Review Your Data
Folder Organization
- How to Create Folders in Discovery
- Folder Management + Navigation
- Working with Folder Categories
- Managing your 'Favorites' Folder Category
- Advanced Folder Insights for Discovery & Litigation
- Add a Reviewer to a Folder
Document Fields & Coding
- Near Dupe Detection
- Setting Up Custom Grid Views in Discovery
- Adding Key Terms to Documents
- Creating & Editing Responsive Issues in Discovery
- Creating a Privilege Code in Discovery
- Creating a Confidentiality Code in Discovery
Search and Analyze
- Nextpoint Search Guide
- Locked Metadata Fields
- Search Hit Highlights
- Search Upgrades, Spring 2020
- How to Report the Page Count of a Folder
- Global Account Search
Review Your Data / Document Manipulation
- Auto-Redactions
- How to Redact
- How to Trash, Permanently Delete, or Restore Documents
- Add Page(s)
- Native Spreadsheet Viewer
- How to use Search Hit Highlights
Folder Organization
*The below functionality is available for Advanced users only.
Introduction to Folders
Folders in Nextpoint are a mechanism used to organize groups of like documents. (e.g. “Custodian A Mailbox” or "ABC Production001") and can be applied to documents individually at the document-level or en masse with a Bulk Action.
It is important to note, folders are structured as a 'tag' that points to documents within a particular grouping. Thus, one unique document might be found in multiple folders because the different folder 'tags' are pointing to that document.
For example, I might add Email #1 to a folder titled "Email Review." After reviewing, I distinguish this email should be produced and ultimately it is added to my "ABC Prod001" folder. Moving forward, I will be able to locate email #1 in both the Email Review and ABC Prod001 folders (and it is only one copy of the email).
How to Create a New Folder
Whether you are first setting up and organizing your database, importing data, or running a search, creating a folder is accessible to you. Outlined below are the different ways to create a folder in Nextpoint.
Create a Folder from Settings
1 | Locate Folder Settings
From the top navigation in your Discovery database, navigate to Settings > Folders and click Create New in the Folders section.
2 | Create your Folder
- Enter your Folder Name and validate the auto-populated abbreviation/prefix is what you prefer.
- Assign a color to distinguish your folder visually in the database. Perhaps, all custodian folders are blue, all production folders are green, etc..
- Select which Folder Category (or categories) your folder should be associated with.
- Click Create to finalize the creation of your folder.
The next step will be to add documents to your folder. Read on how to use Bulk Actions to organize your documents here >>
Additional Folder Actions from database Settings
Edit your Folder
If you would like to edit a folder, click Edit and make your desired changes. Click Update to save your changes.
Manage Folder Assignments
Users with Reviewer user permissions can only access documents in folders that they have been assigned to. You can assign reviewers under the Review tab using the Assign button.
To assign or un-assign users to a particular folder, click the box next to the Folder(s) for which you would like to manage assignments click Bulk Edit select the desired action (Assign, Un-assign).
The same steps apply if you would like to inactivate or delete a folder.
If managing assignments, select the box next to the users you would like to assign to the selected folders click Assign.
Create and Apply a Folder on Import
1 | Initiate the Import Workflow
From the top navigation in your Discovery database, navigate to DATA > Imports > Import Files.
2 | Select Files for Import and Set-up Import Details
- Select the import tyle you will be using: Single Mailbox (recommended for PST imports), Multiple Files, Production with Load File, and Manual.
- Select your files for import by clicking the envelope icon by Files and you will see Import files or folders from the File Room. Select desired file and click Add selected to import list. See more on the different import options here >>
- Enter a Batch Name
- Create and/or assign a Custodian if applicable.
- Click Create New Folder or search for an existing folder to which your data should be added to upon completion of your import batch. See further details below as to the settings prompted in the pop-up modal once you click Add New Folder.
- Click Import Files to initiate processing. Documents processed in your new batch will be added to the designated folder.
NOTE: If importing native data emails, loose files, etc..., the folder will populate in Date & Family order, meaning email families will be grouped together in chronological order. If importing produced data with Bates information, the folder will populate in Bates order.
3 | Add New Folder Modal
Once you click Add New Folder in the Import Set-up workflow, you will be prompted to add a few quick details.
- Enter your Folder Name and validate the auto-populated abbreviation/prefix is what you prefer.
- Assign a color to distinguish your folder visually in the database. Perhaps, all custodian folders are blue, all production folders are green, etc..
- Select which Folder Category (or categories) your folder should be associated with.
- Click Create to finalize the creation of your folder.
Note: If you simply want to name your folder in the immediate, you can always come back and edit the details later via settings or via the REVIEW tab (the three-dot drop-down next to each folder allow you to make edits).
Create a Folder from your Folder List
1 | Locate Folder List via REVIEW tab
From the top navigation in your Discovery database, navigate to REVIEW and click Create Folder in the top right of your folder list.
2 | Create your Folder
- Enter your Folder Name and validate the auto-populated abbreviation/prefix is what you prefer.
- Assign a color to distinguish your folder visually in the database. Perhaps, all custodian folders are blue, all production folders are green, etc..
- Select which Folder Category (or categories) your folder should be associated with.
- Click Create to finalize the creation of your folder.
The next step will be to add documents to your folder. Read on how to use Bulk Actions to organize your documents here >>
Create a Folder from Bulk Actions
1 | Access the Grid View
From the top navigation in your Discovery database, navigate to REVIEW and run your applicable search (or Filter).
Once you are on the Grid View, select the resulting list of documents then click Bulk Actions.
2 | Create your Folder
The Bulk Action modal will pop-up. Select Add under the Folder action checkbox then click Create New Folder.
- Enter your Folder Name and validate the auto-populated abbreviation/prefix is what you prefer.
- Click Create to finalize the creation of your folder.
3 | Finalize Bulk Action Settings and Update
- Once your folder has been created, verify the folder selection.
- Make your selection as to which related documents should be added to the folder (none, email family, email chain, duplicates).
- Make your selection as to the order in which documents should be added to the folder (current sort in the grid view, family order, date and family order).
- Lastly, click Update to initiate the Bulk Action to add the documents in your Grid View list to the newly created folder.
Create a Folder in a New Database (Empty State)
If no folders are set-up in your database, you will have the option to create a folder by selecting the REVIEW tab and clicking Create Folder
Following this step, you will be taken to a screen to enter the details of your new folder.
- Enter your Folder Name and validate the auto-populated abbreviation/prefix is what you prefer.
- Assign a color to distinguish your folder visually in the database. Perhaps, all custodian folders are blue, all production folders are green, etc..
- Select which Folder Category (or categories) your folder should be associated with.
- If Categories have not yet been created in your database, they will not be available for selection. You can further categorize after folder creation.
- Click Create to finalize the creation of your folder.
The next step will be to add documents to your folder. Read on how to use Bulk Actions to organize your documents here >>
There is no limit to the number of Folders you can create. Check out our blog post about this.
Return to Discovery Workflow
How to Create Folders in Discovery
Nextpoint released exciting updates to our folder management and navigation in 2020.
- More accessible folder management - you can now create, edit, and inactivate folders right from your folder list in Discovery and Litigation. Additionally, your folder icons will now display in the color you set.
- Easier folder sorting - all columns in your folder lists are now sortable and can be reset to your custom sort order with one click.
- Say goodbye to “Show More Folders” - available folders now displayed in a continuous scrolling list. Better yet, we'll save your spot in the list when you navigate away in the database.
- More flexible folder searching - when looking for a folder in your list, you can now search any part of the folder name instead of the exact name.
- Assurance you’ve “seen it all”- an “unfoldered documents” link is now available at the bottom of your folder list.
* Updates to creating and editing folders/issues available to Advanced User Permissions. User interface and navigation updates will be reflected in all user permissions. Read more below.
Simplified Folder Management
Folder management at your fingertips with the addition of the Create Folder + Create Document Issues buttons on the folder list pages — creating efficiencies one less click at at time.
You can now find “Create Folder” + “Create Document Issue” buttons on the REVIEW and DOCUMENTS tabs in Discovery and Litigation, respectively.
Simply click on the green Create Folder in the REVIEW tab of your Discovery database you will be prompted to enter the Folder Name, abbreviation, and select an editor color. After completing the folder creation form click Create.
Navigate to Litigation database DOCUMENTS Folders click the green Create Folder button.
You will be prompted to enter the Folder Name, abbreviation, and select an editor color. After completing the folder creation form click Create.
Navigate to Litigation database DOCUMENTS Document Issues tab click the green Create Document Issue button.
You will be prompted to enter the Document Issue name, abbreviation, and select an editor + report color (for highlights associated with the issue). After completing the issue creation form click Create.
In addition to adding accessibility to creating folders, we also added the opportunity to edit/inactivate Folders from the REVIEW tab and edit/inactivate Folders or Document Issues from the DOCUMENTS tabs. This will only give further flexibility in managing your case organization.
To edit or inactivate a Folder in Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab click the three-dot drop-down (hamburger menu) next to the folder name make the appropriate selection.
To edit or inactivate a Folder or Document Issue in Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, click the three-dot drop-down (hamburger menu) next to the folder/document issue name, and make the appropriate selection.
In the folder list of Discovery and Litigation databases, you will now find an "unfoldered documents" link which returns search results for documents which have not been added to one or more folders. The aim of this addition is to help ease anxiety you may have in making sure you have "seen it all".
Locate the unfoldered documents link via the REVIEW tab in a Discovery database, or in the DOCUMENTS tab of a Litigation database.
Added form validations for Create/Edit forms that check a name, prefix, color are present, name is not more that 100 characters, and not a protected name.
Folder Navigation Updates
Improved navigation (e.g new scrolling folder list vs. old “Show More Folders”) let’s you better organize without worrying how you will find your folders later.
