- How to do a Hard Refresh
- FAQ: What date is displayed in the date field of the grid view?
- FAQ: How do I order documents chronologically for an export?
- Speed Testing and Troubleshooting Solutions
- Supported File Types
- FAQ: I can't access the three-dot drop-down menu in my folder list
- FAQ: Can I Import Produced Data into a Discovery Database?
- Converting a DAT to CSV with TextPad
- FAQ: How do I recreate my original folder structure in Nextpoint?
- FAQ: How do I folder emails in chronological order and maintain family relationships?
- Sorting Documents FAQs
- FAQ: Why is grid view sorting not available for all field when using Filters?
- Searching - Tips & FAQ's
- FAQ: How do I save a search?
- FAQ: How do I review results of more than 1,000,000 documents?
- FAQ: I can't see all of my transcript text. What is wrong and how do I fix it?
- FAQ: How do I archive or delete a database once a case is closed?
- Nextpoint Supported Browsers
- Restoring Documents from the Trash
- Performing a Fuzzy Search
- Using S3Fox to Transfer Files to Nextpoint
- Custom Field Input Types
- FAQ's on Uploading in the Share Section
- Accessing Original (Native) Files
- Field Character Limits
Some updates to the Nextpoint application require you to refresh your browser in order to pick up the latest changes.
Google Chrome
- Windows: Press Ctrl + F5
- Mac: hold Cmd + Shift and then press R
- You can also hold Shift and click Refresh button
- Windows: Press Ctrl + F5
- Mac: hold Cmd + Shift and then press R
- Mac: On the menu go to
Safari >Empty Cache
, or press Opt + Cmd + E
Internet Explorer/ Edge (Windows)
- Windows: Press Ctrl + F5
How to do a Hard Refresh
When you are looking at the grid view and you see the "Date" field, where does that value come from?
- "Date" in grid view uses the "Document Date" on the document
- For emails, the software will look at the following to populate document date (in order):
- The date from the email headers (sent date)
- The date that the email was received
- For attachments to a parent email, those documents will adopt the sent date of the parent email as their document date, ala a "Family Date".
- For other, loose documents or "efiles", the software will look at the following to populated document date (in order):
- Modified date
- Created date
- If the aforementioned dates are not present for their file types, the "Document Date" field will be empty at both the document-level and in the grid view.
FAQ: What date is displayed in the date field of the grid view?
If you would like to order documents chronologically for an export, there are a few steps you will need to take:
- Locate the document set that you would like included in your export.
- Select All documents in your list via the top-left drop-down.
- Click Bulk Actions.
- Add these documents to a folder that you will export. Either choose an existing folder you have created or create one from within the bulk action screen.
- Recommended action: In the bottom left-hand corner of the bulk action screen, you can choose to include any attachments or related documents for the selected dataset by clicking "Email Family" under the "Apply update to related documents:" section.
- In the Choose order: section in the bottom right-hand corner, select Date & Family to ensure that the documents are ordered chronologically and the email families (emails and attachments) are grouped together.
Click Update.
You can now create an export template to which outlines the documents should be exported and named by their folder name + position on export. Because you put your documents in the folder in chronological order, they will then be in chronological order on export.
To set up your export template accordingly, we recommend you:-
- Initiate the setup of a new Export Template via Settings > Export/Exchange > Export Templates > Create
- Complete the first two steps of naming your template and choosing what you would like to include (e.g. Images that are PDFs)
- In Step 3, set the File Naming Priority to name files by the folder which you just populated in the above steps. To do this, navigate to Step 3 of the Export Template Setup > drag Folder or Responsive Issue to the top of the list > and select the folder which you just updated in the previous steps. If you don't take this step, the files will be named differently on export and sort on your desktop finder based on that name (e.g. Bates).
- In Step 4, include a load file (index), if you would like, and then make sure to save your template
- You are now set to export your files. Navigate back to the REVIEW or DOCUMENTS tab (Discovery and Litigation, respectively) > locate your folder for export and click the three-dot drop-down > click Export > select your new Export Template from the drop-down and click Export.
FAQ: How do I order documents chronologically for an export?
If you experience unusually slow navigation when working in Nextpoint, we have found that it is oftentimes directly related to a user's internet connection. Outlined below, are a list of questions and tips to help troubleshoot if you experience unusually slow speeds when working in Nextpoint.
Note: The following items will benefit from incorporating your IT department, if available.
Questions to Consider:
- Are you experiencing slow upload speeds?
- We recommend Nextpoint be experienced on a minimum connection speed of 5 MBPS upload/download. If running slow, load http://www.speedtest.net/ and report the speed. If it is lower than the recommended 5 MBPS upload/download speeds, the slowness can be attributed to your network connection and you should contact your IT Department.
- Are other websites slow?
