally with/without endorsements.
If you would like to bulk apply endorsements to an entire folder, follow the steps here.
Assigning or Removing Bates Endorsements from an Individual Document
Occasionally, you may need to remove (and potentially reapply) endorsements to a particular document set. In order to accomplish such, take the following steps:
Verify initial endorsements are complete:
It is important to verify all stamping is complete prior to initiating any endorsement removal OR the export process. Neglecting such will likely result in documents unintentionally with/without endorsements.
To verify stamping is complete, check that the "Processing Status" section under DATA > Imports reads "There are currently no active jobs".
Remove Endorsements:
Removal of endorsements takes place at the folder level. To begin the removal of endorsements in Discovery, click REVIEW > three dot drop-down next to your folder > and click "Remove Numbering & Endorsements". -
Verify removal of endorsements is complete:
Just as above, it is important to verify all endorsement removal is complete prior to initiating any re-endorsement. Neglecting such will likely result in documents unintentionally with/without endorsements.
To verify endorsement removal is complete, check that the "Processing Status" section under DATA > Imports reads "There are currently no active jobs".
Additionally, it is recommended you verify the first and last documents in the folder no longer bear a Bates number on each page.
Important Notes:
- If reapplying your endorsements, make sure to reset the next number in your endorsement template!
When Removing Numbering & Endorsements, there is a 100,000 document limit per action.