Native Imports and Settings
- Generating a File Listing for Load File Creation
- Understanding Deduplication
- Collection Best Practices & Checklist
- How to Import Data in Nextpoint
- Import Types, Import Data Settings & Deduplication
- DeNIST Settings
- Assigning a Custodian to Your Data
- Using a Load File to Populate Folders & Responsive Issues
- Checking Import Status
- Building a Simple Load File
- Compiling a List of Files to Create a Load File
- How to Set Up an Email Attachment Index
OPTION A (If all files are in a single folder):
- Navigate to the source folder in Windows Explorer.
- Press Ctrl+A to select all the items.
- Hold down the Shift key, right-click on the selection and choose Copy as Path.
- Open your spreadsheet program and, paste (Ctrl+V) the list to it
- Open a command prompt on your computer
- CD into the folder with the files (or the folder that contains subfolders of files) by typing “cd “ and pasting in the path to the folder from the File Explorer.
- Type the command:
dir /a /s /b > FILES.csv
Generating a File Listing for Load File Creation
Deduplication at the time of import prevents existing documents and email families from entering your database multiple times. The deduplication settings selected in the import workflow determine the definition of 'Duplicate' for the import batch at-hand.
When deduplication is turned off at the time of import, no deduplication will occur and all files will be imported.
How do I set Deduplication Settings?
When importing data via, Nextpoint will make pre-set recommendations for Deduplication settings in Step 2 of the import workflow. The dedupe selections will be populated based on which type of data is detected from the File Room (or selected in Step 1).
If you would like to modify the recommended settings, make sure the applicable toggle is turned ON and click the gear to open the settings pop-up.
Location of Deduplication Settings
How to Modify Recommended Deduplication Settings
Upon clicking on the gear icon , you will be presented with the option to toggle File match criteria and Context Criteria ON
or OFF
. Read more below on how File Match and Context Criteria factor into the deduplication process.
Default Deduplication Settings per Import Type
Outlined below is a list of the various import types and their associated deduplication settings:
Import Type | Deduplication Setting | Image from Import Data Settings |
Manual | Dedupe - OFF | |
Single Mailbox | Dedupe - ON , File Match - ON , Context - ON |
Multiple Files | Dedupe - ON , File Match - ON , Context - ON |
Production with load file | Dedupe - OFF |
How does Deduplication work?
1 | First, you queue your files for processing by initiating an import. See the three different file types queued for processing on the far left in Figure 1 (above).
2 | Once you initiate an import, Nextpoint begins processing by extracting files from their containers (zips, pst, box), extracting any attachments from their parent emails, and extracting metadata.
3 | Next, is the First Deduplication Pass on all three file types where we look for a matching expansive hash for all the file types.
- If a loose file, expansive hash is the MD5 hash value.
- If an email family, expansive hash is formulated from the MD5s of all members of the email family.
Once an expansive hash is identified, we compare to other files being processed and existing in the database. Any matches are placed in a Dedupe Queue. Loose files without a match are imported.
4 | Also during the First Deduplication Pass, all remaining email files not placed in the dedupe queue due to matching expansive hash are checked for matching Message ID's.
Again, we look for matches against what already exists in the database and other files currently being processed. If we find a matching set, we add to the Dedupe Queue. If no match is found, the file is imported.
Note: Turn File Match Criteria ON for more aggressive deduplication using expansive hash and email message ID, as describe below. Turn OFF
to deduplicate more conservatively and only consider Content Hash matches duplicates.
5 | Next, we address the Dedupe Queue.
- If Context is OFF, we take everything in the Dedupe Queue and merge field values which may conflict (e.g. file_path of file A is different than file B). We keep the first copy of the file which entered the database and discard the other(s).
If Context is ON, we take any sets of duplicates* and handle field value conflicts accordingly:
If fields from our Conflict Field List do not match in a set of duplicates, we keep both files, remove from the Dedupe Queue and import both.
If there are no conflicts present in the Conflict fields: - We evaluate fields from our Merge Field List. If any Merge Field does not match in a set of duplicates*, we keep one copy of the file, merge the mismatched values into the respective field, and discard the last copy to enter the database.
- We evaluate fields from our Ignore Field List. If any Ignore Field does not match in a set of duplicates, we do nothing with the fields and only keep the first copy of the file which entered the database.