- If other websites are slow, the issue is likely with your network connection. First, try restarting your browser. If this does not resolve the slower speeds, load http://www.speedtest.net/ and report the speed. If it is lower than the recommended 5 MBPS upload/download speeds, the slowness can be attributed to your network connection and you should contact your IT Department.
- How many browser tabs do you have open?
- If the answer is many, your browser's memory usage is likely slowing you down. A restart of your browser, and maybe even your computer may free up system resources and speed things up.
- Are you working from a coffee shop, or somewhere with a slow connection?
- We recommend relocating to an alternative location with a more reliable connection.
Have you tried restarting your computer?
- If not, try restarting your computer.
- Are you working somewhere where you (or your IT Department) can restart the router?
- If so, try restarting the router.
Still slow? Before contacting Nextpoint Support be prepared with the following information:
- Which Database ID are you working in?
- Are you trying to access a specific page (e.g. Analytics, Document View, etc..)?
- Is there a specific action you are trying to take (e.g. Endorsing a production, Searching, etc..)?
- Are you viewing a specific Document ID or Deposition Transcript?
Speed Testing and Troubleshooting Solutions
Download the full list of supported file types by clicking the image below.
Please Note:
The following file types, while supported, cannot be imaged in Nextpoint.
avi | bak | css | dat |
db | dbf | dll | dng |
dwg | dxf | eps | exe |
pdb | plt | rar | rpt |
sat | step | stp | swf |
vcf | wav | webm | wmv |
x_t | xml | data | password protected (various) |
Importing Data in Bulk
The Nextpoint File Room is the suggested method for importing data in bulk.
If uploading through a web browser: ZIP files are accepted, and the maximum recommended file size is 10 GB.
View additional File Room and Import Best Practices here
Additional Supported File Types
The following file types are supported, with assistance from the Nextpoint Engagement Team. Please contact support@nextpoint.com for more information about processing these file types:
AutoCAD Files:
dxf | hpg | gl2 |
dwg | plo | spl |
dwf | hp | svg |
dwfx | hpl | cgm |
plt | hpgl | swf |
bak | hp1 | emf |
hg | hp2 | wmf |
hgl | hpgl2 |
Database Files:
E01 (EnCase image)
DMG (Apple disk image)
*this list is subject to change
Supported Transcript File Types
Litigation accepts TXT, PTF, PTX, PDF, LEF, CMS, or ZIP formats for your transcript files.
A description of each is outlined below:
Extension | Description | |
TXT | Text Files are “raw” transcripts—text-only files and are considered universal. | |
PTF | Portable Transcript Files are created with RealLegal E-Transcript software. Unlike EXE files, PTF files are not blocked by firewalls or virus protection software. They are also smaller than EXE files, so a preferred file format for many. | |
PTX | E-Transcript files have their proprietary .ptx file type. PTX files are small and easy to email and contain the transcript in full-sized and condensed forms as well as the word index. | |
Portable Document Format is a file format which can be viewed on any type of computer. Note: We make a best-effort attempt at processing PDF deposition transcripts, but not all PDFs will be correctly converted. If possible, we suggest you use one of the other supported deposition transcripts file types. Otherwise, the accuracy of the resulting deposition transcripts should be verified after import. |
LEF | LiveNote evidence format enables you to receive transcripts with the related evidence seamlessly integrated and ready for import into Nextpoint (e.g. Deposition exhibits already scanned and hyperlinked in the text). | |
CMS | A synchronized transcript in the native TrialDirector .cms format. Can be paired with video files for synchronized viewing of the transcript and associated video clips. | |
ZIP | Multiple transcript files of the types outlined above can be compressed in a .zip file and imported at the same time. Nextpoint will unpack and process all files contained within. |
Supported File Types
What if I am unable to access the three-dot drop down next to folders?
If you are suddenly unable to access any three-dot drop-down in your database, we first recommend refreshing your browser in order to clear the browser's cache. There are several ways to accomplish this:
- PC: Hold Ctrl and click Refresh in your browser
- PC: Hold Ctrl and click F5
- Mac: Hold Ctrl + Shift and click R
If this does not do the trick, please try closing your browser completely and open a new window.
FAQ: I can't access the three-dot drop-down menu in my folder list
I received a large "data dump" from a producing party and would like to gain some initial insight into the contents of their production and preliminarily sequester potentially relevant document. Can I import this data to a Discovery database so I can use the Analytics and relevancy components?
While users most commonly manage native client data in a Discovery database, we also see users apply the analytics and relevancy review components of a Discovery database to make an initial "relevant vs. not relevant" cull of a large production (100GB+) received from a producing party.
After the aforementioned initial analysis and review, you can then utilize Nextpoint Exchange to copy only documents you deemed relevant from your Discovery database to a new Litigation database.
