- Download and install the aws cli:
- Set AWS Credentials:
- Open a command prompt.
- Type in the command: “aws configure”
- Copy and paste your Access Key ID. (This can be found in your database via the steps in this support article.)
- Copy and paste your Secret Access Key ID. (This can be found in your database via the steps in this support article.)
- Hit the <Enter> key twice to leave the "Default Region Name" and "Default Output Format" fields empty.
- Open the folder in the “File Explorer” or other folder browser.
- Copy the address of the folder or drive you want to navigate to.
- Type “cd “ and paste in the path to the folder. Hit the <enter> key. If you are navigating to a drive that begins with a different letter than your command line begins with, type in the letter of the drive, a colon, and <enter> to “CD” to that drive (e.g. “D:”). You should now see the path to the folder followed by a “>”.
- Enter the aws s3 command:
Upload from Computer to the File Room:
aws s3 cp ./ s3://trialmanager-case-folders/case-100000001/"Name of File Room Folder"/ --recursive --no-follow-symlinks
Download from File Room to Computer:
aws s3 cp s3://trialmanager-case-folders/case-100000001/"Name of File Room Folder"/ ./ --recursive --no-follow-symlinks
Move from folder to folder within file room:
aws s3 mv s3://trialmanager-case-folders/case-100000001/"Name of Original File Room Folder"/ s3://trialmanager-case-folders/case-100000001/"Name of New File Room Folder"/ --recursive --no-follow-symlinks
- The components of an aws s3 script are as follows: Note: You do not need to create folders/sub-folders in your database prior to running an s3 script. The script will create any folders referenced/required when you run it.
7. Hit the <Enter> Key. You should begin to see your task (e.g. copy, move...) scroll through for each file affected. Be sure to confirm your file counts after the task completes and your command line shows the folder path and the ">" symbol.
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