While often it is logical and beneficial to break up databases for performance, access, and/or organization reasons, we know it may also sometimes be helpful or necessary to be able to search across multiple databases with one search.
Global Account Search provides users the ability to search across databases (to which they already have access) and share those results with other users in the account.
Who can access Global Account Search?
Accounts on our All-Access plan have access to Global Account Search. To add Global Account Search to your Nextpoint account, please contact your Account Director.
If and when added, all users in the account can access the Global Account Search interface, but each user will only be able to search on and view results for databases to which they have access.
How to Use Global Account Search
Outlined below are instructions for locating and using Global Account Search. Whether you need to locate related documents across relevant litigation, pull testimony from a particular expert witness across different matters, research documents and testimony from previous litigations, or more, Global Account Search can assist in providing insight and transparency across all your matters in Nextpoint.
Global Account Search can be found via the top-left database drop-down when you are logged in to your Nextpoint account.
To get started, simply click the drop-down > select "Global Account Search"
When you first make your way to Global Account Search, the interface will display “No Results” and ask you to select databases to search. Click the underlined “Select Databases” OR the Green Select Databases button.
Important Note on Database Access
Users are only permitted to search databases to which they already have access.
A “Select Database” slider will pop up, and you will see a list of databases to which you have access. If you do not have access to a particular database, it will not be available for selection in the list.
If you would like to refine the databases displayed in your list, enter criteria in the search bar provided at the top. This is helpful if you want to select and search all databases for a particular project, practice area, client, etc...
Once you are ready to select your databases to search, either click the top selection box to “Select All” from your list, OR click the down arrow beside the box to make one of the four following selections:
- All account databases: Selects all databases in the account. Reminder, you will only see (and be selecting) databases to which you have access. If you later share these results with another account user, they will be able to view results from all databases in the account to which they have access.
- My ## databases: Selects all databases to which you have access. If you later share these results with another account user, they will only be able to view results from the databases in your selection to which they have access.
- ## matching databases: If you refine the list of databases as mentioned above, “My # databases” will change to → “## matching databases”. This option selects all databases which matched your search entered in the “Refine Database List” box at the top. If you later share these results with another account user, they will only be able to view results within those matching databases to which they have access.
- None: Removes any existing selections, likely allowing you to “start over”
Once you have selected your databases, click “Set Databases”.
You are now ready to run your search. Insert the search criteria desired, keeping the below parameters in mind:
- Searching is limited to keywords, phrases, boolean, and proximity search syntaxes. These said searches will look in both document search text AND metadata.
- Date restrictions are currently not available in Global Account Search, but searches can be further refined in individual databases.
- Search results are provided in real time, broken out by database, and include the counts of documents, deposition transcripts, and proceeding transcripts hits.
Your results return below the search bar and hyperlink any associated documents, transcripts, or proceedings hits. Click any of the hyperlinked numbers to navigate to the respective database (it will open in a new tab).
To share your results with another user in the Account, click the “Share Results” button from the main Global Account Search page.
A pop-up modal will appear from which you can select the user you would like to share your results with, insert a search title, and enter a corresponding message for the recipient.
If another user shares Global Account Search results, the recipient will receive an email similar to the following:
The receiving party can then click on the orange “View the Results” button and they will subsequently be redirected to the Global Account Search page to review the shared results.
Want to learn more about Global Account Search and how you can add to your firm's Nextpoint account? Contact your Account Director or our Client Support Team at support@nextpoint.com.
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