This workflow has been outlined below:
- Receive large data dump (typically categorized as 100GB, or more).
- Create a Discovery database via your Account Dashboard.
- Import your produced data to your Discovery database.
- Utilize the Analytics tab to gain insight to your data.
- Utilize bulk actions and individual document review coding to mark documents as relevant/not relevant using the responsive and not responsive coding options.
- Add your relevant documents to a folder in preparation for exchanging (copying)to a Litigation database. This is helpful for tracking purposes if you supplement additional documents to your Litigation database at a later date.
- Use Nextpoint Exchange to copy documents from your Discovery database to a new Litigation database where you can further build your case story with your post-production documents and depositions, exhibit stamp, build chronologies, and create electronic document binders to be used in any case proceeding.
Have additional questions as you approach this workflow in Nextpoint? Contact your Account Director and we'll help you get started.
FAQ: Can I Import Produced Data into a Discovery Database?
DAT files can be manually converted to the CSV format by simply replacing the delimiters with a program like TextPad. So, first open your .dat file with TextPad.
The values in your original .dat file are separated by the symbols þ□þ (thorn, □ (ASCII 20), and another thorn). So, your coding values look like this:
Using the functions in Text Pad, you can do a find-replace (F8) on these characters. Use the following sequence:
- Find-replace all " (quote) with "" (double quote). This will ensure that your line breaks remain consistent.
- Find-replace all þ (thorn) with " (quote)
- Find-replace all □ (ASCII 20) with , (comma)
This will result in all values being now separated by "," (quote comma quote):
"BEGPROD","ENDPROD","BEGPROD_ATT","ENDPROD_ATT","Custodian" - Save file as: nextpoint_load_file.csv.
- Open the new .csv file in Excel. Your values will be separated into columns (based on the new comma-quote positions).
Now, you can modify the column headers to match the coding that Nextpoint uses.
Troubleshooting: "My find-replace is not working correctly."
Some clients have had trouble in the past with certain characters being unexplainably replaced during this process, thus altering the desired results of their ending CSV (e.g. "" replacing the character sequence of "th" ). If you notice nuances in your resulting CSV, some users have found Sublime Text to be a helpful text editor alternative.
Converting a DAT to CSV with TextPad
The data which I am importing into my Nextpoint database is in a particular folder structure which I would like to maintain upon import. Can I do this? If so, how do I recreate my folder structure?
The short answer is "yes", Nextpoint maintains your folder structure information upon import, including subdirectories. During import, Nextpoint will maintain the root folder and file path information, and once processing completes, you can search and sort by that specific information in order to recreate your original folder structure.
Set up for Success
The process begins with uploading your parent folder to the File Room, and making sure that it is unzipped before you import. See below screenshot illustrating Parent folder "Client Upload_3" which was uploaded to the File Room unzipped with three subfolders contained within:
Recreate Your Folder Structure
Once your data is in the File Room, take the following steps:
- Import your parent folder. It is suggested you import one "top" level folder per import batch for purposes of maintaining a clear and concise organization. Navigate back to the level where your parent folder appears, and click the blue import button.
- On the Import Settings Screen, label the batch so that the import will be easy to find later if necessary (we recommend all or part of the file path of the import). Then select the custodian for which this import applies if applicable. Confirm your deduplication and denist settings. And then select or create the folder you want these documents in on import. To create a new folder, select the folder icon to the right of the "Search Folders" field.
- When creating a folder, type in the name you want for the folder, the folder abbreviation/prefix (if you want to change the default), and select the color of the folder.
- Additionally, create a Grid View Template which includes the File Path and Mailbox Path fields. Filtering by File Path and Mailbox Path works the same way. You either add them to the default template, or create a new template that included those fields.
- When creating/editing your template, name it, then drag the fields (including "File Path" and "Mailbox Path") you want to include from the "Available Fields" section on the left into the "Current Fields" section on the right. When you are finished adding your fields, Click the "Save Template" button.
- Once the processing of your import is complete, click on the REVIEW tab, and open the folder you created that contains the recently imported documents.
- Click on the "Views" button to the right of the gridview. This will allow you to select the gridview for your current document set. Select the gridview that you created or edited.
- Click on the filter icon below the header entitled "File Path" (for email folder selection, use the "Mailbox Path" field). For multiple layers of folder nesting, click on the folder icon next to the first level folder you want to look into. This will allow you to see any additional folders that are nested inside that folder. Click on the checkbox next to the name of the folder that contains the documents you want to view.
- Once you have selected the folder you would like to view, click anywhere outside of the filter box. The documents from that folder will be isolated in your gridview.
Note: There is currently a technical limitation that limits the filter display to the top 100 unique folder paths. If this limit will impact your workflow, either reduce the document set you attempt to filter or reach out to support@nextpoint.com for help troubleshooting.