Columns headers in the REVIEW and DOCUMENTS tabs (Discovery and Litigation, respectively) are now sortable!
Click any column header in the folder lists of Discovery and/or Litigation to sort in ascending or descending order. Reset to user-defined order by clicking Custom Sort at the top of list.
What is Custom Sort?
Custom Sort is specified sort order which any Advanced User within a given database can define and update in Settings. For example, you may want all of your Production folders groups together in your folder list, followed by Custodian folders, then key term search hit folders, etc..
We removed the option to "Show More Folders” and now all folders will be displayed in one continually scrolling list (Discovery + Litigation).
Additionally, when you navigate away from the list and use your browser back arrow, we will highlight your previous location in the list for ease of reference.
Why are my columns not sorting?
If you find that the columns in your folder list do not appropriately sort when clicked, we might suggest restarting your browser. If that doesn't do the trick, please try clearing your browser cookies and then attempt to sort.
When searching for a particular folder from your list of folders, the search bar will now search across the entire folder name instead of requiring the first word and exact name (Discovery + Litigation).
For example, if you are looking for all Review Sets, you can search for "set", and Nextpoint will return all folders which have "set" anywhere in the folder name.
Note: In Litigation DOCUMENTS Batches, we have removed the option to search the list of batches, but the list remains scrollable. You may also reference MORE Data Imports to review all import batches within your database.
Previously, only the document counts for each folder or document issue (Litigation) was hyperlinked. We have now added a link to each folder or document issue which will lead you to the full document count for each.
If you leave the REVIEW or DOCUMENTS tabs (Discovery and Litigation, respectively) and return using the back arrow in your browser, your location in the list will be remembered and highlighted.
User Interface Improvements
Empty state has been updated for REVIEW folder list page, as well as Folders, Document Issues, and Batches tabs in Litigation/DOCUMENTS.
Folder Icons will now include the folder color you set when creating or editing the folder.
No functionality changes have taken place with these UI updates; however, the Manage Trash button in Review was previously located at the bottom left of your folder list in the REVIEW tab, and it is now located at the top right.
When Filters are open, the Manage Trash button will shrink to only display the trash can icon.
Folder Management + Navigation
Folder Categories provide users the opportunity to organize folders of similar type and create one layer of 'subfolders'. Unlike the traditional subfolders you may find on your computer desktop, categories can be applied to more than one folder. This flexibility in navigation gives Admins and reviewers alike easier and more efficient access to relevant folders when they are needed.
To get started adding Categories to your case organization, simply click the green Create Category button from the folder list in any Discovery or Litigation database. Follow the prompts in the pop-up modal to set the Category Name, and select to which folders the Category should be applied. Click Create to finalize the setup, and your Category and associated folders will be immediately available in the Category sidebar on the left.
See more below on working with categories >>
Any default and/or user created categories can be found in any Nextpoint database in the sliding Category sidebar on the left and can be managed by an Advanced user from the folder list or folder settings page in both Discovery and Litigation.
Category Use Case Examples
- One example as to how you can leverage Categories is with Client Documents. You may create a category titled Client Documents, and within that category organize the folders Client Email Collection, Staffing Documentation, Contracts, etc...
- Another example is to create a category titled Productions, and within that category organize the folders Prod 001, Prod 002, etc.. (as shown below).
How to Work with Categories
Outlined below are instructions for creating, managing, editing, and deleting Categories. But first, a couple of notes on accessibility of the Category function:
- Every Discovery and Litigation database is equipped with two default Categories: All Folders and Favorites. In Discovery only, there is an additional default category of Assigned to me which houses all folders which have been assigned to your username.
- Any Category navigation can be seen by all users with varying default categories depending on user level.
- The ability to create, edit, and manage Categories is limited to Advanced users in both Discovery and Litigation.
Create a Category
Advanced users can create a new/custom category from the folder list in both Discovery and Litigation databases.
In Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, and then click the green Create Category button.
In Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, and then click the green Create Category button.
Note: You must have the Folders tab displayed in order to open the Category sidebar in Litigation.
Once you click the green Create Category button, a pop-up modal will appear and prompt you to enter the Category Name, and select to which folders the Category should be applied (folders must be existing).
Note: Folders + Categories cannot have the same name. If you attempt to enter such during creation (or editing), you will be provided a warning.
After you've made your selections, click Create.
Once created, you will now see your newly created Category highlighted in the sidebar, and the associated folders displayed.
Advanced users can also create a new category from the SETTINGS tab in both Discovery and Litigation databases.
In Discovery, navigate to SETTINGS tab > Folders > Folder Categories, and click Create New.
In Litigation, navigate to MORE drop-down tab > Settings > Documents > Folder Categories, and click Create New.
Once you click the green Create New button, you will be prompted to enter the Category Name, and select to which folders the Category should be applied (folders must be existing).
Note: Folders + Categories cannot have the same name. If you attempt to enter such during creation (or editing), you will be provided a warning.
After you've made your selections, click Create.
Once created, navigate back to the REVIEW or DOCUMENTS tab (Discovery and Litigation, respectively), and you will now see your newly created Category highlighted in the Category sidebar, and the associated folders displayed.
Edit a Category
Advanced users can edit any user-created Category from the folder list in both Discovery and Litigation databases.
In Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, hover over the Category which you would like to edit, click the three-dot drop-down, and select Edit Category.
In Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, hover over the Category which you would like to edit, click the three-dot drop-down, and select Edit Category.
Note: You must have the Folders tab displayed in order to open the Category sidebar in Litigation.
Once you click Edit Category, a pop-up modal will appear and prompt you to make any desired edits to the Category Name, and to which folders the Category should be applied (folders must be existing).
After you've made your selections, click Update.
Once edited, you will now see your updated Category highlighted in the sidebar, and the associated folders displayed.
Advanced users can also edit a user-created Category from the SETTINGS tab in both Discovery and Litigation databases.
In Discovery, navigate to SETTINGS tab > Folders > Folder Categories, and click Edit.
In Litigation, navigate to MORE drop-down tab > Settings > Documents > Folder Categories, and click Edit.
Once you click the Edit option, you will be prompted to make any desired edits to the Category Name, and to which folders the Category should be applied (folders must be existing).
After you've made your selections, click Update.
Once edited, navigate back to the REVIEW or DOCUMENTS tab (Discovery and Litigation, respectively), and you will now see your newly updated Category in the Category sidebar, and the associated folders displayed.
Delete a Category
Advanced users can delete any user-created Category from the folder list in both Discovery and Litigation databases.
PLEASE NOTE: Deleting a Category will not affect any associated folders or documents.
In Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, hover over the Category which you would like to delete, click the three-dot drop-down, and select Delete Category.
In Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, open the Category sidebar with the arrow button at the top left, hover over the Category which you would like to delete, click the three-dot drop-down, and select Delete Category.
Note: You must have the Folders tab displayed in order to open the Category sidebar in Litigation.
Upon clicking the Delete Category option, you will be prompted to confirm you would like to delete the Category and after confirmation it will be removed from the Category lists in both the Category sidebar and Settings.
Advanced users can also delete a user-created Category from the SETTINGS tab in both Discovery and Litigation databases.
PLEASE NOTE: Deleting a Category will not affect any associated folders or documents.
In Discovery, navigate to SETTINGS tab > Folders > Folder Categories, and click Edit.
In Litigation, navigate to MORE drop-down tab > Settings > Documents > Folder Categories, and click Edit.
Upon clicking the Delete option, you will be prompted to confirm you would like to delete the Category and after confirmation it will be removed from the Category lists in both Settings and the Category sidebar.
Apply a Category during Folder creation
Advanced users can associate any existing (custom) Category to a Folder when creating an individual Folder. This is applicable in both Discovery and Litigation databases.
In Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab, click the green Create Folder button.
In Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, click the green Create Folder button.
Once you click the green Create Folder button, a pop-up modal will appear and prompt you to enter the Folder Name, Abbreviation/Prefix, and select to which Categories the Folder should be associated (categories must be existing).
Note: Folders + Categories cannot have the same name. If you attempt to enter such during creation (or editing), you will be provided a warning.
After you've made your selections, click Create.
Advanced users can associate any existing (custom) Category to a Folder when creating an individual Folder. This is applicable in both Discovery and Litigation databases.
In Discovery, navigate to the REVIEW tab, navigate to the Folder you would like to edit, click the three-dot drop-down to the right of the folder name, and select Edit Folder.
In Litigation, navigate to the DOCUMENTS tab, navigate to the Folder you would like to edit, click the three-dot drop-down to the right of the folder name, and select Edit Folder.
Once you click Edit Folder, a pop-up modal will appear and prompt you to make any desired edits to the Folder Name, Abbreviation/Prefix and select to which Categories the folder should be associated with (categories must be existing).
After you've made your selections, click Update.
Once edited, you will now see your updated Category highlighted in the sidebar, and the associated folders displayed.
Working with Folder Categories
Release date: August 25, 2020
Every Discovery and Litigation database is equipped with two preset Categories: All Folders and Favorites.
While All Folders has always been an existing view, the addition of Favorites makes it simple to manage your most accessed, or top of mind folders in one location. Favorites are unique to each user and available for all access levels.
To get started organizing your favorite folders, navigate to your folder list. In Discovery, the folder list is located via the REVIEW tab. In Litigation, the folder list is located via the DOCUMENTS tab.
To add a folder to your Favorites category, simply toggle the star icon to yellow.
To remove a folder from your favorites, toggle the star icon again so it is a gray outline. Doing so will remove it from your Favorites list but the folder will remain in All Folders' and any other associated custom categories.
Managing your 'Favorites' Folder Category
Transparent Discovery Status
Gain insight into your Discovery status with the progress bars for relevancy and privilege coding. Take advantage of these relevancy and privilege insights as you track review (or reviewer) progress, to understand "what you have left", QC a production folder for consistent coding before Bates endorsements are applied, and more.
