Upload & Import FAQ's


Topics Below:

Is there a restriction on the size of my files?

Although we can accept files up to 5GB, we recommend that you keep your file sizes smaller than 1GB. Keeping files more compact has advantages:

  1. Smaller files take less time to upload, populating your data quicker while reducing the chance of a network interruption disrupting your upload.
  2. For privacy and security reasons, some of our validation cannot be conducted until your file has been completely received by our systems. Avoiding extremely large files shortens the time to validation.

See our File Room & Import Best Practices Checklist linked here for further tips and tricks.

Is there a page count limit for uploaded documents?

There is NO limit. Documents for upload can be any number of pages. 

Upload times seem to vary, why is that?

The largest obstacle to faster uploads is your network connection. In many cases uploads will be significantly faster at work (business lines are typically larger than at home). You may also notice a small performance boost when connected to the network by wire (vs. wireless).

* Currently, Nextpoint supports Internet Explorer version 11 or later. We highly recommend switching to the most recent version of Google ChromeMozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Do I have to load by custodian?

No, you are not required to load by custodian, but it is recommended to utilize the Custodian assignment feature during import.  It is important to apply the custodian to an import batch so users can 1) analyze, search and isolate documents for particular custodian(s) and 2) include this information in a production export.

Import times seem to vary, why is that?

The largest obstacle to faster uploads is your network connection. In many cases, uploads will be significantly faster at work (business lines are typically larger than at home). You may also notice a small performance boost when connected to the network by wire (vs. wireless).  If you experience slow speeds, please review the following linked topic on speed testing and troubleshooting.

How do I import LiveNote files?

Export your depositions as .ptf or .ptx files. Follow this link to learn how to batch load depositions.

How do I import Concordance/Summation files?

Follow this link to learn how to import documents with a load file from platforms such as Concordance or Summation.

How do I import PDFs and/or TIFFs?

  • Follow this link to learn how to upload tiffs/jpgs with a load file. 
  • This topic covers the specific considerations for PDF imports when a load file is present. 
  • Loose PDFs which are not part of a document set produced to you can be imported via our Multiple Files Import Workflow.

What are some of the common load file formats Nextpoint supports?

We currently support imports from Trial Director (.oll) and Concordance (.dat/.csv) load files, as well as the EDRM XML format.

For exports, we support .oll, .dat. .csv, .dii, .lfp, the Opticon .log format, and a Summation .csv/ascii format.

You also have the option of using our services to convert load files from other formats.

Why is there additional processing time after my upload completes?

When your upload has completed, our server has received your entire file. At that point, final validation is performed before your file is cataloged and stored. During your upload, we display an estimate of how much additional time this will take (after the upload status bar is full).

Why are my email times displayed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in Nextpoint, but my current time zone when I view the native?

When you import native emails into Nextpoint, you may notice that the “Email Sent” and “Email Received” metadata is displayed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).  Coordinated Universal Time is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. All emails will have this UTC time embedded in their contents because it is the standardized time with which all time zones can universally compare.

Relatedly, you may notice the time zone on the image of the email differs from the time zone in the metadata.  This is because we convert the email dates to UTC for storing in our database as metadata, but email imaging relies on the email client specifications.  That being said, you can see in the example below, the time displayed on the Email Image (with the -0500 offset) aligns with the 14:13:59 time displayed in the Email Metadata. 

Email Image


Email Metadata


When a user downloads the original file of an email imaged in Nextpoint, and opens the email in an application such as Outlook or Thunderbird, the applications will parse the UTC time embedded in the original text file, and read the time stamp in the time zone of the user.

Can I navigate away from the upload screen before it completes?

When uploading to the File Room, the answer to this is No. Once an upload has started, navigating away from the upload page will cause any progress to be lost. Be patient if you are uploading a lot of files.  

Along the same lines, check “Disable Session Expiration” on the login page before larger uploads to avoid Nextpoint signing you out after 30 minutes of inactivity.


If you would like to continue working, open a new browser window or tab. You can continue your work there while your file upload window continues in the background.

Once a import batch has been initiated and is queued for processing you can navigate away and importing will proceed as expected.

See our File Room & Import Best Practices Checklist linked here for further tips and tricks.

What is a standard import vs. an extended import?

Standard imports meet the following criteria:

  • Documents as images with corresponding load files. Images must be named as contained in load file. Up to 3 load files per GB of data and a maximum of 25 database fields, OR
  • Native files without additional coding. No load file required. Import includes custodian (if listed), folder path from received media, and document metadata.

Extended imports do not meet the above requirements and require an additional Client Success Services estimate before import.

If you have received a produced data set or have data being migrated from a different platform, we recommend reviewing the Data Planning and Advanced Imports webinar and our Ranged Image Import  Instructions.

Scanning specifications for uploading documents

To make for an easy batch upload, follow these guidelines when scanning your documents.

Standard Specifications

  1. Logical document unitization/breaks must be captured and maintained
  2. Document relationships must be conveyed, including bound documents
    1. Relationship information must be populated in loadfile through Begattach/Endattach fields
  3. Maintain following “source” information, if applicable:
    1. Custodian;
    2. Box Number;
    3. Folder/Binder Name;
    4. And any other contextual information the parties involved may find useful
  4. All photographs, charts, graphs, and any other document where there would be a loss of integrity if the original format was not preserved, must be scanned in color.  All other documents can be in black and white.
  5. Scan in direct size proportions (i.e., size for size)
  6. Scan as text reads (i.e., vertical v. horizontal)
  7. All covers, spines, tabs, standard language, duplicate carbons, annotations not directly on the document (i.e., Post-Its), etc. must be scanned on their own page, with a relationship indication to the document(s) it is referencing on the load file provided
  8. Any media found must be discussed amongst parties involved for proper protocol
  9. Any additional non-standard scanning metadata must be agreed to amongst parties prior to any scanning

Electronic Format 

  1. General Considerations:
    1. All data must be delivered in a structured format
    2. All scanned collections should be converted to TIFF images, affiliated with a control number, and include fully searchable text files
    3. File names cannot contain embedded spaces or special characters (including the comma)
  2. Images:
    1. Black and White - 300 DPI; Group IV; Single-Page TIFF Files
    2. Color - JPEG
    3. All TIFF images must have a unique file name, correlating to the control number in the load file (I.e. Bates number)
    4. The number of TIFF files per folder should not exceed 500 files
  3. Text:
    1. A text path field must be included in the load file, providing the path and name of the extracted text file corresponding to each document
    2. Each text file must be named by the same control number as the image file it corresponds to
    3. Do not include the actual text in the load file
    4. The number of text files per folder should not exceed 1,000 files
  4. Load File:
    1. File Format:  CSV or DAT accepted
    2. First line of loadfile must be a header row, identifying each field name provided
    3. Date fields must be provided in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy


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