See other FAQ's here or Return to Discovery Workflow.
FAQ: How do I recreate my original folder structure in Nextpoint?
How do I folder emails in chronological order and maintain family relationships?
There are several reasons that you may want to review a data set in chronological order. It is also common practice to order document families in "date and family" order before stamping and producing them as it prevents import and family linking errors and aides in review.
Nextpoint makes it easy to organize your data in chronological order. To do so, use the "Bulk Actions" functionality to edit and sort your documents en masse. Here's how:
- Create a new folder in the REVIEW tab. You can also create a folder in the Bulk Action pop up in Step 4.
- Navigate to the REVIEW tab and start building a search based on the criteria you are looking for. For example, if you want to folder a particular import batch, start with batch:##.
- Once you have returned the desired results, initiate the process of adding documents to your folder by clicking "Bulk Actions" at the top-left of your screen.
- In the Bulk Actions pop-up, you'll want to click "Folder Actions/Add" and select your newly created folder.
- At the bottom of your pop-up, select "Apply update to related documents:Email Family". This selection will add related family members to the selected set prior to updating. This means, if an email is included in selection, all attachments will be added, and if an attachment included in selection, the corresponding email will be added.
- Next, select Sort Order:"Date & Family" at the bottom of your pop-up. This selection will order documents chronologically by their master family date, which is considered to be the date of the parent email. This date will then be assumed by all email family members when sorting, even if that parent email is NOT in your selected document list.
- Lastly, click Update. Once you do this, your documents will be sorted by date and email family in your newly created folder.
How do I remove my documents from a folder with Bulk Actions?
If you need to remove documents from a folder, first, click into the folder from your REVIEW or DOCUMENTS tab (if you are working in Discovery vs. Litigation, respectively).
Then, select all documents from the grid view and click "Bulk Actions".
Click "Remove" under the "Folder" heading in your Bulk Actions modal. Make sure to select the appropriate folder from which you would like to remove your documents.
Lastly, click the orange "Update" button. No related documents selection is necessary when removing documents from a folder.
If the documents were removed from the folder successfully, the folder should display zero documents from the REVIEW or DOCUMENTS tab.
Note: When removing documents from a folder, the actions you are taking will not remove/trash the documents from your database.
FAQ: How do I folder emails in chronological order and maintain family relationships?
Frequently Asked Questions
Outlined below, are some of the frequently asked questions we receive related to grouping and sorting documents.
When viewing your documents, click the column header you would like to sort by to sort in ascending then descending order. You will need to select the particular Folder or Issue when sorting by either of those criteria.
In Chron View
When viewing your documents, press Change Sort Criteria.
From the dropdown, select the identifier you’d like to sort by. You can also invert the ordering (descending or ascending) by pressing the yellow arrow.
If you run a search using the Search window, or Advanced Search, Bates will be a choice by which you can sort your results. Use the following syntax:
The bates_prefix above is the prefix you have been using for your bates numbering. If you are looking for any document with a Bates number, you can simply search for bates:*
Once you get the results, in Grid View click the yellow arrow next to Bates column header or in Classic View go to Change Sort Criteria and choose Bates.
In Grid View
In Chron View
If you run a search using the Filters, Bates sorting will not be available.
If your files were organized in specific source folders and subdirectories before import and you would like to maintain that folder structure after import to Nextpoint, you can upload to the File Room and import accordingly.
After import, you then add the Root Folder and File Path to your Grid View and sort accordingly and/or recreate the same folder structure by creating and applying a corresponding folder in Nextpoint.
Foldering a document list:
- First, make sure you've created a folder.
- Do a search for document_type:Email (or Filter to Coding Fields > Document Type: Email)
- Sort the document list by document date
- Select All Documents
- Bulk Actions
- Apply/Update Folder > Choose your folder
- Check Grouped by email family, including related documents *be sure to review the additional options here.
- Click Update Documents
- Now your folder is applied to the document list in order by Email Date, with Emails and Attachments grouped together.
Exporting Documents:
- Do a search for document_type:Email (or Filter to Coding Fields > Document Type: Email)
- Sort the document list by document date
- Select All Documents
- Export > Export As Combined PDF, As Individual PDFs, a Loadfile, or Treatment
- Click Include Child Documents *be sure to review the additional options here.
- Click Export Documents
Sorting Documents FAQs
When using the Filter; once it has been applied, I am unable to sort my filtered results by certain fields in the grid view. Is there a particular reason that this is unavailable for all fields?
Filtering uses heavy database queries (different than search), and sorting those by certain fields can take a very long time and can put a lot of strain on your database. The below fields are available for sorting when using the filters. If you would like to sort by any fields NOT on the below list, we would suggest searching. Keep in mind you can set up saved searches to streamline search composition.