If fields from our Conflict Field List do not match in a set of duplicates, we keep both files, remove from the Dedupe Queue and import both.
*Duplicates can be considered two files within the same import OR a single file in an import being compared to a file existing in the database.
author | document_last_author | email_sent |
bcc | document_subject | email_subject |
created_date_time | email_author | last_print_date |
document_author | email_message_id | modified_date_time |
document_date | email_reply_id | key_document |
cc | file_path | recipients |
custodians | mailbox_file | root_folder |
file_name | mailbox_path | shortcut |
All User Generated Fields
Default Fields not on Merge/Conflict Lists
app_name | confidentiality_status | expansive_hash | privileged_status |
batch_id | created_on | has_markups | redaction_notes |
bates_end | delete_at_gmt | highlight_notes | relevancy_status |
bates_range_end | document_title | id | supported_filetype |
bates_range_start | document_properties | npcase_id | title |
bates_stamped | document_type | number | updated_at_gmt |
bates_start | email_received | page_notes | user_id |
billing_size | encrypted | prefix | verified_page_count |
Note: All deduplication is considered at a family-level. If after a loose file is added to your case, that same file is added, but as part of a larger email family (or vice versa), no deduplication will occur.
Understanding Deduplication
Data collection can be the most complex and technically rigorous of all eDiscovery phases.
It involves the extraction of potentially relevant electronically stored information from its native source into a separate, secure repository for review. The collection process should be comprehensive without being over-inclusive. It should preserve the integrity of the data, the chain of custody and authenticity of the documents - all while not disrupting the organization or individual’s operations.
Managing Modern Data Collections
Don't begin ediscovery collections without this comprehensive, strategic guidebook.
General Considerations for Collections
- Consider and understand your source(s): Identify your key custodians, where their data is located, and the accessibility of that information (e.g. do you need a username and password to access?). Certain source types may require special considerations when collecting to ensure you collect the entirety of the data set. For example, when collecting emails, you may want to collect both server and local copies to ensure all emails are collected.
- Consider your collection method: In conjunction with the above consideration of the who, what and where for your different sources, it is also important to consider how you will collect from each source. Outlined below are three different approaches for collections:
- Employee self-collection (riskiest): Most employees aren’t technically savvy and are highly likely to make errors or overlook key documents. Several courts have also questioned whether employee self-collection constitutes a ‘defensible’ eDiscovery response.
- IT collection: Understand the data and technology landscape and possess the technical skill to extract everything needed, but ensure they are provided with clear guidance from the legal team on what specifically to target (otherwise, more likely to collect very broadly)
- External collection: An outside expert is likely to have proven procedures and the necessary tools and skill to perform a collection that will withstand the highest levels of judicial scrutiny.
- Collect only what you need: More data collected means more data to process, and ultimately to review. And that all adds up to more money spent on eDiscovery. Instead, develop strong preservation and early case assessment processes, and target your collections so that you are only collecting the potentially relevant ESI—nothing more or less.
- Be Proactive: It’s always in your best interest—financially and procedurally—to be proactive in assessing your needs and determining if outside resources will be needed. Even if outside assistance or experts ultimately are not needed, it’s important to give your internal IT team early notice that a big project is potentially looming, so they can plan resources accordingly.
- Phase Your Collections: In a phased collection strategy, data is prioritized so that only the highly relevant data is collected immediately. Less relevant data is collected only when absolutely needed.
- Avoid Collecting Archived Mailboxes: Whenever possible, you should try to avoid collecting from mailboxes in an archived state as doing so can produce unexpected email metadata information, especially when coming from Microsoft 365. For example, if a sender's email address is, it could be reflected incorrectly in an archived state as instead.
Tactical Best Practices
- Collected Mailbox File Size: Nextpoint recommends keeping your collected mailbox files (e.g. PST, Mbox, etc..) under 10 GB when possible, with a maximum file size of 20GB. Doing so will speed up processing, lesson chances of corruption, and improve error correction when needed. If you have more than the recommended size to collect, it is suggested the data is segmented into smaller sets prior to or during collection.
- If the client is self-collecting, it is recommended they do not forward data to you via email as attachments. Utilize Nextpoint’s request files instead to ensure you maintain an accurate and easily traceable chain of custody.
- Maintain clear custodian ownership when collecting so that information can be effectively assigned during import (e.g. avoid a mass collection across multiple custodians into one pst/mbox).
