If you experience unusually slow navigation when working in Nextpoint, we have found that it is oftentimes directly related to a user's internet connection. Outlined below, are a list of questions and tips to help troubleshoot if you experience unusually slow speeds when working in Nextpoint.
Note: The following items will benefit from incorporating your IT department, if available.
Questions to Consider:
- Are you experiencing slow upload speeds?
- We recommend Nextpoint be experienced on a minimum connection speed of 5 MBPS upload/download. If running slow, load http://www.speedtest.net/ and report the speed. If it is lower than the recommended 5 MBPS upload/download speeds, the slowness can be attributed to your network connection and you should contact your IT Department.
- Are other websites slow?
- If other websites are slow, the issue is likely with your network connection. First, try restarting your browser. If this does not resolve the slower speeds, load http://www.speedtest.net/ and report the speed. If it is lower than the recommended 5 MBPS upload/download speeds, the slowness can be attributed to your network connection and you should contact your IT Department.
- How many browser tabs do you have open?
- If the answer is many, your browser's memory usage is likely slowing you down. A restart of your browser, and maybe even your computer may free up system resources and speed things up.
- Are you working from a coffee shop, or somewhere with a slow connection?
- We recommend relocating to an alternative location with a more reliable connection.
Have you tried restarting your computer?
- If not, try restarting your computer.
- Are you working somewhere where you (or your IT Department) can restart the router?
- If so, try restarting the router.
Still slow? Before contacting Nextpoint Support be prepared with the following information:
- Which Database ID are you working in?
- Are you trying to access a specific page (e.g. Analytics, Document View, etc..)?
- Is there a specific action you are trying to take (e.g. Endorsing a production, Searching, etc..)?
- Are you viewing a specific Document ID or Deposition Transcript?
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