Fields available for sorting when using Filters:
- Document type
- Subject/Title
- Author
- Date
- DocID
- Shortcut
- Relevancy Status
- Page Count
FAQ: Why is grid view sorting not available for all field when using Filters?
Coding field, enter the name of the field, a colon, and the text.
document_date:"January 12, 2007"
A phrase, enclose the phrase in quotes.
“John Joseph Smith”
author:”John Joseph Smith”
Using + and – operators - You can require a term to be matched, or exclude items for which it matches, respectively.
smith +patent -invention
matches "patent" but not "invention", scoring matches of "smith" higher
smith -author:smith
matches "smith" unless the item was authored by "smith"
Specific combinations of terms - You can use the boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT. “and” and “or” will be automatically capitalized for you, but you must enter “NOT” in all-caps to use it as an operator instead of the word “not.” For best results, use parenthesis to group the combinations together.
author:(smith OR jones)
smith AND (patent OR invention)
(author:smith AND kind:(email OR conversation)) or (author:jones AND document_date:2007-10-12)
(author:smith AND NOT kind:email) or (author:jones AND NOT designated:defense)
Matching Terms or Certain Character Sets - You can input an asterisk(*) after a word to account for variations (e.g. report* will return reporting, reported, reporter, etc..).
There is no limit on characters when a wildcard is placed at the suffix of a word.
A question mark (?) will match any single character (letter/number/etc.), whereas the asterisk (*) will match any sequence of zero or more characters.
matches john, johnson, johnsen, etc.
matches "jared", "jarod", etc.
matches any date in June 2007
Embedded Values - If searching in a field which contains an embedded value (e.g. mailbox_path:Emails/Inbox/John Smith Communications/2009) - you can search for the particular value surrounded by asterisks (*) and quotations (").
mailbox_path:"*John Smith Communications*"
will return all mailbox paths which include *John Smith Communications*, even if there is a different year following.
Dates - You have multiple options, including searching before/after specific dates. Prefixing a less-than ("<") or greater-than (">") operator to the date will search for dates before or after the specified one, respectively. Adding an equals-sign after the operator will match dates "on or before" or "on or after" the specified one.
matches dates before July 13, 2007
matches dates on or after July 13, 2007
kind:depositiondate:>=2007-07-01 depositiondatedate:<2007-09-01
matches depositions in July and August, 2007
Searchable Coding Fields - To search in a particular coding field, enter the name of the field, a colon, and the text. For your reference, we've compiled a list of all the possible fields built into Nextpoint that you can search here.
For example, in both Discovery and Litigation, to search within a particular folder use the following syntax:
When you create a new custom field, you can use this same syntax to search that field.
Custom Field Range - we currently support numeric custom field range searches bounded in square brackets only
There are several ways you can find documents in Discovery using the Search bar:
Perform a simple search by entering your term(s) in the box, and clicking the eyeglass icon. This window supports full Boolean searching as well.
Click Advanced to open the Advanced Search window.
Use a Filter Search by selecting the document categories and/or coding you wish to search by, then press Filter Documents. For instance, this filter search would return all Highly Confidential emails that do not contain Production Placeholders.
If you have Standard or Advanced status, on the Analytics tab you can perform a quick search by clicking on any graph or total on the page:
Nextpoint employs Boolean logic with Advanced Search. Enter your data in the appropriate fields and press Advanced Search. Here's a breakdown.
- Search string builds as you enter terms
- Search by Review Status
- Use Boolean operators and proximity search
- More search tools are available in this dropdown, such as word exclusions and fuzzy searches
- Search within specific coding fields
- Click Advanced Search when all terms are entered, and you will be taken to a results page
When viewing the search bar, there is an icon which looks like two document overlapping. If toggled ON (indicated by blue icon color) and you execute on a search syntax, any results will return grouped with other email family members which also meet your search requirements.
It is important to note, when toggled ON, the only documents which will be returned and subsequently grouped as a family are documents which returned based on your search requirements. Additionally, there is not a particular order which documents will be returned and grouped. Therefore, an attachment may precede the associated email in your grid view.
In the example above:
- An email returned on the search, but the attachments do not, so the email is presented individually
- An email and one of it's attachments returned on the search, but the second attachment did not, so the email and single attachment are presented together.
- An email and it's attachment returned on the search, but the attachment is displayed prior to the email.
Examples of syntax using the "Shortcut" field:
To search for documents that HAVE a value: shortcut:*
To search for documents that DO NOT HAVE a value: -shortcut:*
There are various searches that you can run to return all the documents in your case. Wildcard search by itself yields all documents (*).
title:* OR title:NULL
title can be replaced with other fields, such as bates or date
where 0000 is your case ID
To assist in easing your search entry, Nextpoint offers auto-populated values when searching on folders and/or issues.