To access Discovery folder insights, first navigate to the REVIEW tab in any Nextpoint Discovery database. At first glance, the green + gray progress bars will display the percentage of documents in a particular folder which have been coded for Relevancy and Privilege. Coded is defined as any status other that "Not Reviewed".
If you want a closer look at the specific review statistics, simply hover over a particular progress bar.
Coded - Relevancy progress bars will display the specific counts for Responsive, Non-Responsive, Requires Follow-up, and Not Reviewed will be displayed on hover and all counts will be clickable.
Coded - Privilege progress bars will display the specific counts for Privileged, Not Privileged, and Not Reviewed will be displayed on hover and all counts will be clickable.
Add Notes for Streamlined Collaboration
Folder Notes enable all users to annotate at the folder level. These notes can indicate information such as the status of the review (e.g. "Ready for final QC), Bates ranges of the documents contained within the folder, and more.
To apply a folder note, simply click the three-dot drop down next to any name in your folder list, select Add Note, and enter your text.
As an added bonus, Folder Notes are now available in Litigation in an effort to streamline functionality across Discovery and Litigation.
FAQ: What if I am unable to access the three-dot drop down next to folders?
If you are suddenly unable to access any three-dot drop-down in your database, we first recommend refreshing your browser in order to clear the browser's cache. There are several ways to accomplish this:
- PC: Hold Ctrl and click Refresh in your browser
- PC: Hold Ctrl and click F5
- Mac: Hold Ctrl + Shift and click R
If this does not do the trick, please try closing your browser completely and open a new window.
More Information on Folders
- Read more on our first phase of folder management and navigation updates here >>
- Read more on creating Folders in Discovery here and in Litigation here >>
Advanced Folder Insights for Discovery & Litigation
*This functionality is available for Advanced users only.
In the top navigation of your Discovery Database, click SETTINGS and choose the Folders tab. Find the Folder you would like to add to, select the box next to the Folder, then click Bulk Actions.
To add a user click Assign, to remove a user click Un-assign.
Return to Discovery Workflow
Add a Reviewer to a Folder
Document Fields & Coding
One of the most important features of Nextpoint is it's ability to reduce your review time by detecting duplicates and removing them from your review set. In the past this has only worked for exact copies of files in the exact same format.
Now, Nextpoint has the ability to detect near duplicate documents to further support your review. Deduplication is not effective if documents change formats (like an email that is printed to PDF) or are produced. Near dupe detection uses the OCRed text of a document and compares it to other documents in the database giving each a similarity score. When viewing a document. you may then be able to view documents with similarity scores above a specific threshold. This will allow you to folder or code similar documents to aide your review. Additional near dupe detection options, like comparing only specific folders, or generating a master set are also available on a custom basis.
Here is now Nextpoint's Near Dupe Detection works:
When reviewing a document, click on the button to "Contact Us" in order to enable near dupe detection. At this time, near dupe detection is an add-on feature available for an additional cost as needed in each of your databases.
When you click the button, a Nextpoint team member will follow up with you about your need, and our developers will enable near dupe detection.
Viewing Near Dupes
To view near dupes once the feature is enabled:
1. Open the "Related Documents" tab.
2. Click on the "Duplicates" tab.
3. Exact Duplicates will appear first in this section followed by near dupes. In the "Near Dupe" section, you can view each near dupe with it's similarity score in a box to the right of the document pill.
4. You can bulk code these near dupes just like you can bulk code other types of related documents in this tab.
5. You can also change your duplicates tab view in the filter by either turning on/off the exact duplicate section and modifying the similarity score threshold for your near dupe section.
If many "near dupes" exist for a document, they will be categorized by similarity score and be available to add to a grid view. Notice the links in the near dupe section for similarity scores >= 80, 85, 90, and 95. Clicking on one of these links results in a search that includes the NPID number of the source document and the similarity score floor:
near_duplicates:(89552 and similiarity_score:>=95)
From the grid view, you can run bulk actions on these similar documents. You can also manually adjust the similarity scores you want to view in the search bar.
For additional information about near dupe detection or to schedule a demo, please reach out to or click on the "Enable Near Dupe Detection" button in your database.
Near Dupe Detection
*This functionality is available for Advanced users only.
When reviewing a particular type of document or document set in Discovery (e.g. emails, search results, etc..), it can be helpful to create a Grid View for an "at a glance" snapshot of your results.
Creating a Grid View Template
- To create a custom Grid View, click SETTINGS at the top of the screen > choose the General tab > click Create New to make a new template.
Note: In the Grid View Column Templates section at the bottom, you can view the currently saved templates, as well as Edit or Delete. - Provide a Name for your template and click Save Template
- In the next screen, drag and drop fields which you would like to include in your Grid View Template from the Available Fields (left) to the Current Fields (right).
Likewise, you can remove fields from your template by dragging and dropping from Current Fields to Available Fields. - Once the fields you would like to include are in the Current Fields column (right) you can click and drag field name(s) up and down to reorder.
- Select the default Sort Order if you would like to consistently sort results in this grid view by a particular attribute.
- When you are finished, click Save Template, and your template will be available in Grid View.
Using Your Grid View Templates
All Grid View Templates are available for selection after running a search OR filter under the REVIEW tab via the Views slider at the top right of the grid view.
To toggle your view, simply click the Views slider and select your view from the drop-down.
For more information on using Grid View and Chron View, click here >>
Return to Discovery Workflow
Setting Up Custom Grid Views in Discovery
To create key terms within your Discovery database, click SETTINGS > General Settings and navigate to the Key Terms settings box and click "Edit".
In Litigation, Key Term settings are located in MORE > SETTINGS > Documents.
Adding, editing or deleting key terms:
- To add: Click "Add New Term".
- To delete: Click the red cancel icon.
- To edit: Click the color box next to each word.
Adding key term highlights, continued:
After clicking the "Add New Term" button, type the term or phrase in the text box then click the color box to change the color. See image below.
Choosing the color of your key term highlight:
After clicking on the color box, choose the color by clicking on the left side boxes or right side color bar and the shade in the center box. Once the preferred color is picked click "Choose".
To view the key terms in your document:
Click the Key Term Mode button located at the top left of your document.
Return to Discovery Workflow
Adding Key Terms to Documents
*This functionality is available for Advanced users only.
Responsive Issues are a database asset which can be utilized to organize and categorize your documents during your review.
Creating a Responsive Issue
To create a Responsive Issue, at the top of the home page navigate to SETTINGS > Coding. Scroll down to the Responsive Issues section, then click Create New.

Choose a Name and Abbreviation for your Issue, assign both an Editor and Report color, and click Create.
Responsive Issue FAQ:
"What is the difference between Editor and Report Color?"
The Editor Color is what you will see throughout your Nextpoint Database (Gridview, Filter, Document View, etc..) while the Report Color will show as your highlight color when applying image markups to your documents and associating with the particular issue.
"How many Responsive Issues can I create?"
Nextpoint allows for up to 63 Responsive Issues when working in Discovery. For further information on how to handle situations when you may have more than 63 Issues, please click here.
"Can I create sub-issues to further classify my documents?"
If you would like to create sub-issues, we recommend creating your top-level issues under the Responsive Issues settings section as described above. Then, for each top-level issue, you can create a (custom) picklist Field containing the various sub-issues. Click here for further information>>
Editing a Responsive Issue
You can change the name, color, etc. of an issue by clicking Edit next to the particular Issue under SETTINGS > Coding.
Deleting a Responsive Issue
Currently, you are unable to delete Responsive Issues, but Nextpoint allows for Issues to be deactivated when not in use or out of date.
The option to deactivate an issue can be helpful when you are no longer using a particular issue and/or want to clean up your coding panel, but also want to maintain the option of "reactivating" down the road.
To deactivate an issue, navigate to SETTINGS > Coding > click Edit to the right of the Responsive Issue at hand, and click deactivate in the upper right-hand corner of the editing pane.
Return to Discovery Workflow
Creating & Editing Responsive Issues in Discovery
*This functionality is available for Advanced users only.
Custom Privilege Codes can be created, allowing you to code documents as Privileged, and designate the reason(s) a document is considered privileged.
At the top of the home page go to SETTINGS > Coding. Scroll down to the Privilege Codes section, then click "Create New".
Enter the new Privilege Code name, and click "Create".
Return to Discovery Workflow
Creating a Privilege Code in Discovery
*This functionality is available for Advanced users only.
Custom Confidentiality Codes can be created, allowing you to code documents as confidential, and instantly endorse them with the appropriate confidentiality stamp.
To locate the Confidentiality Code settings, in the top navigation of your database, click SETTINGS > Coding.
Scroll down to the Confidentiality Codes section, then click Create New.
Enter the new Confidentiality Code name, and click Create.
Once created, the Confidentiality Coding option will be available for use in the Document Viewer.
Return to Discovery Workflow
Creating a Confidentiality Code in Discovery
Search and Analyze
Our comprehensive Search Guide is outlined below, but if you prefer a PDF version, you can download by clicking on this button:
Download Nextpoint Search Guide
Search Topics Below
- Where to Search in Nextpoint
- Search Syntax Operators - Search_Text, Search_Fields, AND, OR, NOT, Proximity, Exact Phrase, Wildcard
- General Metadata - Author, Date, Document Type, File Extension, File Name, File Path, Title, Root Folder, App Name, Encrypted, Page Count
- Email Metadata - Email Author, Recipients, CC, BCC, Domain, Sender Domain, Receiver Domain, Email Subject, Email Sent, Email Received, Mailbox File, Mailbox Path, Email Message ID
- Document Metadata - Document Title, Document Subject, Document Author, Document Last Author, Created Date Time, Modified Date Time, Last Print Date
- Document Identifiers - Nextpoint ID, Bates, Bates Prefix, Bates Range
- Work Product - Folder, Category, Issue, Responsive Status, Privilege Status, Highlighted, Highlight Notes, Page Notes, Treatments, Exhibit Stamped, Custom Fields, Tags
- True/False Fields - Privileged, Confidentiality, Redacted, Email Thread, Bates Stamped, Native Placeholder, Non-Imaged Placeholder
If you are still having difficulty building your search syntax after viewing the search guide, please contact our Product Support team at
Where to Search in Nextpoint
Users can log into any Nextpoint Discovery database to view the ANALYTICS tab.