- For remote collections, consider how it will be accomplished, if you have custodians login information, and timing of collection. This ensures the mailbox custodian will have as little downtime as possible.
- Maintain clear organization in the File Room. This will ease the import and subsequent quality control processes when moving your data from the File Room into your Nextpoint database.
- If you are working with text messages, consider how you would like to organize and review the data prior to collection (e.g. do you want a separate document for each message or a spreadsheet with all of them or both or something in-between like a single spreadsheet for each conversation). These requirements may affect your collection method.
- If you are working with data from proprietary software, that proprietary software will likely be necessary if you would like to review images of the files. It is important to consider if the party collecting these files can obtain an image during the collection process and/or if an image will need to be generated post-collection. For more information on Nextpoint’s Custom Imaging Services, please contact
Collections Checklist
- What parties are involved?
- What deadlines have been agreed upon, to date?
- Have any preservation steps been taken?
- Who are your key custodians and where are they located?
- Do any of the identified custodians have direct IT resources available?
- What are each custodian's key sources (e.g. Email, phone, tablet, company server, etc.?)
- How accessible are each identified key source (e.g. password protection)?
- Which collection method is preferred/necessary for each source? (e.g. self v. external v. remote )
- Do you anticipate the authenticity of any evidence may come into question during the course of your matter?
- Is there a priority hierarchy that can be created from all identified custodians and their respective sources?
- Are there any parameters to be applied at the time of collection (e.g. date range)?
Collection Best Practices & Checklist
Smarter, Simpler, Faster.
At the end of 2020, we rolled out significant enhancements to the Nextpoint import experience in all databases. This update (phase 1 of 3) makes it easy to kick off an import from your File Room, and subsequent import steps are simpler and more streamlined. We built in a new guided workflow and recommended import settings aligned with the type of data you're importing.
In January 2021, we released load file mapping (phase 2) for produced data imports and metadata overlays (phase 3) will be released in Q1 of 2021. Stay tuned!
Table of Contents
- Upload data to Nextpoint File Room
- Select files for import from Nextpoint File Room
- Confirm Import Data Settings
- Initiate import
- Review import results
- Import FAQ's
Imports available to users with Advanced user permissions, only.
How to Import in Nextpoint
Upload Data to Nextpoint File Room
The first step to importing in Nextpoint, is to upload your data to the File Room. File Room is a secure ‘data-bank’ for storing all your confidential files in your database, and comes with a built-in, high-speed, multi-file uploader to get data into Nextpoint quickly and efficiently.
To get started uploading your data to the File Room:
*It is important to note, if you are importing Produced Data, before uploading to the File Room, we recommend you follow our similar topic which covers How to Import Produced Data with a Load File.
Navigate to the File Room: In Discovery databases, via DATA > File Room. In Litigation databases, via MORE > Data > File Room.
Upload your files to the File Room via one of the four following options:
a) Upload a folder of files via Drag & DropThe primary, and recommended, function for uploading data to your File Room.
Select the folder(s) on your desktop, thumb drive, or other location, and Drag & Drop into your File Room. All contents and subdirectory information will be maintained.
b) Upload loose files via Drag & DropWithin the File Room, click the green Create Folder, name your folder, and select OK.
Click into your newly created folder, and drag and drop your loose files into the folder location.
Maintaining an organizational system for your data uploads will help ensure you can best track your various imports as time progresses.
c) Upload an individual file via Browse Files buttonWithin the File Room, click the blue Browse Files button and select the file from the directory prompt.
Note: This option only allows upload of one file at a time (loose file, .zip, mailbox archive).
d) Request file upload from third partyYou can securely Request Files from any third party (clients, counsel, etc...) from your Nextpoint File Room. It is a simple process in which you ("requestor") request files from a specified third-party, the "recipient" of that request receives a secure link to upload their respective files, and then you can access the uploaded files right away.
Read more on requesting from third parties here >>
After you initiate your upload in the step above, the data will begin to upload and the status of the upload will be displayed on your screen.
It is important you do not navigate away from the File Room during an active upload. This will cancel the ongoing upload, and you will need to delete all files from the File Room which were interrupted during upload and begin again.
Need to keep working on other action items? Open a new tab or duplicate your current tab and you are set!
