How to Split a Document


The document splitting feature lets clients scroll through a long PDF document which is not broken into individual documents and add page breaks where necessary.

This is an important function that makes it infinitely easier and more practical to review these files and to prepare them for litigation.

Please note:

When a document is split in Nextpoint any assigned Bates numbers will be maintained from original to the newly split documents, but any existing coding (folders, issues, subject title, notes, etc...) will not be maintained and will need to be reapplied.

Additionally, if a document is redacted and/or highlighted, the splitting feature will be disabled to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of marked up content, particularly redactions.

To start splitting documents, click Review and select the document you would like to view.


On the scissor icon drop-down menu click "Enable Splitting". Once enabled, the system will add a little scissor icon in between pages where users can choose to create breaks.


If turned on, you can simply mark all of the pages you would like broken out from a large file by scrolling to the page(s) and toggling on the scissor icon so it is blue.


Once done applying your splits, click the scissor icon at the top right of your document in and choose "Slit Documents on Flags" which will prompt a popup for confirmation.


Splitting_5.png Splitting_6.png

Please note: the metadata & coding will be preserved in the original document but will NOT be applied to the split documents.

The newly split documents can be found via DATA > Imports as the most recent batch after your split.


Important Information about the Original

A master document remains in the system if you choose to keep it or need to revert back to the original, unbroken document for any reason.

6 out of 8 found this helpful


  • Is the split copy a seperate document from the original, or does Nextpoint auto-see them as one and treat changes to one as changes to the other?

    Would deleting those pages out of the original inadvertently delete the split copy too?

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  • Hi Nnall,

    Yes, the split copy is considered a separate document so if changes are made on the original, those changes will not also be reflected in the split (or vice versa). Therefore, in your example of deleting pages in the original, those same pages will not be automatically deleted in the split copy.


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  • Is it possible to split a large document automatically by file size or by number of pages, rather than manually inserting a split?

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  • Hi Marie,

    Currently, document splitting is only available on a manual basis. That said, if the document in question has bookmarks in the original file, we might recommend downloading the original, splitting on the bookmarks and re-importing as unique documents.


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  • Hi Annie,
    Is there a way we can separate the coding preference of every page not per document?

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