ANALYTICS presents powerful, interactive visualization of your data in graphical form.
Simply click on any of the graphs to view a complete list of the documents in that specific category. The overall progress of your review project is also quickly viewable in the interactive 'doughnut chart’ near the bottom of the page.
To refine the data in your visualizations, just add terms to the SEARCH TO REFINE box on the upper right, and hit return on your keyboard. All data visualizations will redraw correspondingly.
View further details on the Analytics page here >>
The Search bar is available in both Discovery and Litigation databases, and when working in Litigation, can be utilized for searching documents and transcripts. Simply enter your search syntax (additional details on building searches below) and click the eyeglass icon.
Below, we illustrate how you can begin with a simple keyword in the search bar and continually add criteria in order to further refine your results.
If you are learning the nuances of building more complex searches and/or just want some help building your search syntax, there is an Advanced Search functionality to assist.
Building an Advanced Search
To build and run an Advanced Search, start by selecting ADVANCED next to any search bar (as shown above). Here's a breakdown of some of the basics:
- Search syntax builds as you enter terms or make coding selections
- Search by Discovery, Privileged and/or Confidentiality statuses
- Use Boolean operators (AND, OR), look for exact phrases, and enter proximity searches
- More search tools are available via the "More Tools" dropdown, such as word exclusions and fuzzy searches
- Search within specific Bates or Date Ranges
- Search within specific metadata or (custom) coding fields
- Click Advanced Search when all terms are entered, and you will be taken to a results page
Filters are available in any Nextpoint database to the right of the search bar and are extremely useful when looking to return documents which match a particular set of coding or metadata.
It is important to note:
- Filters produce “AND” search results. For example, filtering would be useful if you were looking for all documents containing the Folder “Defense” and the Issue “Contract Performance".
- Additionally, Filters CAN NOT be used in conjunction with the search bar. For example, you can not run a search in the search bar and then use the Filters to further narrow. If you do such, the secondary user of Filters will override any search you have input in the search bar.
To use the Filters, click the arrow next to the identifier you wish to search by and press Filter Documents.
If you were looking to run an “OR” search, this can be easily performed using Boolean logic in the search field. For the aforementioned example, you would type folder:defense OR issue:"contract performance".
While the aforementioned search functionalities can be employed to search, analyze, and cull documents across your database, please note there is also search functionality within each individual document.
For databases created on or after December 6, 2021: to search within an individual document, click the PDF search in document viewer, input your search at the top right, and hit return on your keyboard. This will prompt the PDF Search Toolbar and search hit highlights shown on the word(s).
For databases created prior to December 6, 2021: to search within an individual document, once you are in the document viewer, input your search at the top right, and hit return on your keyboard or click search immediately below your input.
Want your keyword searches persistently highlighted when they hit on a document? Read more about setting up and utilizing Key Terms here >>
Search Syntax Operators
Operators | Description |
Term(s) / Words |
For any keyword search, simply input the term in your search bar and click return/enter to execute the search. Doing so will query the database for any search text or metadata which hits on your keyword and return resulting documents to your grid view. EXAMPLE: patent will return all documents containing the term patent anywhere on the document or in the metadata. |
Search_Text: |
Will return all documents containing the term in the search text of the documents, only. If an input search hits on only a metadata field (e.g. Document_title), but not in the search text, that document will not be returned in your results. EXAMPLE: search_text:patent will return all documents containing the term patent in the search text of the document, only. |
Search_Fields: |
Will return all documents containing the term(s) in the coding and metadata of the documents, only. EXAMPLE: search_fields:patent will return all documents containing the term patent in the coding/metadata of the document, only. USE CASE: Depending on the quality of any scanned documents and/or handwritten notes, your document search text may not always be comprehensive or extremely useful. Instead, many users will annotate or code documents using fields. As coding takes place over the years, the coding can become inconsistent and users have a difficult time knowing which field to search. In the above example, search_fields:patent will allow the users to search across fields without knowing the exact field(s) the term patent could appear (e.g. attorney_notes:patent OR reviewer_notes:patent OR title:patent). FORMATTING NOTE:
Operator Hierarchy |
General hierarchy is NOT > AND > OR Without parentheses present in your search syntax, any NOT search will be performed before any AND search, and any AND search will be performed before an OR search. If you would like to segment your search syntax so a particular group of criteria are considered together (e.g. this OR that OR that), then make sure to enclose that portion of your syntax in parentheses. EXAMPLE: (batch:2 OR batch:3) AND confidentiality:CONFIDENTIAL will look for any documents in batch 2 or batch 3 that are marked confidential. The OR search component will be performed before the AND search because the parentheses were input as a directive to consider that section as a segment. |
AND, + |
Connecting two (or more) terms/fields with AND will return results with both terms - this AND that. You can also replace the AND with a plus sign (+). If doing so, ensure there are spaces on each side of the + as shown in below example. EXAMPLE: patent AND invention (or patent + invention) will return documents which contain both terms. If a document does not contain both of those terms, it will not be returned for this search. |
OR, ( ) |
Connecting two (or more) terms/fields with OR will return results with either terms or fields - this OR that. EXAMPLES: patent OR invention will return all documents which contain patent or invention. So long as a document contains one of those terms, it will be returned for this search. custodian:"smith, john" OR custodian:"miller, barbara" will return all documents from either of the two custodians. TIP: You can also enclose two or more terms (not applicable to fields) in parentheses to imply an OR search, so the aforementioned would be (patent invention). |
NOT, - |
Excludes term or field from results - this NOT that. You can also replace NOT with a minus sign (-). If doing so, make sure the - is immediately preceding the second term as shown in the below example. EXAMPLE: patent NOT invention; patent -invention - Documents with the term patent but without the term invention |
~ |
Proximity search, searching within n words EXAMPLE: “patent invention”~5 - Documents containing the term patent within five words of invention |
“ ” |
Surrounding any sequence of terms in quotation marks will imply an exact phrase when searching. EXAMPLE: "prior art" - Documents which contain the exact phrase "prior art" |
* |
You can input an asterisk(*) after a word to account for variations (e.g. report* will return reporting, reported, reporter, etc..). There is no limit on characters when a wildcard is placed at the suffix of a word. EXAMPLES:
? |
You can input a question mark mid-term to indicate a word that will contain "at most" one character. Examples:
General Metadata
General Rule of thumb for searching within any coding/metadata field is field_name:value
Command | Description |
Author |
Combined field identifying the author of an email or document. EXAMPLE: |
Document_Date or Date |
Combined date field with the following priorities — Emails: Sent date then received date. Efiles and non-email attachments: modified date, then created date. EXAMPLES: Specified Date >> Document_date:01/10/2020 - can also use Document_Date:01/10/2020 Date Range, Years >> Date:[2001 2019] - returns results for all documents within that range of years. Can also use exact dates to narrow your date range. Date Range, Specified >> Document_Date:["January 10, 2020" "January 20, 2020"] - returns results for all documents within the specified date range. Date Range, Greater/Less than >> Date:>2001-09 - returns results for all documents after September 2001; can also use Date:>09/2001 |
Document_Type |
Category of document based on its origins:
These values can be overwritten via otherwise provided values in a loadfile. EXAMPLE: document_type:email AND Date:["January 10, 2020" "January 20, 2020"] - all emails dated between 1/10/2020 - 1/20/2020 |
File_Extension |
File extension of the processed document EXAMPLE: File_extension:xl* - all versions of Microsoft Excel documents (i.e. xls, xlsx, etc.) |
File_Name |
Original file name of native file — contains subject of email message for email records EXAMPLE: file_name:mountain* - all documents containing "mountain and anything thereafter" in the File Name. |
File_Path |
Location from which the file was collected EXAMPLE: When a document has a File Path field with the value: \\Top of Outlook data file\ (Primary)\Recoverable Items\Purges\woof.pdf This list of searches is not exhaustive, but is indicative of the searches that return this document:
Title |
Combined field that pulls the email subject from emails and the title field from e-files and attachments. EXAMPLE: title:report - all emails containing report in the Email Subject line, and all documents containing report in the document title |
Root_Folder |
Root folder location in your database's File Room at time of processing. This encompasses any loose files imported from File Room without a load file. EXAMPLE: root_folder:EDRM_Data* - all documents stemming from a File Room folder beginning with "EDRM_Data" and ending with anything thereafter (e.g. EDRM_Data_001, EDRM_Data_002, etc...) |
App_Name |
Application Name field value pulled from metadata of native file. EXAMPLE: app_name:"Microsoft Excel" - all documents containing Microsoft Excel within the App Name Field. Note: If looking for something like "All excel files", we recommend relying on the file_extension:xl* search as the App Name may not always be populated and/or consistently named when populated. |
Page Count |
Count of processed image pages for a document. EXAMPLES: page_count:0 - all documents which have zero imaged pages in Nextpoint (can assist in identifying identifying documents which didn't image) page_count:>8 - all documents which have more than eight (8) imaged pages in Nextpoint (can assist in identifying documents which are "more or less than X number of pages") page_count:[11 24] - all documents which between 11 to 24 imaged pages in Nextpoint |
Email Metadata
General Rule of thumb for searching within any coding/metadata field is field_name:value
Command | Description |
Email_Author |
Author of an email. EXAMPLE: |
Recipients |
Recipient(s) of an email; Plural regardless of singular or multiple recipients; *only values for the recipients field (does not include cc: or bcc: values) EXAMPLE: |
CC |
Recipient(s) carbon copied on an email. EXAMPLE: |
Recipient(s) "blind copied" on an email EXAMPLE: |