Read our File Room Best Practices here >>
2 - Select Files for Import
Once your data has been successfully uploaded to the File Room, you can select that data directly from the File Room to initiate the guided import sequence.
To select your data for import:
- Click the blue Import button next to any folder in the File Room, or
- Check boxes next to individual files and click Import Selected.
When initiating your import from the File Room, Nextpoint will detect the type of data you selected (single mailbox, loose files, or produced data with a load file) and will automatically set such in the first step of the guided import sequence.
Alternative option for selecting files for import
While selecting files for Import from the File Room, as described above, it is the recommended workflow for initiating your imports, you may also initiate your import via DATA > Imports.
The difference you will notice in starting from this location will be the added Import Type selection in Step 1. After making this selection, you will meet the 'Import from File Room' sequence at Step 2, Import Data Settings.
Read more on Import Types here >>
3 - Import Data Settings
Once your files have been selected for import, you will be navigated to the second step of the import sequence, Import Data Settings. Here, you will verify and/or outline settings applicable to your current import.
Importing Produced Data with a Load File? Reference our topic on importing produced data here >>
Import Data Settings include the following:
Type of Import: If you initiated your import from the File Room, verify the Type of Import selected. To modify the import type, click the pencil icon
and you will be returned to Step 1 of the sequence to make your selection.
Selected Files for Import: If you initiated your import from the File Room, verify the selected files. To modify your selection, click the folder icon
to access the pop-up file picker which is populated by the File Room contents.
- Batch Name: Recommended for most efficient tracking once the data has been imported.
Assign Custodian on Import: Search list of existing custodians or add new via the profile + icon
Add to Folder on Import: Search list of existing folders or add new via the folder + icon
Deduplication and DeNIST Detection: Pre-set recommendations for Deduplication and DeNIST settings will be populated based on which type of data is detected from the File Room (or selected in Step 1).
If you would like to modify the recommended settings, make sure the applicable toggle is turned onand click the gear to open the settings pop-up.
Complete list of Import Types and associated Deduplication + DeNIST settings outlined below:
Import Type | Deduplication Setting | DeNIST Setting |
Manual | Dedupe - OFF | DeNIST - OFF |
Single Mailbox | Dedupe - ON , File Match - ON , Context - ON | DeNIST - OFF |
Multiple Files | Dedupe - ON , File Match - ON , Context - ON | DeNIST - ON , Tag-ON |
Production with load file | Dedupe - OFF | DeNIST - OFF |
Read more on Import Data Settings here >>
4 - Initiate Import
After the aforementioned steps are complete, click blue Import button at the bottom right of the Import Data Settings page.
This will initiate import processing and navigate you to the Batch details page. You will receive email when processing of the import is complete.
5 - Review Import Results
Prior to beginning work with your imported data, it is strongly encouraged you review and verify your import results once you receive the email notification that your import is complete.
- If you imported produced data, first run Family Linking on the import batch. This will ensure any parent emails and their attachments are associated in the database.
- Check import status & resolve any processing errors. Making sure to resolve any issues as early as possible will mitigate a lot of clean up later on when you may be in a time crunch.
- Verify any folder assignment outlined in the Import Data Settings was accurately applied. To do so, navigate to the REVIEW or DOCUMENTS tabs (in Discovery and Litigation, respectively), and ensure the document count is expected and files are in Bates order. If no Bates, files should be organized in the folder in chronological order.
Import FAQs
- What file types does Nextpoint accept?
- Is there a restriction on the size of my files?
- Do I have to load by custodian?
- Import times seem to vary, why is that?
- How do I check my import’s status?
- What does my error mean?
- Why are my email times displayed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) when imaged in Nextpoint?
- Why is there a load file in my File Room after I imported loose files?
How to Import Data in Nextpoint
Below, we take a closer look at the different Import Types and Import Data Settings components of our improved import experience. Click here to review the complete guided import workflow.
Table of Contents
Imports available to users with Advanced user permissions, only.
Import Types
When importing data into Nextpoint, there are four different Import Types. Each import type has corresponding pre-set recommendations for Deduplication and DeNIST settings.
If you initiate the import process by selecting your files from the File Room, Nextpoint will detect the type of data you selected (single mailbox, loose files, or produced data with load file) and will automatically set such in Step 1 of the guided import workflow, and you will be navigated to Step 2, Import Data Settings.
