Speed Testing and Troubleshooting Solutions


If you experience unusually slow navigation when working in Nextpoint, we have found that it is oftentimes directly related to a user's internet connection.  Outlined below, are a list of questions and tips to help troubleshoot if you experience unusually slow speeds when working in Nextpoint. 

Note: The following items will benefit from incorporating your IT department, if available.

Questions to Consider:

Are you experiencing slow upload speeds?
We recommend Nextpoint be experienced on a minimum connection speed of 5 MBPS upload/download. If running slow, load http://www.speedtest.net/ and report the speed. If it is lower than the recommended 5 MBPS upload/download speeds, the slowness can be attributed to your network connection and you should contact your IT Department.
Are other websites slow?
If other websites are slow, the issue is likely with your network connection. First, try restarting your browser.  If this does not resolve the slower speeds, load http://www.speedtest.net/ and report the speed.  If it is lower than the recommended 5 MBPS upload/download speeds, the slowness can be attributed to your network connection and you should contact your IT Department.
How many browser tabs do you have open?
If the answer is many, your browser's memory usage is likely slowing you down. A restart of your browser, and maybe even your computer may free up system resources and speed things up. 
Are you working from a coffee shop, or somewhere with a slow connection?
We recommend relocating to an alternative location with a more reliable connection.

 Have you tried restarting your computer?

If not, try restarting your computer.
Are you working somewhere where you (or your IT Department) can restart the router?
If so, try restarting the router.


Still slow?  Before contacting Nextpoint Support be prepared with the following information:

  1. Which Database ID are you working in?
  2. Are you trying to access a specific page (e.g. Analytics, Document View, etc..)?
  3. Is there a specific action you are trying to take (e.g. Endorsing a production, Searching, etc..)?
  4. Are you viewing a specific Document ID or Deposition Transcript?
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