FAQ: What date is displayed in the date field of the grid view?


When you are looking at the grid view and you see the "Date" field, where does that value come from?


  • "Date" in grid view uses the "Document Date" on the document
  • For emails, the software will look at the following to populate document date (in order):
    1. The date from the email headers (sent date)
    2. The date that the email was received
  • For attachments to a parent email, those documents will adopt the sent date of the parent email as their document date, ala a "Family Date".
  • For other, loose documents or "efiles", the software will look at the following to populated document date (in order):
    1. Modified date
    2. Created date
  • If the aforementioned dates are not present for their file types, the "Document Date" field will be empty at both the document-level and in the grid view.


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