If you initiate the import process by navigating to DATA Imports, you will be navigated to Step 1 to make your Import Type selection. Since you have not yet selected your files for import, Nextpoint needs to know what type of data you intend to import. After making this selection, you will meet the 'Import selected files from File Room' workflow at Step 2, Import Data Settings.
A closer look at the different Import Types
Single Mailbox
Any single mailbox container file (pst, mbox).
Our recommended best practice is to import one mailbox at a time. You may import multiple mailboxes at once, but your import will be recognized as a Multiple Files Import Type. Please note, only one custodian assignment is allowed per import batch, so consider keeping mailbox imports limited to one custodian per batch, at the minimum.
Multiple Files
Any single non-mailbox file, any selection of multiple loose files (including pdfs, office files, mailboxes and archives), or any folder that does not contain a nextpoint_load_file.csv in the first level.
Production with Load File
Any folder containing a load file titled nextpoint_load_file.csv in the first level.
Our recommended best practice for production data sets is to upload to the File Room unzipped. If you upload a zipped production, then it will be considered a Multiple Files Import Type.
Any type of file selection. This import type will be most applicable with the upcoming release of our load file mapper. While we are simplifying the load file mapping process, we recognize some users may have existing workflows for produced data imports which they would like to maintain and bypass the load file mapper.
Import Data Settings & Deduplication
Once your files have been selected for import, you will be navigated to Step 2 of the import sequence, Import Data Settings. Here, you will verify and/or outline settings applicable to your current import.
Import Data Settings include the following:
- Type of Import: If you initiated your import from the File Room, verify the Type of Import selected. To modify the import type, click the pencil icon
and you will be returned to Step 1 of the sequence to make your selection.
- Selected Files for Import: If you initiated your import from the File Room, verify the selected files. To modify your selection, click the folder icon
to access the pop-up file picker which is populated by the File Room contents.
- Batch Name: Recommended for most efficient tracking once the data has been imported.
- Assign Custodian on Import: Search list of existing custodians or add new via the profile + icon
- Add to Folder on Import: Search list of existing folders or add new via the folder + icon
- Deduplication and DeNIST Detection: Pre-set recommendations for Deduplication and DeNIST settings will be populated based on which type of data is detected from the File Room (or selected in Step 1).
If you would like to modify the recommended settings, make sure the applicable toggle is turned onand click the gear to open the settings pop-up.
Continue below for a complete list of Import Types and associated Deduplication + DeNIST settings.
A closer look at Deduplication and DeNIST Detection
Complete list of Import Types and associated Deduplication + DeNIST settings outlined below:
Import Type | Deduplication Setting | DeNIST Setting |
Manual | Dedupe - OFF | DeNIST - OFF |
Single Mailbox | Dedupe - ON , File Match - ON , Context - ON | DeNIST - OFF |
Multiple Files | Dedupe - ON , File Match - ON , Context - ON | DeNIST - ON , Tag-ON |
Production with load file | Dedupe - OFF | DeNIST - OFF |
Deduplication at the time of import prevents existing documents and email families from entering your database multiple times. The deduplication settings selected in the import workflow determine the definition of 'Duplicate' for the import batch at-hand.
When deduplication is turned off at the time of import, no deduplication will occur and all files will be imported.
How does Deduplication work?
1 | First, you queue your files for processing by initiating an import. See the three different file types queued for processing on the far left in Figure 1 (above).
2 | Once you initiate an import, Nextpoint begins processing by extracting files from their containers (zips, pst, box), extracting any attachments from their parent emails, and extracting metadata.
3 | Next is the First Deduplication Pass on all three file types where we look for a matching expansive hash for all the file types.
- If a loose file, expansive hash is the MD5 hash value.
- If an email family, expansive hash is formulated from the MD5s of all members of the email family.
Once an expansive hash is identified, we compare to other files being processed and existing in the database. Any matches are placed in a Dedupe Queue. Loose files without a match are imported.
4 | Also during the First Deduplication Pass, all remaining email files not placed in the dedupe queue due to matching expansive hash are checked for matching Message ID's.
Again, we look for matches against what already exists in the database and other files currently being processed. If we find a matching set, we add to the Dedupe Queue. If no match is found, the file is imported.
Note: Turn File Match Criteria ON for more aggressive deduplication using expansive hash and email message ID, as describe below. Turn OFF
to deduplicate more conservatively and only consider Content Hash matches duplicates.