To make use of this functionality for your folder or issue search, simply start typing folder:", issue:", or category:" and a list of potential values will appear for your selection. See examples below:
Yes, you may group ("nest") criteria in your search using parenthesis.
(author:smith AND shorcut:(email OR conversation)) or (author:jones AND document_date:October 10, 2007)
(author:smith AND NOT shortcut:email) or (author:jones AND NOT designated:defense)
A "fuzzy search" can be used to retrieve matches that normally would have been "near misses".
A numeric value on the scale of 0-1 is used to indicate how liberal the included results should be. A value of "1.0" would mean "exact matches only, while a value of "0.0" would match everything (but would lead to significant performance issues). The recommended range for a fuzzy search is from 0.5-0.9. Examples: With a "0.8" numeric value, a search for "plaintiff" would return documents containing "plaintifh" (perhaps a misspelling).
A slash is considered an illegal character and is removed from your search string when it is submitted.
You can normally obtain the desired results by replacing your slash with a wildcard (?) character.To find "/directory/filename.doc" in a custom field called "folder_path"folder_path:"?directory?filename.doc"
Filters produce “AND” search results. For example, filtering would be useful if you were looking for all documents containing the Folder “Defense” and the Issue “Contract Performance.”
If you were looking to run an “OR” search, this can be easily performed using Boolean logic in the search field.
For the previous example, you would type folder:defense OR issue:"contract performance". To use the Filters, click the arrow next to the identifier you wish to search by and press Filter Documents.
Some sample syntax for various stamp searches:
returns all documents with a stamp
returns all documents with Defense label stamp
returns all documents that have been Bates stamped
returns all documents that have not been Bates stamped
In Litigation, find a particular exhibit number use the following search syntax:
where PX is substituted with your Folder Abbreviation, and the number is that of the exhibit you are searching for
To search for documents with a particular Bates prefix use the following syntax in the Search window:
where ABC is substituted with your particular prefix
When searching for documents with a particular Bates number use the following syntax in the Search window:
inclusive of any underscores for spaces, hyphens, and/or leading zeros
For Bates numbers with spaces in them use the following syntax:
There are a few ways you can search within a Bates range:
- Enter the Bates Range in the Coding Fields section in the Filter, and click Filter Documents.
- Go to the Advanced Search, and in the bottom section, More Document Options enter the starting and ending Bates numbers.
- Use the following syntax in the Search window:
bates:[ABC00001 ABC00099] - Use the following syntax for a Bates range with spaces:
bates:["ABC ABC_000001" "ABC ABC_000002"]
Note: Only in methods 2 & 3 you can change sort criteria to sort by Bates.
To find docs with a specific tag, you can search - "tag:tagvalue"
To save a search, enter your search criteria, execute your search, then click the Save button.
A popup window will open, where you can name your search, and choose whether you want it to be Public so others can access it. Click Save this search, and it will be available.
This information exists in the background metadata, but is not displayed as part of the standard functionality. A custom script could be developed upon request, please inquire for an estimate of the charges.
Searching - Tips & FAQ's
To save a search, enter your search criteria, execute your search, then click the SAVE option to the right of your Search bar.
A popup window will open, where you can name your search, and choose whether you want it to be Public so others can access it. Click Save this search, and it will be available.
Return to Discovery Workflow Return to Litigation Workflow
FAQ: How do I save a search?
If I run a search that returns a large set of results, how do I handle reviewing documents that are after the first 1,000,000? In other words, how do I handle getting to those documents in the pages that aren’t displayed?
Nextpoint upgraded our search functionality to ElasticSearch 7.6 in March 2020. With the upgrade came increased indexing/searching speeds (over 240%!), more stability, and the opportunity to continue to scale our search functionality as we move forward.
With this upgrade, we also applied a limitation on how high we can page in a set of results to ensure optimal performance is achieved. These are things like, letting you click “page 30 out of 40,000 pages”, using the next <-> previous page arrows, and how many documents you can move through in your search results.
Before the upgrade, the limit was 10,000 documents, but now, by default, that limit is set at 1,000,000 results in a set.
The limit of 1,000,000 documents will not impact bulk actions or exports. Those may be conducted on result sets of any size.
We do not expect this to be a common problem our users run into, but we do want to make sure we provide you solutions for navigating results when the returned amount exceeds 1,000,000 documents.
Options for handling 1,000,000+ results
- Apply a more restrictive search to reduce the overall set. Nextpoint search is extremely flexible in allowing you to quickly add/remove criteria to refine or expand your search. If you are looking at more than 1,000,000 search results, we highly suggest doing this to not only allow you to see all results but also to make your review more manageable.
