Nextpoint Dashboard Administrators now have the ability to generate User Activity Reports, Database List Reports, and other Custom Reports.
Locating the Custom Reports Tab
- From the top-left drop-down in your Nextpoint database, click Manage Account. Don't see Manage Account? Please contact your firm's Nextpoint administrator or Client Success Director.
- Once in the Account Dashboard, click on the tab titled Custom Reports.
Utilizing Custom Reports
Create New Report
Once in the Custom Reports tab of your Account Dashboard, click the green Create Report button at the top right.
A modal will pop-up with a list of report type options and their associated settings.
Select Report Type
Upon initiating the creation of a new report, the modal which pops up will have two pre-populated report types which you can choose from:
- User activity reports contain data about users' logins, database accesses, document views, document reviews, and more.
- All Npcases Report includes a current list of projects, databases, active data, associated users, and whether they active or archived.
Additionally, if you work with our Engagement team on a Custom Report, we can subsequently add that report as an option in your Custom Reports tab so it can be generated by you and your team as needed.
Define the Settings for your Custom Report
Once you have selected your report type, input the details for your report (e.g. report name) and define your settings for the specific data which should be reported.
User Activity Report
The following report details are required:
- Database IDs (Required): Enter the database ID(s) which you would like to include in your report. A list of databases in your account which are available for reporting can be found in the drop-down.
- Date Range (Required): Enter the start and ending dates for your report.
- User Emails (Required): Enter the email address of the user(s) which you would like to include in your report. A list of users in your account which are available for reporting can be found in the drop-down.
- Report Name (Required): Enter a name for your report. We recommend a descriptive name which will allow you to distinguish the varying reports in your account once generated.
- Report User Activity Per (Required): The amount of time to include data for in each row of the report.
- Day means each row will have one day of data.
- Week means each row will have one week of data.
- Month means each row will have one month of data.
- All-time will combine all data in the start-to-end date range into one row per user, per database.
The following Columns settings are optional and outline what information is reported for the required details you defined above:
- Date Range: As defined in above required details.
- Account ID: Associated Account ID for reported information.
- Account Name: Associated Account Name for reported information.
- Database ID: Associated Database ID for reported information.
- Database Name: Associated Database Name for reported information.
- User ID: Associated User ID for reported information.
- User Name: Associated User Name for reported information.
- User Email: Associated User Email for reported information.
- First Login: Tracks the first login of the day, but might be after other activity (e.g. from the night before, after midnight UTC).
- Last Login: Tracks the last login of the day, but other activity associated with that login may fall on the next day (e.g login at 11:30pm and work until 2am).
- First Database Access: Tracks the first time the user navigates or is redirected to a database through the app during the date range.
- Last Database Access: Tracks the last time the user navigates or is redirected to a database through the app during the date range.
- First Activity: Tracks the first moment of Nextpoint activity by the user, but is not specific to any one database. They also might be from different sessions, so the time between them may be greater than the hours logged for that day.
- Last Activity: Tracks the last moment of Nextpoint activity by the user, but is not specific to any one database. First and Last activity might be from different sessions, so the time between them may be greater than the hours logged for that day.
- Total Activity (Hours): The combined time, in hours, of all user activity within Nextpoint within the date range for this row. This calculation considers gaps between sessions, so the number may be lower than the time difference between First Activity and Last Activity for this row.
- Documents Viewed: Total count of documents viewed (within the specified database and date range).
- Documents Reviewed: Total count of documents in which relevancy and/or privilege coding was updated (within the specified database and date range).
- Pages Reviewed: Total count of pages in which relevancy and/or privilege coding was updated (within the specified database and date range).
- Document Review Rate (Per Hour): Calculated by Documents Reviewed count / Total activity time (documents per hour), to two decimal places.
- Page Review Rate (Per Hour): Calculated by Pages Reviewed count / Total activity time (pages per hour), to two decimal places.
- Time Per Document Review (Minutes): Calculated by 60 / Document Review Rate (minutes per document), to two decimal places.
- Time Per Page Review (Minutes): Calculated by 60 / Page Review Rate (minutes per page), to two decimal places.
All Npcases Report
The following settings are optional and outline what information is reported for your account:
- Report Name: Enter a name for your report. We recommend a descriptive name which will allow you to distinguish the varying reports in your account once generated.
- Project Name: when selected, report will include a list of Project Names in your account.
- Database Name: when selected, report will include a list of Database Names in your account.
- Database ID: when selected, report will include a list of Database IDs in your account.
- Active Database Size (GB): when selected, report will include a total for all data in your account. Future iterations will include active data size per database.
- Last Access: when selected, report will include date and time a database was accessed.
- Users: when selected, report will include a count of all users in your account who have access to a particular database. Includes users which don't have your firm's email domain.
- Internal Users: when selected, report will include a count of all users in your account with your firm's email domain who have access to a particular database.
- Status: when selected, report will include a status indicating if a database is Active or Archived.
Generate & QC Your Report
Lastly, it's time to generate your report, making sure you review/QC prior to sharing with other individuals within your firm.
Click Generate Report at the bottom of the Create Report modal.
The report will start processing immediately and you will be notified via email upon completion.
To download and view your completed report, use the link in the aforementioned email OR navigate back to your Account Dashboard and download the report(s) via the Custom Reports tab > download icon .
We recommend viewing the reported information prior to sharing with others within your firm.
If you need to delete a report, simply click the three dot ellipses next to the download icon and select Delete.
Miscellaneous Notes on User Activity Report
- All dates/times are in the UTC time zone.
- Data for each day ranges from midnight of the Date column day to midnight of the next day.
- First/Last/Total Activity are app-wide metrics. They are tracked for each user across all of Nextpoint, and can’t be filtered by database, project, or account.
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