Working with Folder Categories


Folder Categories provide users the opportunity to organize folders of similar type and create one layer of 'subfolders'.  Unlike the traditional subfolders you may find on your computer desktop, categories can be applied to more than one folder.  This flexibility in navigation gives Admins and reviewers alike easier and more efficient access to relevant folders when they are needed.


To get started adding Categories to your case organization, simply click the green Create Category button from the folder list in any Discovery or Litigation database.  Follow the prompts in the pop-up modal to set the Category Name, and select to which folders the Category should be applied.  Click Create to finalize the setup, and your Category and associated folders will be immediately available in the Category sidebar on the left.

See more below on working with categories >>

Any default and/or user created categories can be found in any Nextpoint database in the sliding Category sidebar on the left and can be managed by an Advanced user from the folder list or folder settings page in both Discovery and Litigation.

Category Use Case Examples

  • One example as to how you can leverage Categories is with Client Documents. You may create a category titled Client Documents, and within that category organize the folders Client Email Collection, Staffing Documentation, Contracts, etc...
  • Another example is to create a category titled Productions, and within that category organize the folders Prod 001, Prod 002, etc.. (as shown below).


How to Work with Categories

Outlined below are instructions for creating, managing, editing, and deleting Categories.  But first, a couple of notes on accessibility of the Category function:

  • Every Discovery and Litigation database is equipped with two default Categories:  All Folders and Favorites.  In Discovery only, there is an additional default category of Assigned to me which houses all folders which have been assigned to your username.
  • Any Category navigation can be seen by all users with varying default categories depending on user level.
  • The ability to create, edit, and manage Categories is limited to Advanced users in both Discovery and Litigation.


Create a Category


Advanced users can create a new/custom category from the folder list in both Discovery and Litigation databases. 

In Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, and then click the green Create Category button.


In Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, and then click the green Create Category button.

Note: You must have the Folders tab displayed in order to open the Category sidebar in Litigation.


Once you click the green Create Category button, a pop-up modal will appear and prompt you to enter the Category Name, and select to which folders the Category should be applied (folders must be existing). 

Note: Folders + Categories cannot have the same name.  If you attempt to enter such during creation (or editing), you will be provided a warning.

After you've made your selections, click Create.


Once created, you will now see your newly created Category highlighted in the sidebar, and the associated folders displayed.


Via Database Settings

Advanced users can also create a new category from the SETTINGS tab in both Discovery and Litigation databases. 

In Discovery, navigate to SETTINGS tab > Folders > Folder Categories, and click Create New.


In Litigation, navigate to MORE drop-down tab > Settings > Documents > Folder Categories, and click Create New.

Categories_createsettings_1_1.pngOnce you click the green Create New button, you will be prompted to enter the Category Name, and select to which folders the Category should be applied (folders must be existing). 

Note: Folders + Categories cannot have the same name.  If you attempt to enter such during creation (or editing), you will be provided a warning.

After you've made your selections, click Create.


Once created, navigate back to the REVIEW or DOCUMENTS tab (Discovery and Litigation, respectively), and you will now see your newly created Category highlighted in the Category sidebar, and the associated folders displayed.




Edit a Category


Advanced users can edit any user-created Category from the folder list in both Discovery and Litigation databases. 

In Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, hover over the Category which you would like to edit, click the three-dot drop-down, and select Edit Category.


In Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, hover over the Category which you would like to edit, click the three-dot drop-down, and select Edit Category.

Note: You must have the Folders tab displayed in order to open the Category sidebar in Litigation.


Once you click Edit Category, a pop-up modal will appear and prompt you to make any desired edits to the Category Name, and to which folders the Category should be applied (folders must be existing). 

After you've made your selections, click Update.


Once edited, you will now see your updated Category highlighted in the sidebar, and the associated folders displayed.


Via Database Settings

Advanced users can also edit a user-created Category from the SETTINGS tab in both Discovery and Litigation databases. 

In Discovery, navigate to SETTINGS tab > Folders > Folder Categories, and click Edit.

In Litigation, navigate to MORE drop-down tab > Settings > Documents > Folder Categories, and click Edit.


Once you click the Edit option, you will be prompted to make any desired edits to the Category Name, and to which folders the Category should be applied (folders must be existing). 

After you've made your selections, click Update.


Once edited, navigate back to the REVIEW or DOCUMENTS tab (Discovery and Litigation, respectively), and you will now see your newly updated Category in the Category sidebar, and the associated folders displayed. 





Delete a Category


Advanced users can delete any user-created Category from the folder list in both Discovery and Litigation databases. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Deleting a Category will not affect any associated folders or documents.

In Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, hover over the Category which you would like to delete, click the three-dot drop-down, and select Delete Category.


In Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, hover over the Category which you would like to delete, click the three-dot drop-down, and select Delete Category.

Note: You must have the Folders tab displayed in order to open the Category sidebar in Litigation.


Upon clicking the Delete Category option, you will be prompted to confirm you would like to delete the Category and after confirmation it will be removed from the Category lists in both the Category sidebar and Settings.

Via Database Settings

Advanced users can also delete a user-created Category from the SETTINGS tab in both Discovery and Litigation databases. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Deleting a Category will not affect any associated folders or documents.

In Discovery, navigate to SETTINGS tab > Folders > Folder Categories, and click Edit.

In Litigation, navigate to MORE drop-down tab > Settings > Documents > Folder Categories, and click Edit.


Upon clicking the Delete option, you will be prompted to confirm you would like to delete the Category and after confirmation it will be removed from the Category lists in both Settings and the Category sidebar.



Apply a Category during Folder creation

Applying Categories during Folder creation

Advanced users can associate any existing (custom) Category to a Folder when creating an individual Folder.  This is applicable in both Discovery and Litigation databases.

In Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab, click the green Create Folder button.

In Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, click the green Create Folder button.


Once you click the green Create Folder button, a pop-up modal will appear and prompt you to enter the Folder Name, Abbreviation/Prefix, and select to which Categories the Folder should be associated (categories must be existing). 

Note: Folders + Categories cannot have the same name.  If you attempt to enter such during creation (or editing), you will be provided a warning.


After you've made your selections, click Create.

Applying Categories to an existing Folder

Advanced users can associate any existing (custom) Category to a Folder when creating an individual Folder.  This is applicable in both Discovery and Litigation databases.

In Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab, navigate to the Folder you would like to edit, click the three-dot drop-down to the right of the folder name, and select Edit Folder.

In Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, navigate to the Folder you would like to edit, click the three-dot drop-down to the right of the folder name, and select Edit Folder.


Once you click Edit Folder, a pop-up modal will appear and prompt you to make any desired edits to the Folder Name, Abbreviation/Prefix and select to which Categories the folder should be associated with (categories must be existing). 

After you've made your selections, click Update.


Once edited, you will now see your updated Category highlighted in the sidebar, and the associated folders displayed.



Read more about our recent folder navigation updates here and advanced folder insights here >>

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