5 | Next, we address the Dedupe Queue.
- If Context is OFF, we take everything in the Dedupe Queue and merge field values which may conflict (e.g. file_path of file A is different than file B). We keep the first copy of the file which entered the database and discard the other(s).
- If Context is ON, we take any sets of duplicates* and handle field value conflicts accordingly:
- If fields from our Conflict Field List do not match in a set of duplicates, we keep both files, remove from the Dedupe Queue and import both.
If there are no conflicts present in the Conflict fields: - We evaluate fields from our Merge Field List. If any Merge Field does not match in a set of duplicates*, we keep one copy of the file, merge the mismatched values into the respective field, and discard the last copy to enter the database.
- We evaluate fields from our Ignore Field List. If any Ignore Field does not match in a set of duplicates, we do nothing with the fields and only keep the first copy of the file which entered the database.
- If fields from our Conflict Field List do not match in a set of duplicates, we keep both files, remove from the Dedupe Queue and import both.
*Duplicates can be considered two files within the same import OR a single file in an import being compared to a file existing in the database.
author | document_last_author | email_sent |
bcc | document_subject | email_subject |
created_date_time | email_author | last_print_date |
document_author | email_message_id | modified_date_time |
document_date | email_reply_id |
cc | file_path | recipients |
custodians | mailbox_file | root_folder |
file_name | mailbox_path | shortcut |
All User Generated Fields
Default Fields not on Merge/Conflict Lists
app_name | confidentiality_status | expansive_hash | privileged_status |
batch_id | created_on | has_markups | redaction_notes |
bates_end | delete_at_gmt | highlight_notes | relevancy_status |
bates_range_end | document_title | id | supported_filetype |
bates_range_start | document_properties | npcase_id | title |
bates_stamped | document_type | number | updated_at_gmt |
bates_start | email_received | page_notes | user_id |
billing_size | encrypted | prefix | verified_page_count |
Note: All deduplication is considered at a family-level. If after a loose file is added to your case, that same file is added, but as part of a larger email family (or vice versa), no deduplication will occur.
DeNIST Detection
DeNIST provides a way to filter known, unnecessary files from uploaded data. During import and processing, files are checked against the National Institute of Standards and Technology Reference Library and matching documents are removed from the upload.
When DeNIST Detection is turned on, there are two options to consider:
Tagging: Files found to match a DeNIST record will be imported and processed as usual, but will be assigned an additional "NIST" tag.
Filtering: Files found to match a DeNIST record will be removed entirely from imports.
To return to the complete import workflow, click here >>
Import Types, Import Data Settings & Deduplication
DeNIST provides a way to filter known, unnecessary files from imported data, helping to keep your data amounts to a minimum and keeping files which are of no evidentiary value out of your review.
In Step 2 of the importing process, you will be able to toggle DeNIST settings on/off.
If you choose to Disable DeNIST detection, no NIST file detection will be performed and all files will be imported and processed.
If you want DeNIST Detection to run, you can configure which option you'd like by clicking :
- Tagged - Files found to match a NIST record will be imported and processed as usual, but will be assigned an additional "NIST" tag so that they can be examined further.
- Filtered - Files found to match a NIST record will be removed entirely from imports, and will not be a part of your review.
Return to Discovery Workflow
DeNIST Settings
The custodian is the individual with administrative control of a document or electronic file. For example, the custodian of an email is the owner of the mailbox which contains the message. The custodian of loose documents is typically the owner of the computer or server where the documents originated.
A Custodian is assigned to a data set during import. It is important to apply the custodian to a set of data set so users can:
- Analyze, search and isolate documents for particular custodian(s), and
- Include this information in a production export
Read more below on Master Custodian, Dupe Custodian and All Custodians
How to assign a Custodian during import
You can assign a custodian to your data set on import via Step 2 of the Nextpoint Import Workflow, Import Data Settings. Once in the Import Data Settings, you can select and existing custodian or create new in the 5th input.
If a custodian is not applied upon import or was applied incorrectly, you can add, edit, or delete this information by navigating to SETTINGS Import Custodian:
Once a new custodian has been added, this information ca be applied to a data set by selecting the files and utilizing the bulk actions feature.
Master, Dupe and All Custodians
When Custodians are applied during import, via bulk action, or at the document-level, Nextpoint will maintain which custodian is the Master Custodian and which custodians are Dupe Custodians.