Above searches are dependent on what format your data is brought into Nextpoint. Often inboxes are set where an individual’s actual name appears in the To/From/CC/BCC fields, in lieu of their email handle. For example, could also be formatted as cc:"John Smith" or cc:smith. Before performing your email search, we suggest reviewing a couple sample emails or the Analytics "widget" section for further, quick insight. |
Email Searching: Nextpoint stores email addresses as a whole and split up for ease of searching. EXAMPLE: When a document has text with the email address ‘’ this list of searches is not exhaustive, but is indicative of the searches that return this document:
The term `badger2` will also return documents with the email address |
Domain |
Returns all emails to or from a particular domain. This includes the author, recipients, cc, and bcc fields. EXAMPLE: - all emails containing in the author, recipients, cc, or bcc fields. Note: We recommend against using an @ in your search. This character is treated like a space, and thus, you may return unexpected results. |
Sender_Domain |
Returns all emails from a particular domain. This includes the author field. EXAMPLE: - all emails containing in the author field. Note: We recommend against using an @ in your search. This character is treated like a space, and thus, you may return unexpected results. |
Receiver_Domain |
Returns all emails to a particular domain. This includes the recipients, cc, and bcc fields. EXAMPLE: - all emails containing in the recipients, cc, and bcc fields. Note: We recommend against using an @ in your search. This character is treated like a space, and thus, you may return unexpected results. |
Email_Subject |
Subject line of an email. EXAMPLE: email_subject:lunch - all emails containing lunch in the subject line |
Email_Sent + Email_Received |
Date-time of a sent email, or date-time of an email that was received. EXAMPLES: Specified Date >> email_sent:01/10/2020 - can also use Document_Date:01/10/2020 Date Range, Years >> email_sent:[2001 2019] - returns results for all documents within that range of years. Can also use exact dates to narrow your date range. Date Range, Specified >> email_received:["March 13, 2019" "April 6, 2019"] - returns results for all documents within the specified date range. Date Range, Greater/Less than >> email_received:>2015-09 - returns results for all documents after September 2015; can also use Date:>09/2015 |
Mailbox_File |
If present, filename of mailbox archive email was extracted from. EXAMPLE: - all emails and attachments which stemmed from the compressed mailbox file of "" TIP: Want to find only the emails from a particular mailbox_file? Try searching AND document_type:email |
Mailbox_Path |
Mailbox path represents the full sequence of mailboxes and sub-mailboxes that specifies the location of a certain, named mailbox. EXAMPLE: mailbox_path:inbox - all emails + attachments which stemmed from a particular location within a mailbox_file. TIP: Commonly, we see structures like "top level mailbox/Inbox", "top level mailbox/calendar files", "top level mailbox/contacts", but it is dependent upon how emails were organized and collected from the source. If there are no mailbox subdirectories contained within the source Mailbox_file, then this field will not be populated. |
Email_Message_ID |
Email message ID field value extracted from the metadata of the native file. EXAMPLE: email_message_id:"<>" - all documents with a particular Email Message Id TIP: A direct link to a particular message ID search syntax is always available at the bottom right in your document viewer under the section titled "Extracted Metadata" |
Email_thread:true | True if email conversation starter |
Is_attachment:true | True if file is attached to an email |
Has_attachment:true | True if email has an attachment |
Document Metadata
General Rule of thumb for searching within any coding/metadata field is field_name:value
Command | Description |
Document_Title |
Title field value extracted from the metadata of the native file. EXAMPLES: document_title:"calendar wizard" - all documents which have the exact phrase "calendar wizard" in the Document Title. document_title:expert* - all documents which have the keyword expert* (the asterisk accounts for "anything after" expert, like expert, experts, expertise..) |
Document_Date |
EXAMPLES: Specified Date >> Date:01/10/2020 - can also use Document_Date:01/10/2020 Date Range, Years >> Date:[2001 2019] - returns results for all documents within that range of years. Can also use exact dates to narrow your date range. Date Range, Specified >> Date:["January 10, 2020" "January 20, 2020"] - returns results for all documents within the specified date range. Date Range, Greater/Less than >> Date:>2001-09 - returns results for all documents after September 2001; can also use Date:>09/2001 |
Document_Author |
Author field value pulled from metadata of the native file. EXAMPLES: document_author:(robert david) - all documents containing Robert OR David in the Document Author Field document_author:(robert AND putnam) - all documents containing Robert AND Putnam in the Document Author field document_author:* - all documents containing any value in the Document Author field (is not blank) |
Document_Last_Author |
Last ‘Saved By’ field value pulled from metadata of the native file. EXAMPLES: document_last_author:(robert david) - all documents containing Robert OR David in the Document Last Author Field document_last_author:(robert AND putnam) - all documents containing Robert AND Putnam in the Document Last Author field document_last_author:* - all documents containing any value in the Document Last Author field (is not blank) |
For any date searches
Context Aware: Any date_time search will take into consideration any context you do or don't provide.
Flexible Formatting: You can search for a date (or range of dates) in a variety of common formats.
Created_Date_Time |
Creation date and time of the native file when imported without produced images. EXAMPLES: created_date_time:2003-01-22 - all documents with a created_date_time of 2003-01-22. created_date_time:>1-17-09 - all documents with a created_date_time greater than (after) 1/17/2009 created_date_time:[3/19/09 2015-04-01]- all documents with a created_date_time between 3/19/2009 - 04/01/2015. |
Modified_Date_Time |
Date and time the native file was last modified EXAMPLES: modified_date_time:2003-01-22 - all documents with a modified_date_time of 2003-01-22. modified_date_time:>1-17-09 - all documents with a modified_date_time greater than (after) 1/17/2009 modified_date_time:[3-19-09 04-01-2015] - all documents with a modified_date_time between 3/19/2009 - 04/01/2015. |
Last_Print_Date |
Date the native file was last printed (MS Office documents) EXAMPLES: last_print_date:2003-01-22 - all documents with a last_print_date of 2003-01-22. last_print_date:>1-17-09 - all documents with a last_print_date greater than (after) 1/17/2009 last_print_date:[3-19-09 04-01-2015] - all documents with a last_print_date between 3/19/2009 - 04/01/2015. |
Document Identifiers
General Rule of thumb for searching within any coding/metadata field is field_name:value
Command | Description |
Nextpoint ID |
Unique number assigned to every document upon creation in your Nextpoint database. EXAMPLES: ID:1234 ID:(1234 5678 9101) - Becomes an OR search, and pulls all three documents |
Bates |
Bates number assigned to a document, whether it was stamped through Nextpoint, or elsewhere. EXAMPLES: Bates:ABC000001 - Returns the document that contains this exact stamp on a page of said document Bates:ABC* - Returns all documents containing a Bates prefix of ABC Bates:ABC001* - Returns the document with ABC001 AND any other documents where a Bates number begins with ABC001 (e.g. ABC0012, ABC00123, etc.) Bates:* - Returns all Bates assigned documents within your database Bates:(ABC000001 ABC000015 ABC000027) - Returns each document that hits on that particular Bates number. Essentially this becomes an OR search instead of a range search TIP: Bates numbers with spaces need to be in quotes. Bates:"ABC 000001" |
Bates Prefix |
The alphabetical portion of the Bates stamp. EXAMPLES: Bates_prefix:ABC - Returns all documents with Bates Prefix ABC. TIP: If your Bates prefix has any separating characters like underscores _ , hypens - , spaces, periods, etc.. you do not need include those characters in your search. |
Bates Range |
Documents with Bates numbers within an identified range EXAMPLE: Bates:[ABC000001 ABC000015] Bates numbers with spaces need to be in quotes. Bates:[“ABC 000001” “ABC 000015”] |
Work Product
General Rule of thumb for searching within any coding/metadata field is field_name:value
Command | Description |
Folder |
Will return all documents contained within a particular folder in Nextpoint. EXAMPLE: Folder:”John Smith Inbox” - Will return all documents within the John Smith Inbox" folder in Nextpoint FAQ: How do I search for a certain range of documents in a folder (e.g. the first 1,000 documents in the folder)? folder:"folder name":[1 1000] |
Category |
Will return all documents associated with a particular category via their folder assignment. Searching for a particular category will translate on the back-end as an OR search across all folders within that category. EXAMPLE: Category:”Productions” - Will return all documents within the folders associated with the Productions category. The back-end syntax for Category:"Productions" translates as (folder:"prod1" OR folder:"prod2" OR folder:"prod3") |
Responsive_Status |
Will return all documents tagged as “Responsive” EXAMPLE: Review_status:responsive - Will return all documents tagged as “Responsive” |
Issue |
Will return all documents tagged with a particular responsive issue EXAMPLE: Issue:damages - all documents tagged with issue damages |
Privilege_Status |
Will return all documents tagged with a particular privilege reason EXAMPLE: Privileged:Work-Product - all documents tagged as privileged, work-product |
Tags |
Manually added work product tags applied via Bulk Actions or at the document-level EXAMPLE: Tags:AJEML - all documents which have been tagged by an end user with the specific tag AJEML. TIP: If your tag is specific enough (e.g. AJTAG), you can simply enter the tag text in your search bar and click enter/return |
Highlighted |
Will return all documents with highlight image markups AND any associated highlight issue. EXAMPLE: Highlighted:true TIP: If you would like to find all documents with highlights, regardless if an issue has been assigned, it is recommended you use the FILTERS. Open your Filters > navigate to the Work Product section > Document Annotations subsection > select Documents with Highlights > Filter Documents. |
Highlight_Issues |
Will return all documents with highlight image markups AND a particular highlight issue. EXAMPLE: Highlight_Issues:"Fraud Claim" will return all documents highlighted and associated with Fraud Claim issue. |
Highlight_Notes |
Documents with highlight image markups associated with a particular note. EXAMPLE: Highlight_Notes:collusion will return all documents with the term collusion in the highlight notes. |
Page_Notes |
Documents with page notes associated with your specific criteria. EXAMPLES: page_notes:"for redaction" - Returns all documents with the exact phrase "for redaction" on a page note. page_notes:* - Returns all documents with a page note(s) TIP: You can also find documents with Page Notes by using your Filters. Open Filters > Work Product > Select “Documents With Notes Only” |
Redaction_Notes |
Documents with redaction notes associated with your specific criteria. EXAMPLES: redaction_notes:SSN - Returns all documents with SSN in the redaction note(s) redaction_notes:* - Returns all documents with a redaction note |
Designation_Notes | Transcripts with designation notes associated with your specific criteria.
