Custom Reports in the Account Dashboard


Nextpoint Dashboard Administrators now have the ability to generate User Activity Reports, Database List Reports, and other Custom Reports.


Locating the Custom Reports Tab

  1. From the top-left drop-down in your Nextpoint database, click Manage Account.  Don't see Manage Account? Please contact your firm's Nextpoint administrator or Client Success Director.


  2. Once in the Account Dashboard, click on the tab titled Custom Reports.


Utilizing Custom Reports

1 | Initiate Report 2 | Select Report Type 3 | Settings 4 | Generate Report

Create New Report

Once in the Custom Reports tab of your Account Dashboard, click the green Create Report button at the top right.  


A modal will pop-up with a list of report type options and their associated settings.



Miscellaneous Notes on User Activity Report

  • All dates/times are in the UTC time zone.
  • Data for each day ranges from midnight of the Date column day to midnight of the next day.
  • First/Last/Total Activity are app-wide metrics. They are tracked for each user across all of Nextpoint, and can’t be filtered by database, project, or account.
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