Master Custodian is the first custodian assigned to a document while Dupe (or duplicate) Custodians are those assigned when the same document is deduplicated during processing. The Master and Dupe Custodians combined equal what we refer to as All Custodians.
Viewing Master and Dupe Custodians in your database
When viewing any document in your database, the Custodians section of the coding panel will display all custodians assigned to a document. When viewing, the Master Custodian will be bolded and the Dupe Custodians are selected, but not bold.
If you were to remove the Master Custodian assignment for any reason, the next assigned custodian will assume the position of Master Custodian.
Exporting Master, Dupe and All Custodians in a Load File
Upon export, you can include Master Custodian, Dupe Custodians, and (all) Custodians in your metadata load file template.
Assigning a Custodian to Your Data
You can use your nextpoint_load_file.csv to automatically assign your incoming documents with folders, or responsive issues.
First, make sure the folder or issue you are going to use has been created in your Nextpoint Discovery (see: Creating a Folder in Discovery, or Creating a Responsive Issue in Discovery).
If you are using the folder called "Today's Production" with the abbreviation TP, you'll need to add two columns to your load file, with the headers np_folder_prefix & np_folder_position. In the rows below, use the abbreviation of your desired folder, and the number you want to assign to each document.
If you'd like to include mapping for responsive issues as well: if you are using responsive issues titled "Environmental" and "Chemical", with the abbreviations/prefixes ENV & CHEM, add a column for each issue to your load file titled with the abbreviation/prefix of the issue. In the rows below, use the value Y (yes) to apply the issues to documents accordingly (you can also use yes, t, true, x, or *).
* When importing documents that will be processed by extraction into more documents (e.g. a .pst file), you should not try to add a folder using a load file, since there is not a one-to-one relationship between the documents in the load file and the number of documents after processing.
Return to Discovery Workflow
Using a Load File to Populate Folders & Responsive Issues
* This functionality is available for Advanced users only.
* There is no page limit for any one document that is imported to Nextpoint.
When a document batch is uploaded/imported, Nextpoint automatically reports the actions taken during the import, as well as any follow up needed and/or warnings that have been triggered.
To view the details of your import batch navigate to the Imports tab and click on the Batch Name:
On the Batch Report page, you will see four tabs: Details, PST Processing, Pending Nextpoint QA and Warnings:
Details: A summary of all items processed, documents created, and any other processing actions that were executed normally during the import.
PST Processing: This tab contains a processing summary for all PST files in your batch. If there are any PST errors, they are named and the exact locations of the errors (i.e. Inbox, Drafts, Deleted Items) are listed.
- PST File Summaries report the count of all files in the PST (total), and the count of files in each directory contained in the PST.
- PST Errors report the count of files not extracted or processed from the PST, and their location.
PST Error Solution
Nextpoint is able to process most PST files. If you have received a PST Error in your Batch Report, there is likely a corruption within the PST and at least one files has not been extracted correctly. The PST file most likely needs to be repaired and uploaded again.
To repair a PST you can follow this short tutorial from Microsoft: How to repair your Outlook PST. Please make sure to make a backup copy of the original PST file before attempting repair.
If the unextracted files within the PST have occurred in locations that are of no consequence to your review, (e.g. Calendar, Tasks, etc.) you may choose to ignore the errors and proceed. We urge you to please review the errors carefully before continuing.
If you need additional assistance, please contact Nextpoint support at
Pending Nextpoint QA: Processing anomalies are reported here. Nextpoint engineers will need to take action to resolve these issues. Any issues that cannot be resolved by our team and require user action will be moved to the Warnings tab for further investigation by the end user.Please reach out to to inquire about this type of error.
Warnings: Processing warnings are reported here.
Here is a list of the Warnings that we see most frequently, as well as the suggested solutions you can employ to resolve them. Other import warnings and their potential solutions can be found in the Common Import Warnings Support Article or you can email and we will take a closer look.
- File required too much memory to process or document had too many pages to process: When processing fails for these reasons, it typically is due to corruption, complexity, password protection or sheer size of the file. In most situations it is just not practical, or even possible - to process these files into a document image.
- Extracted page count didn't match expectation: This is typically similar to the previous warning, except the import made a bit more progress—enough to know that we expected to receive some document pages, but during processing the file was found to be corrupt, very large/complex or password protected—and could not be processed as expected.