EXAMPLES: designation_notes:"present at scene of accident" - Returns all transcripts with the exact phrase "present at scene of accident" associated with a page/line designation note. designation_notes:* - Returns all transcripts with a designation note(s) |
Treatments |
Utilize the filter to narrow to all documents with treatments applied in theater mode Open Filters > Work Product > Select “Has Treatments” |
Stamped |
Will return all documents with a specified exhibit name (folder) and number. The search syntax for a particular exhibit is Folder:'folder abbreviation':stamp number EXAMPLES: folder:PX:5 - Returns Plaintiff Exhibit 5 Stamped:* - Will return all documents that contain an exhibit stamp applied within Nextpoint folder:px:[1 10] - Will return Plaintiff Exhibits 1-10 (the brackets [ ] indicate a range of exhibits) |
Fields (Documents and Transcripts) |
General rule of thumb for searching is field_name:value DOCUMENT EXAMPLE: Attorney_notes:important - Search for a term or phrase from a note that you may want to locate Request_for_Production:5 - Search a value from a picklist. Use case: If you had all of your request for production numbers listed in a custom picklist field, and coded documents to each request, you could pull up all documents that pertained to a particular request through the above search. TRANSCRIPT EXAMPLE: Volume:2 - Search for a specific transcript volume Deposing_Attorney:Smith - Returns and transcript(s) containing "Smith" in the Deposing Attorney transcript field. |
Batch |
You can search on a specific import batch by finding the batch number on the imports page and searching on the number. Example:
Export |
Pull all documents associated with a specific export by searching by the export number. Examples:
Please note: The export number can be found by clicking into the export, and then finding the number in the url. Example:
True/False Fields
General Rule of thumb for searching within any coding/metadata field is field_name:value
Command | Description |
privileged:true | True if document has at least one privilege tag |
confidentiality:true | True if one document is marked with Confidentiality in Nextpoint |
redacted:true | True if one document is marked with redactions within Nextpoint |
Email_thread:true | True if email conversation starter |
Is_attachment:true | True if file is attached to an email |
Has_attachment:true | True if email has an attachment |
Bates_Stamped:true | True if Bates stamped within Nextpoint |
Has_native_placeholder:true | True if native placeholder was inserted and Bates stamped, as it was a file type that needed to be produced in its native/original form, even though it does have an image in Nextpoint (i.e. excels) |
Non_imaged_placeholder:true | True if a non-imaged placeholder was inserted and Bates stamped, because it was a file type that does not image through traditional software (I.e. audio/video files) |
Encrypted | True if native document was encrypted on import. Helpful to search for encrypted:true to locate all files which need a password |
Nextpoint Search Guide
To assist our users in protecting the integrity of both native and user-generated metadata, Nextpoint has released the ability to prevent certain metadata fields from being edited.
Beginning on April 18, 2022, all of the pre-created metadata fields in new and existing databases will be locked by default, preventing users from changing any of the data in any of these fields. Advanced users have the ability to lock and unlock any fields in a database including custom coding fields. Once locked, fields cannot be edited at the document level or via bulk action unless they are first unlocked by an advanced user. The information will remain viewable, but at the document level, locked fields will be greyed out, preventing users from editing them. Nextpoint will maintain a "Field Modification History," so users can gain insight on who locked/unlocked specific fields.
Locking/Unlocking Fields
To unlock individual fields in your Nextpoint discovery database, navigate to "Settings" > "Coding" > "Fields." In a Nextpoint litigation database you need to navigate to "More" > "Settings" > "Documents" > "Fields." From there you can:
1. Unlock individual locked fields.
2. Unlock all fields at once.
Similarly, for the same location you can:
1. Lock individual unlocked fields.
2. Lock all unlocked fields at once. Note: the "Unlock all" button becomes a "Lock all" button when a majority of the fields are unlocked.
Field Modification History
To access the "Field Modification History," select the clock icon at the top of the "Fields" section.
From here you can Search (1) on the list of field modifications, sort (2) the list, and export (3) the list as a PDF. The "Field Modification History" will also record when fields are added or deleted.
Editing Document Fields
At the document level, unlocked fields (1) will remain white and editable. While you will still be able to read information in locked fields (2), they will appear greyed out and will not editable.
When attempting bulk actions on a set of documents, unlocked fields (1) will appear in black text and can be selected. Locked fields (2) will appear in grey text and can not be selected for bulk actions.
Locked Metadata Fields
*Search hit highlights are available in all databases created on, or after, December 6. Read more at the end of this article as to how you will be able to retroactively fit your legacy databases with search hit highlights in the future.
Navigating Search Hit Highlights
Now, when you run a search in a database with search hit highlights, Nextpoint will remove any field:value combinations, and carry any keywords through to the document-level.
For example, the below search reads folder:"BZ and BA Emails" AND (takeout test counting).
Upon clicking into any of the resulting documents and entering the document viewer, folder:"BZ and BA Emails" has been removed, but the terms takeout test counting remain in the search bar at the top center of the document viewer.
You will also notice the search terms are highlighted within the document.
The terms from the search bar will also be presented in a toolbar at the top left of the document. We refer to this as the PDF Search toolbar because PDF images are what facilitate the search hit highlights you see.
These PDF images are a new component of the document viewer and immediately upon release, will only be available in databases created on, or after, December 6. Read more at the end of this article as to how you will be able to retroactively fit your legacy databases with search hit highlights in the future.
Don't see the PDF Search toolbar? Make sure to toggle to the PDF Search Viewer Mode at the top left of your document.
A Closer Look at PDF Search Toolbar
Once in the document, you can navigate a series of tools for your document review in the PDF Search Toolbar.
- Thumbnail View, provides thumbnail image for all pages in document
- Toggle pages
- Highlight all, Match Case, Whole Words
• Highlight all: When enabled, all occurrences of the searched term(s) will be highlighted. Use the up/down arrows to toggle through the different term hits. Current term will be highlighted in green.
• Match case: When enabled, considers capitalization of searched terms.
• Whole words: When enabled, only exact matches of searched term(s) will be highlighted. - Zoom is set to Automatic Zoom by default; adjust as needed
- Drop-down menu
• Rotate: This option is not a permanent rotation, but a great temporary rotate option
• Text Selection Tool: Copy/paste of text directly from the document.
• Odd and Even Spreads: Side-by-side page view of document pages.
Search Hit Highlights in Legacy Databases
As it relates to search hit highlights, a legacy database is any Nextpoint database created before December 6, 2021. We have outlined below, several FAQ's on search hit highlights for legacy databases, but if you have more particular questions, please contact your firm's Client Success Director.
- Why doesn't my database have search hit highlights?
Search hit highlights will be available in all Nextpoint databases created on, or after, December 6th. We expect to introduce a tool next month that will allow us to implement this feature in legacy databases for an additional fee. -
How do I navigate search hits if my database does not yet have search hit highlights?If you are currently working in a legacy database, you will navigate search hits similar to before the release. When searching via the search bar at the document-level, you will be presented with hyperlinked page numbers for the result(s) and provided associated search hit context. Notably, all other updates in this release are available to you.
How do I implement search hit highlights on my legacy database(s)?
We will release a tool in the coming weeks that allows us to implement search hit highlights in legacy databases for an additional fee. Once the tool is released, all legacy databases will have a new icon next to document-level search bar. Advanced database users will be able to click this icon to initiate a request that their database be upgraded with search hit highlights.
Questions? Feedback? Please contact our team at
Search Hit Highlights
Have you noticed recently that Nextpoint search is SUPER fast?
Nextpoint upgraded our search technology in March 2020, and with this upgrade came increased indexing and searching speeds, more stability, and the opportunity to continue to scale our search functionality as we move forward.
In addition to making finding your documents faster than ever, we also added several functionality updates which will make finding your documents easier than ever. We've outlined the updates below and included several examples in hopes of acquainting you with ways you can leverage these new functionalities in your daily practice.
Please contact your Client Success Director, and we will be happy to further discuss these recent updates.
Bates Prefix
The Bates prefix field is derived from the Bates start of a document. Currently, this is a search-only field, but has also been provided as a field on the Analytics page as a custom widget.
Prior to this update, you could only locate all documents with a particular Bates prefix using a search formatted like Bates:ABC*, but now, you can also search Bates_prefix:ABC.
Important to Remember
- If your Bates prefix has any separating characters like underscores _ , hypens - , spaces, periods, etc.. you do not need include those characters in your search.
- For example, for Bates prefix "ABC_00001", the search is Bates_prefix:ABC
- You can also search using the format Bates_prefix:ABC*.
- The wildcard following the prefix accounts for the prefix and "anything after". So, in this case, it could be documents with the Bates prefixes ABC_#### or ABC_Priv_####.