- Utilize the Filter as opposed to the Search functionality, and you will be able to page beyond 1,000,000 results. This is due to the differences in how our search and filter functionality index documents.
If you do not yet have the documents sequestered in a folder, it is suggested you create a folder, run your particular search and then apply your folder to your results. You will then be able to filter for that folder and paginate beyond the first 1,000,000 resulting documents and/or you can take advantage of the "Not Reviewed for Relevancy" and "Not Reviewed for Privilege" columns (if in Review) in order to review every document in the folder until all have been reviewed. See screenshot below.
Additionally, if you opt to folder results exceeding 1,000,000, you then have the option to split the folder into more manageable sets, thus allowing for a closer review of all documents stemming from the original folder and/or batch assignments.
UTILIZE REVIEW METRICS AT FOLDER LEVEL: - Utilize the column sorting functionality to reverse your result display. When you run a search, the columns in your grid view can be sorted in ascending or descending order. If you start the review of your results in ascending order (alphabetically, numerically or by the order in which a folder/issue has been applied), and need to review the end of the results, you do have the option to resort in descending order and review from that point.
It is important to note, this option is limited to results of up to 20,000 documents, but can be used in conjunction with options 1 and 2 above.
FAQ: How do I review results of more than 1,000,000 documents?
If you are having difficulty seeing more than the first few lines of a transcript in Litigation, you likely need to add page breaks to the transcript file.
Steps to adding page breaks to a transcript file are outlined below:
- Install TextPad on your PC, if you do not already have it installed.
- Locate the original transcript file on your local drive, desktop, etc...
- Right click on the file name > Hover over Open with > Select Text Pad.
- In TextPad, navigate to View in the top navigation > select Visible Spaces.
- Navigate your cursor to the first page break location. The location of your first page break will be dependent on the location of the page number.
- For example, if your page numbers are at the top of each page, the first page break location will be immediately before the 0002 text pattern at the top of page 2.
- On the other hand, if your page numbers are at the bottom of each page, the first page break location will be immediately after the 0001 text pattern at the bottom of page 1.
- Add a page break by navigating to Edit > Insert > Page break.
- Next, use find and replace to find the page markers (in this case #### at the beginning of the page) and "Replace All" with a page break.
- Tip: In the find and replace pop-up, the formula you see for the "Find what" entry covers the specific formatting of our example (0001, 0002, 0003, etc...). Ultimately, you are telling the editor to find all 4 digit numbers at the beginning of the line, except for the first one 0001, and replace it with a page break and then the ####. If your page numbering pattern differs from the example above, such as two digit page numbers, your entry for "Find what" will also vary.
- You can also copy/paste the inserted page break from Step 5 to the "Replace with" section.
- Delete the extra page break previously added in Step 5.
- Save your revised transcript file.
- Re-import updated transcript file to database.
FAQ: I can't see all of my transcript text. What is wrong and how do I fix it?
How do I archive a database once a case is closed?
If you'd like to archive or delete any of your Nextpoint databases, please fill out this Data Archive Form.
When completing the form, you may opt to do one of the following:
Archive Database(s): Nextpoint continues to host the data (a fee may apply), but users do not have access to the database.
Delete Database(s): The database and all data in the database is deleted and not recoverable.
Export Database(s): All data in the database is exported by Nextpoint's Engagement Team. Please note, an additional fee will be incurred if Nextpoint performs this service for you.
For pricing and more information, please contact support@nextpoint.com.
FAQ: How do I archive or delete a database once a case is closed?
For the best Nextpoint experience, you'll want to make sure you're using a supported browser.
We highly recommend switching to the most recent version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
* Currently, Nextpoint supports Internet Explorer version 11 or later.
Nextpoint Supported Browsers
In Discovery
In Litigation
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Restoring Documents from the Trash
A "fuzzy search" can be used to retrieve matches that normally would have been "near misses".
A numeric value on the scale of 0-1 is used to indicate how liberal the included results should be. A value of "1.0" would mean "exact matches only, while a value of "0.0" would match everything (but would lead to significant performance issues).
The recommended range for a fuzzy search is from 0.5-0.9. Examples: With a "0.8" numeric value, a search for "plaintiff" would return documents containing "plaintifh" (perhaps a misspelling).
*Setup a Fuzzy Search in the Advanced Search feature.
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Performing a Fuzzy Search
Please note: Nextpoint has released File Room, a secure, easy drag and drop feature that will upload large sets of data. This change will make it easier for non-technical users to upload data to their Nextpoint database and remove the need for S3Fox for uploading. To learn more about your File Room, click here.