- An error occurred converting document to PDF: These are typically unsupported file types, but processing was attempted because the file extension wasn't in our file type blacklist. This error could also be due to corrupt/large/complex/password protected files.
- Couldn't convert uploaded image to PNG: These are normally images with a strange makeup. Most frequently it's seen on small, busy graphics (complex company logos, etc). Most commonly, this error occurs for images that would not be sought via search or likely to be reviewed.
- Break the file up into smaller documents.
- Remove password protection from the file.
- If the file is corrupt, attempt to re-save the file.
- Many image processing errors can be resolved by printing the file to PDF.
- Check your load file for consistent bates_start/bates_end values. Because of the way our system processes images, if these numbers are not the same length and/or sequential our system cannot appropriately process those document's images.
Current Document Count
Additional information about the import can be found on the right side of the batch import screen. The chart at the bottom of that section indicates the number of Unique, Duplicate, and Total Documents are included in this batch. These numbers update with every subsequent batch (so duplicates between batches 1 and 2 will be indicated on the charts contained on both batches 1 and 2 Batch Status screens. These links are also hot links and will run a search of the unique, duplicate, or total documents contained in that batch when clicked.
Checking Import Status
If you need to create a simple load file to assist with importing, it's easy, just follow these steps:
- Get a list of the documents you want to upload, along with any file path information. Check out this topic to generate a file directory that looks like this:
- You will need the relative file path for your files, so if necessary, do a Find and Replace in your text editor to remove the extra pathing information. For this example, we are going to place the finished load file in the VOL0001 folder, so our pathing should look like this:
- Open Excel and create a new spreadsheet.
- At the top, enter a column header for image_file. If your documents are named by the starting Bates number, enter a header for bates_start as well.
- Each following row will be for an individual document, so copy the file name with relative path information in the image_file column. It should look something like this:
- Save your spreadsheet as a .csv file in the same root folder as your documents
- Upload the entire folder to the file room.
- Click on the "Imports" tab, and click the blue "Import Files" button.
- Select the option for "Manual" import type.
- Click the folder icon next to the "Files" field. Check the box next to the folder in your file room that contains both the load file and the files for import.
- Name the Import and select a folder for it (optional) and click the blue import button.
If you use the load file mapper instead of running a manual import, you need to add a column in between the image_file column and the bates_start column in your load file. There is a glitch with the mapper that will skip the second column in a load file used for an image_file import. When mapping fields, simply skip the "skipper" column and map the subsequent fields accordingly.
Building a Simple Load File
To create a load file, you will need a list of files to include, and if applicable, the folders that they reside in. If you don't have this information in a list, you can easily create one.
- Right Click on the Root Folder, select "Open Command Window Here"
- If your PC does not have this option, download the plugin at
- In Windows 7, you may need to hold the CTRL key to get this option.
- In Windows 10, replace this step (1) with clicking in the search bar and typing
. You may then move forward with the remainder of the steps described below.
- A command window will appear. On the Command Line, type the following: dir /b /s /a-d >>list.txt
- This will create a text file called “list.txt” in the root folder, that contains all the path information for each file and folder within the root folder that looks like this:
- Open "list.txt" in a text editor and do a Find and Replace to remove the extra pathing information, and you'll have a list of all the files in the folder, and their subfolder pathing, if necessary.
- Use this list to create a load file for your documents. Click here for information on how to create a simple load file.
- Open the utility, Terminal
- Type "find" (be sure to include the space) then drag the folder you want a list from.
- Terminal will give you a list of all the file names and pathing information for the folder, that you can copy and paste into a text editor to get in the format needed for your load file.
Compiling a List of Files to Create a Load File
An email attachment index occurs on import. All imaged emails with attachments will contain an index of those attached files in the email header. Changing this setting in your database will only apply to future imports.
NOTE: In any new database (Discovery or Litigation), the Attachment Index's default setting is ENABLED.
Modifying Email Attachment Index
To disable the attachment index on all future imports in Discovery go to SETTINGS > Import. These same settings can be found in Litigation via More > SETTINGS > Import.
Scroll down to the find the Attachment Index on Email Images settings box and click Edit.
To change the attachment index settings, click Disable Attachment Index.
Below is an example of how the index will display on an imaged email when attachments are present. Shown in the document viewer screen.