FAQ: Can I Import Produced Data into a Discovery Database?



I received a large "data dump" from a producing party and would like to gain some initial insight into the contents of their production and preliminarily sequester potentially relevant document.  Can I import this data to a Discovery database so I can use the Analytics and relevancy components?


While users most commonly manage native client data in a Discovery database, we also see users apply the analytics and relevancy review components of a Discovery database to make an initial "relevant vs. not relevant" cull of a large production (100GB+) received from a producing party.

After the aforementioned initial analysis and review, you can then utilize Nextpoint Exchange to copy only documents you deemed relevant from your Discovery database to a new Litigation database.  

This workflow has been outlined below:

  1. Receive large data dump (typically categorized as 100GB, or more).
  2. Create a Discovery database via your Account Dashboard.
  3. Import your produced data to your Discovery database.
  4. Utilize the Analytics tab to gain insight to your data.
  5. Utilize bulk actions and individual document review coding to mark documents as relevant/not relevant using the responsive and not responsive coding options.
  6. Add your relevant documents to a folder in preparation for exchanging (copying)to a Litigation database.  This is helpful for tracking purposes if you supplement additional documents to your Litigation database at a later date.
  7. Use Nextpoint Exchange to copy documents from your Discovery database to a new Litigation database where you can further build your case story with your post-production documents and depositions, exhibit stamp, build chronologies, and create electronic document binders to be used in any case proceeding.

Have additional questions as you approach this workflow in Nextpoint?  Contact your Account Director and we'll help you get started.

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