1. Using Firefox, browse to https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/s3fox/ and select "Download".
2. You will be taken to an add-on screen, click "Add to Firefox" to add the extension.
3. When the "Install Add-On" box appears, choose "Install Now".
4. Firefox will install the S3Fox add-on and alert you that Firefox needs to be restarted.
5. Restart Firefox.
Setting Up S3Fox
1. Open Firefox.
2. In the main Firefox menu, choose "Tools" then "S3 Organizer".
3. Click "Manage Accounts" in the upper left hand corner.
4. Fill in the "S3 Account Preferences" form. All of these credentials can be found by going to SETTINGS > Import tab in Nextpoint. They will be displayed in the File Room section.
- Account Name: Name this account any way you like
- Access Key: Use the access key found on your Import settings page in the Nextpoint application
- Secret Key: Use the secret key found on your Import settings page in the Nextpoint application
5. Click "Add".
6. Click "Close".
7. Enter the File Room path found on your Imports settings page in the Nextpoint application into the box that contains only "/" on the top right of the screen.
8. Press enter and the remote file list on the right hand side of the screen will refresh showing the files in your File Room.
9. You are now connected to your File and can begin transferring files.
10. When uploading files, click the right arrow on the interface and select "Upload/Set custom headers".
- In the Custom Headers field enter: x-amz-server-side-encryption:AES256
- Click "OK" to begin the upload.
Importing Your Documents into Nextpoint from S3Fox
Once these files have been transferred in S3Fox, they can be imported into Nextpoint by following the instructions below.
1. Select Import Files. (This will be in slightly different locations in Prep and Review):
Prep: DOCUMENTS > "Import Files"
Review: DATA > Import > "Import Files"
2. Click "Add File From File Room". For more information on using your File Room, click here.
3. Select the folder you would like to import, and click "Add selected file(s) to list". All of the files within the selected folder will be imported.
4. After the files appear on the right side, click "Finalize Selection".
5. When back to the main import screen, select "Import Files".
6. You will receive an email notification with the results. You may view the batch details by clicking Import/Export at the top of the landing page.
Using S3Fox to Transfer Files to Nextpoint
When you are creating a (custom) Field for your database, you have a few choices for the Input Type.
Outlined below, is a brief description of each available type of field which you can create, and an example as to how that type of field appears when you are coding.
Pick a date using a drop-down calendar. Since the dates are not added until the time of coding, you don't need to add any values. This is useful when sorting dates since dates in a freeform field will be sorted alphanumerically.
Enter any text you choose into a blank. Since it's freeform, you don't need to add any values.
A list of values to choose from, plus an "Add New" option for when your value is not (yet) in the list.
Locked List
A list of values without an "Add New" option. This is useful in the event that you need to create a list of values, but want to prevent further editing or adding of additional fields.
Freeform field that expands to display longer inputs (e.g. Attorney Notes or Document Summary). Since it's freeform, you don't need to add any values.
A list of values to choose from, allowing a user to select more than one applicable value.
Type in or select a value, then click to Add. Click the x to remove a value. To add new values, go to your settings and add them in to your hot fields.
Single Checkbox
Set a single value (e.g. Hot Doc).
Custom Field Input Types
Is there a restriction on the size of my files?
Although we can accept files up to 5GB in the Share Section, we recommend that you keep your file sizes smaller than 1GB. Keeping files more compact has it's advantages;
*Smaller files take less time to upload, populating your data quicker while reducing the chance of a network interruption disrupting your upload.
*For privacy and security reasons, some of our validation cannot be conducted until your file has been completely received by our systems. By avoiding extremely large files, you lessen the time before validation can occur.
Upload times seem to vary, why is that?
The largest obstacle to faster uploads is your network connection. In many cases uploads will be significantly faster at work (business lines are typically larger than at home). You may also notice a small performance boost when connected to the network by wire (vs. wireless).
Why is there additional processing time after my upload completes?
When your upload has completed, our server has received your entire file. At that point, final validation is performed before your file is cataloged and stored. During your upload we display an estimate of how much additional time this will take (after the upload status bar is full).
Can I navigate away from the upload screen before it completes?
No. Once an upload has started, navigating away from the upload page will cause any progress to be lost.
If you would like to continue working, open a new browser window or tab. You can continue your work there while your file upload window continues in the background.
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FAQ's on Uploading in the Share Section
When viewing a document, the original file(s) used to create the document are listed above the image. Clicking on the original file will allow you to download it, and view it if you have the appropriate software.
You can also choose the Three-dot menu > View original files to view the files in a pop-up window, and download them from there.
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Accessing Original (Native) Files
Field Character Limits are outlined below:
Shortcut - 500
Author - 255
Document Type - 255
Subject / Title - 1100
Custodian -255
Tags - 2000
[Custom] Paragraph fields - 2000
[Custom] Freeform fields - 2000
Designation Names - 100
Issue Names - 100
Folder Names - 100
Objection Names - 100
Need the character count expanded for any of the aforementioned fields? Contact your Account Director for further information.