Additional Note Types
You can now search on these a additional notes fields:
- redaction_notes
- page_notes
- designation_notes (transcripts in Prep)
While these fields all previously existed, they were not indexed for searching and had to be located via a Filter. Now, you can search these fields like any other text field in Nextpoint.
Keep in mind the general rule of thumb when searching these fields is field_name:value.
So, for example, if you want to search for all documents with page notes reading "for redaction", the search syntax will be page_notes:"for redaction" (see above example).
1 | More flexible formats for date/time searches
You can now search for a date (or range of dates) in a variety of common formats as opposed to the specific format previously required.
These more flexible search formats apply to all default date fields in Nextpoint: Date, Email_Sent, Email_Received, Date_Time_Created, Modified_Date_Time, and Last_Print_Date.
This also applies to any (custom) Date input type fields you create in your database.
EXAMPLE - Singular Date
Any of the below searches will return results with a date of January 20, 2020:
EXAMPLES - Date Range
Any of the below searches will return results with a date range January 10, 2020 - January 20, 2020:
Please note these abnormal values which won’t work in range searches: Early 1900s; 2020-02-00
2 | Context aware date/time searches
Date searches will now take into consideration any context you do or don't provide.
EXAMPLE - Without Context
A search with no time value like email_sent:2020-01-01 will return all documents with an email_sent value of that date, no matter the time of the day.
EXAMPLE - With Context
A search with a time value like email_sent:”2020-01-01 18:51:32“ will return results only for that time.
This upgrade also introduced improved email tokenization, which means more flexibility for our users when searching email addresses.
When a document has text with the email address ‘’ this list of searches is not exhaustive, but is indicative of the searches that return this document:
- russel.wilson
- russel
- Wilson
- russ*
- wil*
The term `badger2` will also return documents with the email address
By now, you may have noticed a trend in having more flexibility in your search syntaxes, and that continues to ring true when it comes to File Path and Mailbox Path searches. If you want to use any part of your File or Mailbox Path(s) to recreate a portion of the original file structure, this update will be incredibly helpful in doing so.
The example below illustrates just how many ways you can split up a path to locate a particular grouping of emails and/or documents.
When a document has a File Path or Mailbox Path Field with the value:
\\Top of Outlook data file\ (Primary)\Recoverable Items\Purges\woof.pdf
This list of searches is not exhaustive, but is indicative of the searches that return this document:
- file_path:""
- file_path:"recoverable items"
- file_path:purges
- file_path: * purges * (no spaces in NXP)
- file_path:*purges
- file_path:"outlook data"
- file_path:outlook
Keep in mind, if you need to be more specific, you can build a more robust sytax using and AND to connect your two paths (e.g. AND file_path:"recoverable items" may help eliminate recoverable items from another custodian's mailbox).
Letters with accents will now fold into letters without accents. This converts alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic characters that are not in the Basic Latin Unicode block (first 127 ASCII characters) to their ASCII equivalent, if one exists.
- Searches for acai will return results with acai and açaí.
- The filter changes André to Andre for more comprehensive searching.
You can now use wildcards at the beginning and end of your search to account for variations.
If you are looking for variations/tenses of the word "enact", you can search for *enact*
Nextpoint will return documents which hit on enact, reenact, enacted, reenacted, etc...
With this upgrade, we also increased the maximum number of results we can display in your grid view from 10,000 to 1,000,000.
This is applicable when viewing a set of search results in your Grid View like you see in the image below. The limit has been increased, thus letting you click through to more pages of results and/or manually input the page number of results and click "Skip to Page".
Maintaining a maximum number of results we can display will ensure we continue to optimize performance of your databases. Questions on how to handle "more than 1,000,000 results? Read more here >>>
Search Upgrades, Spring 2020
In your Nextpoint database, there are several ways to obtain the page count of a particular folder of documents.
Get Page Count
*The below action is only available in Nextpoint Discovery.
- Click on the three-dot menu next to any folder title, and click "Get Page Count" from the drop-down list.
- A report will be generated and emailed to you, detailing page counts for each relevancy status within the folder.
Page Count on Export
*The below action is available in Nextpoint Discovery and Litigation.
- Click on the three-dot menu next to any folder title, and click "Export" from the drop-down list.
- A report will be generated and displayed in the blue box detailing the page count total for all documents in the folder.
How to Report the Page Count of a Folder
While often it is logical and beneficial to break up databases for performance, access, and/or organization reasons, we know it may also sometimes be helpful or necessary to be able to search across multiple databases with one search.
Global Account Search provides users the ability to search across databases (to which they already have access) and share those results with other users in the account.
Who can access Global Account Search?
Accounts on our All-Access plan have access to Global Account Search. To add Global Account Search to your Nextpoint account, please contact your Account Director.
If and when added, all users in the account can access the Global Account Search interface, but each user will only be able to search on and view results for databases to which they have access.
How to Use Global Account Search
Outlined below are instructions for locating and using Global Account Search. Whether you need to locate related documents across relevant litigation, pull testimony from a particular expert witness across different matters, research documents and testimony from previous litigations, or more, Global Account Search can assist in providing insight and transparency across all your matters in Nextpoint.
Global Account Search can be found via the top-left database drop-down when you are logged in to your Nextpoint account.
To get started, simply click the drop-down > select "Global Account Search"
When you first make your way to Global Account Search, the interface will display “No Results” and ask you to select databases to search. Click the underlined “Select Databases” OR the Green Select Databases button.
Important Note on Database Access
Users are only permitted to search databases to which they already have access.
A “Select Database” slider will pop up, and you will see a list of databases to which you have access. If you do not have access to a particular database, it will not be available for selection in the list.
If you would like to refine the databases displayed in your list, enter criteria in the search bar provided at the top. This is helpful if you want to select and search all databases for a particular project, practice area, client, etc...
Once you are ready to select your databases to search, either click the top selection box to “Select All” from your list, OR click the down arrow beside the box to make one of the four following selections:
- All account databases: Selects all databases in the account. Reminder, you will only see (and be selecting) databases to which you have access. If you later share these results with another account user, they will be able to view results from all databases in the account to which they have access.
- My ## databases: Selects all databases to which you have access. If you later share these results with another account user, they will only be able to view results from the databases in your selection to which they have access.
- ## matching databases: If you refine the list of databases as mentioned above, “My # databases” will change to → “## matching databases”. This option selects all databases which matched your search entered in the “Refine Database List” box at the top. If you later share these results with another account user, they will only be able to view results within those matching databases to which they have access.
- None: Removes any existing selections, likely allowing you to “start over”
Once you have selected your databases, click “Set Databases”.
You are now ready to run your search. Insert the search criteria desired, keeping the below parameters in mind:
- Searching is limited to keywords, phrases, boolean, and proximity search syntaxes. These said searches will look in both document search text AND metadata.
- Date restrictions are currently not available in Global Account Search, but searches can be further refined in individual databases.
- Search results are provided in real time, broken out by database, and include the counts of documents, deposition transcripts, and proceeding transcripts hits.
Your results return below the search bar and hyperlink any associated documents, transcripts, or proceedings hits. Click any of the hyperlinked numbers to navigate to the respective database (it will open in a new tab).
To share your results with another user in the Account, click the “Share Results” button from the main Global Account Search page.
A pop-up modal will appear from which you can select the user you would like to share your results with, insert a search title, and enter a corresponding message for the recipient.
If another user shares Global Account Search results, the recipient will receive an email similar to the following:
The receiving party can then click on the orange “View the Results” button and they will subsequently be redirected to the Global Account Search page to review the shared results.
Want to learn more about Global Account Search and how you can add to your firm's Nextpoint account? Contact your Account Director or our Client Support Team at
Global Account Search
Review Your Data / Document Manipulation
Nextpoint makes it possible to auto-redact (or bulk redact) certain specific terms, phrases and types of data in your Nextpoint database. Auto redactions is offered as a service so that we can assist users to ensure that they redact exactly what they expect to redact.
How to make a bulk redaction request:
From either the image mark-ups dropdown (1) or the image markups page viewer tab (2), select the Bulk Redaction Request. Then download the "CSV Template" (3).
A consultant from Nextpoint's Data Services team will reach out to the requester to support you in completing the request via the template.
Instructions for completing the template:
Review the instructions (4) and examples (5). Then complete the template below the line in the third section (6).
- One term, phrase or PII pattern should entered per row (see the chart below re: PII patterns we support).
- For each term/row, enter a redaction reason for that term in column B of that same row
- For each term/row, enter a redaction style for that term in column C of that same row
Types of data that can be bulk redacted:
Data Type | Description |
Terms | Precise terms (no wildcards). Please note that acronyms that may be included in other acronyms would be redacted as a part of an auto-redaction request. |
Phrases | Precise phrases (no wildcards). Phrases should include quotation marks on both ends of the phrase. |
PII Patterns: | The PII Patterns we currently support are SSN, TIN, EIN, Phone Number and Email (If you are interested in a specific PII term that you want auto redacted, it may be possible to add it, but it will extend the amount of time it will take to complete your project. |
SSN: The Social Security number is a nine-digit number in the format AAA-GG-SSSS | |
TIN: Taxpayer Identification Number is a 9-digit number, beginning with the number "9", formatted like an SSN NNN-NN-NNNN | |
EIN: An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number that IRS assigns in the following format: XX-XXXXXXX | |
Phone number pattern currently supported is NNN-NNN-NNNN ● Only US Phone numbers are supported right now, but we can incorporate additional patterns as needed. ● Notably, if you want a specific phone number included, we can look for and bulk redact that “term” |
Email: Email PII pattern is all or nothing, not domain specific. So, it will often be best to target specific email addresses, which can be included as precise terms. You can leverage analytics to get that list. |
Results of the Auto Redaction Process:
At the end of the process, you will receive 2 folders in your database:
- The "Bulk Redaction Request_mmddyy" folder contains all documents that received a redaction from this process. We checked this folder of redactions for accuracy, but we recommend that you perform your own quality control messures as well.
- The "Bulk Redaction Errors_mmddyy" folder contains any documents we flagged for a redaction based on the image text, but that could not be redacted due to an error in processing. We strongly recommend you review these for supplemental manual redactions.
Note: We currently cannot bulk redact metadata as a part of our bulk redaction service. We strongly recommend checking your metadata for any terms that might need to be redacted (searching for search_fields:term is helpful for identifying these documents. Please reach out to if you would like support on this as an additional service.
Where is the redaction tool located?
When viewing the document itself, click on the Markup tool in the Viewer Tools section.
This will open the Markup Tools interface on the right-hand side:
Redaction Types
- Partial Page - For when you would like to redact words, phrases, or sections of a document.
- How to Apply: Click and drag to create a redaction box where you want to hide information. Then, click the Redact button and provide a reason, style, and optional note. You can add more redaction boxes by clicking and dragging again.
- Full Page - For when you would like entire pages of redacted from a document.
- Note: This option will default to Current Page Only unless you select the Range option. Using the Range option allows you to provide a comma delimited list of ranges (ex: 1,3,5-9,25)
- Full Document - For when you would like to redact an entire document
- How to zoom in for redactions?
- When the Markup Tools interface is open, you will see an option named Toggle Zoom above the document on the right-side. Selecting this button will add a zoom feature to your cursor.
- How to view redactions?
- Once you have highlighted or redacted your document you can find the redactions listed in two places:
- When the Markup Tools interface is open, you can find redactions listed at the bottom:
- Once you have highlighted or redacted your document you can find the redactions listed in two places:
- Outside of the Markup Tool interface, you can find a history of redactions by expanding the Annotations section on the right-hand side:
- You can also toggle your markups on/off via the toggle markups icon in your document Viewer Tools.
- How to remove redactions?
- Redactions can be removed from the Annotations section, or from the Markup Tools interface by selecting
symbol next to the redaction.
- Redactions can be removed from the Annotations section, or from the Markup Tools interface by selecting
What happens to redacted text?
Once a redaction markup has been applied, anytime that document is exported, the redaction will be in place on the image and the underlying redacted search text removed from any provided text files.
If you are providing a metadata load file with your export, it is recommended you review your export closely for any redacted fields such as author, recipient, email subject, etc. If those fields have been redacted on the images/text, they will need to be manually removed from your metadata load file.
How to Redact
Trashing Documents
Select documents from the gridview individually or in bulk and hit "trash" at the bottom menu.
1. Click data > imports > name of batch you want deleted.
2. You will want to click into the documents unique to this batch so you do not incidentally delete documents that are duplicates from another batch.
3. You can then bulk select all documents and then hit "trash" at the bottom menu. Notice how the search is built for the documents unique to this batch.
3. The gridview for this batch should now be blank.
4. If you would like to remove the batch entirely, go back to batch status page and click the blue hyperlink.
5. From there, scroll down to the bottom right and hit "trashed documents".
6. Hit the dropdown > select all matching documents > delete. Please note: this will only pull trashed documents from this specific batch and will not display the rest of your trash.
7. Once the documents are entirely deleted from the batch, you can go back to data > imports > batch and "delete this empty batch".
Restore or Permanently Delete Documents from Trash
NOTE: The documents are NOT RECOVERABLE after they are deleted from the trash
From here, you can choose to restore or delete documents. You have until the red purge time to restore documents before they are permanently deleted.
Trash Settings
Edit purge time: settings > general > "edit" under trash.
You can alter the time until documents are purged from your trash here:
How to Trash, Permanently Delete, or Restore Documents
Sometimes, images of imported documents won't show up in your database. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as a corruption somewhere in the file, encryption, embedded images, an unsupported file type, etc. If you know that this file opens and you can see it in its native format, you can add images yourself. This will not affect any metadata, it simply allows you to view an image within our system.
Note: If you have existing Confidentiality coding on the document(s), you will need to reapply this coding only after the pages are replaced. See below instructions for more details.
First, download the original file by clicking the download button or clicking the three-dot menu and selecting "view original files".
In the application you're using, go to File - Print and choose "Save as PDF" (or other supported image-type).
Please note that you may need to change settings when opening a mailbox file in Outlook or Mail so that no additional information is included in the header/footer (such as your name or today's date) which is shown below.
Once you've chosen "Adobe PDF" as your print option, ensure that the header/footer is blank by following the steps below.
The below fields should all be empty to ensure nothing will be added to your image.
Hit ">>", scroll to print, and hit "save as PDF".
Go back into your document viewer, click the three-dot menu and choose "add page(s)".
This will prompt the "Import Pages" screen, where you can Drag & Drop, Add File from Computer, or Add from File Room (wherever you've saved your image). It also allows you to add-in a note prior to importing.
Wait for the image to finish processing. You will then be able to view the image in a PDF format.
Once the replacement has been imaged, first, reset your confidentiality coding to image on the document by setting the Confidentiality code on that document to a Null value > Update > wait for the Confidential stamps to remove from the image > Refresh your browser > check Confidential again > Update.
Add Page(s)
Release Note
If you are having trouble accessing the spreadsheet viewer, attempt to perform a "Hard Refresh" to reset your browser.*
On July 18, 2022, Nextpoint released a native spreadsheet viewer for both Litigation and Discovery databases. This feature allows users to review spreadsheets from within the app, without relying on images or being forced to download spreadsheets and review them outside of the app. This new feature will support .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, and .csv files.
Note: .xls, .xlsb and .csv documents imported prior to launch will need to be converted to .xlsx in order to use native viewer. The user will be prompted to convert the file from the doc viewer. xls, .xlsb and .csv documents imported post launch will convert to .xlsx automatically on import.
To access the spreadsheet viewer, click on the "View" dropdown, and select the "Spreadsheet" option.
From "Spreadsheet view," Nextpoint users can review the cells in each tab of the spreadsheet and complete the following tasks to aid in their review:
- Sort and filter columns - to order and isolate specific data in the sheet.
- Search for and find specific text in the spreadsheet.
- Freeze and unfreeze pane
- Wrap text.
- Undo or Redo actions.
- Zoom in or out on the sheet.
- View any formulas that may exist in a cell in the formula bar above the sheet, or the data returned by the formula in the cell itself.
Additionally, any hidden data is unhidden when imported to ensure users do not miss anything important. Users can then hide and unhide columns as they please using the native viewer.
Currently, the process for processing spreadsheets will remain unchanged as will the process for redacting, endorsing, and producing spreadsheets.
*Please note: when searching on spreadsheets, the default is to search only within the current worksheet, but you can change this by clicking "Option >>" and selecting "WorkBook" from the dropdown for Within.
Native Spreadsheet Viewer
Navigating Search Hit Highlights
Now, when you run a search in a database with search hit highlights, Nextpoint will remove any field:value combinations, and carry any keywords through to the document-level.
For example, the below search reads folder:"BZ and BA Emails" AND (takeout test counting).
Upon clicking into any of the resulting documents and entering the document viewer, folder:"BZ and BA Emails" has been removed, but the terms takeout test counting remain in the search bar at the top center of the document viewer.
You will also notice the search terms are highlighted within the document.
The terms from the search bar will also be presented in a toolbar at the top left of the document. We refer to this as the PDF Search toolbar because PDF images are what facilitate the search hit highlights you see.
These PDF images are a new component of the document viewer and immediately upon release, will only be available in databases created on, or after, December 6. Read more at the end of this article as to how you will be able to retroactively fit your legacy databases with search hit highlights in the future.
Don't see the PDF Search toolbar? Make sure to toggle to the PDF Search Viewer Mode at the top left of your document.
A Closer Look at PDF Search Toolbar
Once in the document, you can navigate a series of tools for your document review in the PDF Search Toolbar.
- Thumbnail View, provides thumbnail image for all pages in document
- Toggle pages
- Highlight all, Match Case, Whole Words
• Highlight all: When enabled, all occurrences of the searched term(s) will be highlighted. Use the up/down arrows to toggle through the different term hits. Current term will be highlighted in green.
• Match case: When enabled, considers capitalization of searched terms.
• Whole words: When enabled, only exact matches of searched term(s) will be highlighted. - Zoom is set to Automatic Zoom by default; adjust as needed
- Drop-down menu
• Rotate: This option is not a permanent rotation, but a great temporary rotate option
• Text Selection Tool: Copy/paste of text directly from the document.
• Odd and Even Spreads: Side-by-side page view of document pages.
Search Hit Highlights in Legacy Databases
As it relates to search hit highlights, a legacy database is any Nextpoint database created before December 6, 2021. We have outlined below, several FAQ's on search hit highlights for legacy databases, but if you have more particular questions, please contact your firm's Client Success Director.
- Why doesn't my database have search hit highlights?
Search hit highlights will be available in all Nextpoint databases created on, or after, December 6th. We expect to introduce a tool next month that will allow us to implement this feature in legacy databases for an additional fee. -
How do I navigate search hits if my database does not yet have search hit highlights?If you are currently working in a legacy database, you will navigate search hits similar to before the release. When searching via the search bar at the document-level, you will be presented with hyperlinked page numbers for the result(s) and provided associated search hit context. Notably, all other updates in this release are available to you.
How do I implement search hit highlights on my legacy database(s)?
We will release a tool in the coming weeks that allows us to implement search hit highlights in legacy databases for an additional fee. Once the tool is released, all legacy databases will have a new icon next to document-level search bar. Advanced database users will be able to click this icon to initiate a request that their database be upgraded with search hit highlights.